Pregnancy series part #3 : First kick

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Pregnancy Series part 3: First Kick

Creds to humpthehaz

Harry: You awoke from a dream to a weird sensation in your belly. You sat up and placed a hand on your baby bump when you felt it again, "Harry! Get up!" you yelled excitedly, nudging his arm a few times. "What?" he groaned while still half asleep. You quickly grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach where you had felt the baby kick. Harry instantly woke up when it happened once more, "Wait...was that what I think it was..." he asked, eyes glistening. You smiled, "Yea....that's our baby kicking," you said softly as your eyes began to tear up. He sat up with you and kissed your lips, "That's amazing," he whispered as he rubbed your belly a bit. You placed your hand on top of his and leaned your head onto his shoulder, "I love you Harry." "I love you too (Y/N)," he smiled, kissing the top of your head. You spent the next hour sitting in the same position, feeling the baby kick until you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder.

Zayn: You and Zayn were sitting on the couch watching a new movie when all of a sudden you felt the baby kick for the first time. "Oh. my. god." you gasped, placing your hands on your stomach. "Babe, what is it? Is everything alright?" he asked concerned. A smile creeped up on your face when you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly, "the baby kicked!" you said excitedly. As soon as those words came out of your mouth the baby kicked again, instantly making Zayn grin. "Holy crap, did that really just happen?" he questioned, absolutely awestruck. He kept his hand on your protruding belly as he leaned in to kiss your lips, "actually feeling the baby makes it all real ya know?" he spoked softly. "It's definitely real," you replied happily, kissing his lips again as the baby kicked once more.

Liam: You stood at the kitchen counter in Harry's house with Liam and the rest of the 1D boys when you felt the baby move around. You gently placed your hands on your baby bump when you felt a kick. Your eyes instantly widened as you felt another, "Liam! Get over here...quick!" you said softly, so you wouldn't disturb the baby. He rushed over to you and you grabbed his hands, placing them on your stomach where you had felt the kick. "C'mon my baby, kick for daddy," you whispered. You moved his hands arounds when it finally happened, "Oh my gosh!," Liam grinned big, causing his eyes to squint a bit. "You guys, the baby's kicking!" he said excitedly, instantly making the boys rush over to you. They each placed a hand on your belly and felt what all the excitement was about. "Crazy huh?" you asked. They all nodded their heads while keeping their hands still glued to your stomach. Liam gently placed his lips on yours, "i'll remember this for the rest of my life," he said softly in your ear. You smiled up at him, "me too too."

Niall: "Niall grab that box of cereal," you said, pointing to the kind you wanted. He grabbed the box and set it in the shopping cart, "thanks babe." you smiled. After he put in a few more boxes of the cereal he wanted, you began to move down the aisle, when suddenly the baby kicked for the first time. "Wow," you gasped, instantly pressing your hands against your protruding belly. "What happened?" he asked concerned. "The baby kicked," you said while in a bit of shock. You grabbed his warm hands and rested them gently on your belly until he felt a kick too. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, jumping a tiny bit into the air. Tears of joy instantly began falling down your cheeks as Niall wrapped his arms around your body and held you close. "That's our baby in there Niall," you smiled, tears still flowing from your eyes. "Feels like (he/she's) doing an irish jig!" he chuckled, making you laugh a bit too. He pulled back and wiped some tears away with his thumb and placed his hands back onto your baby bump. You stood in that position for quite a while longer until you realized you were still standing in the middle of the cereal aisle, "well I guess we should continue shopping," you laughed. "Yea...we'll probably need another cart," he said seriously as he went off to fetch another one. You smiled to yourself as he came back, your baby kicking one more time before you continued on.

Louis: You were in the middle of curling your hair when you felt a strange movement in your belly. You placed the curling iron on top of the bathroom counter and rested your hands gently on your stomach. After a minute of waiting, it happened again. "Louis!" you yelled out excitedly. He was there beside you in the matter of seconds, "What the hell happened? Is everything okay?" he asked quickly. You laughed, "Lou, calm down. Everything's give me your hands!" He held his hands out and you grabbed them, placing them on your baby bump. His eyes immediately widened as he felt the baby kick, "did that really just happen?" he smiled. "Yes!" you said happily, putting your hands on top of his. He leaned in and placed his forehead against yours, "I can't wait until (he/she's) out here....with us," he grinned, pressing his lips to yours. "Me too Lou," you said softly as he bent down and placed a gentle kiss onto your belly.

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