DDM- He takes your pacifier off you and you throw a tantrum

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DDM- He takes your pacifier off you and you throw a tantrum

Writer: baconpancakes94 (wattpad)

ages 2-3
"Alright baby, now, you're getting a bit too old for dummies, okay? So daddy's gonna take it." He explains. You were always used to having your dummy with you, so how would he handle it? "No!" You stomp your foot down, snatching the pacifier out from his hand. He gives you a stern look, holding out his hand. "Give it back, Y/N." You shake your head, your pacifier hanging loosely from your lips. Liam sighs and pulls it gently but quickly away from your mouth, placing it in his pocket. You pout and start to cry, stomping your feet sassily. You dropped to the floor onto your bum, continuing to kick your feet and cry. "Sweetheart?" Liam sighed, his pink plump lips pulled together in worry and desperation. He hated seeing you cry, but he needed to take away your pacifier, you were getting too old for it. "Don't cry okay? How about this, here listen." He grins lightly as he sits down, pulling you softly in front of him, and wiping away your tears. "We can give your dummy to Santa, and then he'll give you an extra present! How about it?" Liam beamed, and you widened your eyes and nodded. "Plus, you'll be a big girl if you give it to him." Liam says, chuckling lightly at your reaction. "Yes, yes, yes, daddy! I be big girl!" You giggle, hugging him. "Good. Now how about we go clean up and we can watch Frozen?"

Zayn: "But daddy, no!" You cried, reaching for your dummy but he shook his head. "You can't, alright baby? Remember what me and mummy said?" Zayn asks you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "But I want my dummy!" You screamed, jumping around and crying. Zayn huffed, placing the dummy on the kitchen counter, somewhere you couldn't reach. "Listen, baby girl." Your dad gently took you in his arms, wiping away your tears and cooing down at you. "Don't cry alright? Aren't you a big girl?" He questions, and you nod rapidly. "Me very big girl!" You agree, and he grins. "And big girls don't have dummies, alright? We can give it to the.. Big Girl fairy!" Zayn chuckles and makes up something quickly. "She'll look after it for you, yeah?" You nod and smile, the very same features you took on from your dad which everyone mentioned appearing. "Yeah daddy!" You clap, and he beams at you. Without warning, he starts to tickle you, placing sloppy pecks and kisses on your cheeks. "Daddy! Stop, your beard tickles!" You laugh at the feeling as you dad's stubble tickles you too. "Alright, baby girl. Just don't cry anymore, okay?"

Harry: HIS POV:
I watched as the pout on her lips grew, her green eyes and loose curls demonstrating how she really did look like me. I sighed and I immediately expected it, she'd done this before. "Please, baby. Hand it to daddy?" I asked, holding my hand out to get YN's pacifier, she was getting too old for it. "No!" She huffed, shoving the dummy in her mouth, crossing her arms and turning away from me. "Please?" I pleaded. "No!" She shrieked, starting to cry and throw a tantrum. Now I was the one who pouted. "Please don't be sad baby, or mad. Daddy needs to give it to a special, erm, fairy, and she'll turn you into a big girl!" I grinned widely and she turned to face me, grinning too, wiping away her tears and her dimples indented exactly where mine were. "Really? Promise?" She nodded, slowly, pulling it out of her mouth. "I promise." She handed the dummy to me, and I smiled widely. "Give daddy a hug, baby?" I beamed, and she hugged me tightly, making me happy.

Louis, HIS POV:
YN was a lot like me, emotionally and physically. So she was always a happy and funny person, even for a two year old. Although, she wasn't being exactly happy right now. In fact, she was throwing a tantrum. I watched her for a while, letting her relieve herself and cry it all out, but clearly it wasn't working, since she continued to cry. "YN Y/M/N Tomlinson!" I snap, and she cries harder. Sighing, I kneel down to the small girls crying body, picking her up and settling her down on my lap as I sit on the sofa. "Don't cry, please. Big girls don't need dummies!" I explained, and she nodded. "I'll give it to you, but only at nighttime okay?" I wipe her tears away, her big blue eyes still filled with tears and I coo. "Okay daddy. I sorry, cuddle?" She perked up and I nodded, chuckling and cuddling her, letting her rest her head on my chest, while in caressed her light brown waves. Without me noticing, soon enough she was asleep, and so was I.

"No, no! Give it back!" You scream, stopping your foot down and snatching the dummy away from your dad, and running away, "YN Horan! Don't ye run away from me!" Your father's deep voice echoed through the hallway. "My dummy, my!" You shrieked back, throwing your doll at him. "Don't do that princess." He shakes his head picking up the doll from his feet. He walks towards you, steps creaking as he gets closer. "'M sorry princess, but daddy needs ta take that dummy of yours." He holds his hand out for you to hand it to him. "Please, love? I promise that the fairy will take care of it." Niall grins, and you widen your eyes at him. "What fairy, daddy?" You gasp lightly. "Oh you don't know?" Niall jokes, picking you up and settles you on his lap. "The big girl fairy. She takes your diapers and dummies away and takes care of them for you and turns you into a big girl!" He explains and you nod quickly. By the end of the story, he has your dummy, and you're begging him to potty train you. Boy what a story that would make for when you're older.

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