your baby falls into the pool - (( NIALL ONLY ))

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your baby falls into the pool - (( NIALL ONLY ))


I was in the kitchen making lunch when Niall walking into the kitchen bouncing little Emma on his hip. Emma was only 8months old and she already had Niall wrapped around her finger.

"Hi princess" I cooed at her making her babble and smile. She couldn't talk yet but she was definitely trying. She looked so cute in her pink ruffle bathing suit with a headband with a big flower attached on her head.

"I'm going to take Emma for a little swim since she loves the water so much" Niall explained smiling down at his little girl.

"Alright babe, lunch will be ready in about an hour" I said and Niall responded with a nod.

"love ya darling" he said kissing my cheek.

"Love you too Ni, have fun Em" I said looking down at Emma.

Niall carried her out to the pool setting her down on the lounge chair while taking off his shirt. He carried her over to the stairs and slowed stepped into the pool with Emma perched on his hip. I was watching out of the kitchen window while cutting up the things for lunch. When the water hit Emma's waist her eyes lit up and she smiled while kicking her feet in the water. Niall held her tightly bouncing her up and down in the water while she giggled madly.

After they stayed in the pool for a while Nail took her out setting her down on the lounge chair. He got a towel and dried her off. Niall picked her up and put her on his lap while he sat down on the lounge chair, with her in his arms.

Emma started babbling and pointing to her toys that were sitting on the ground near the pool.

"You wanna play emmy? Okay let's go" Niall said to his daughter picking her up and placing her on the ground before having a seat next to her. He picked up a toy moving it on the ground in front of her before she took it from his hand and started playing with it.

Niall phone started ringing and he walked over to the lounge chair picking it up.

"Oh hey ma" I heard him say and I saw a smile appearing on his face "Just playing with Emma" he said looking down at her playing with her toys peacefully. "Hold on, you're breaking up...yeah the service is bad here let me get in a better spot" Niall said moving more towards the side of our house until he was out of my sight. I watched as Emma rolled her toys around babbling to herself. One rolled out of arms reach. Em carefully crawled over to it. I smiled at her newly found skill, she just started crawling a few weeks ago. Emma picked up the toy with her chubby hands rolling it all around.

I bent down to put our lunch in the oven but when I looked up I didn't she Emma. My heart started pounding but I tried to calm myself down, I was being silly Niall probably had Em. I walked c loser to the back door to get a better look. Just as I did I heard a splash as saw Emma in the pool.

Emma was only a baby, she could swim. My heart was pounding a thousand times a minuets and everything seem to slow down. I screamed bloody murder calling out her name in shock. I ripped open the back door with tears streaming down my face. I ran through the fence and into the pool deck I quickly jumped in the pool, pulling my baby's head above the water. Once she hit the air she started screaming and crying. I could see water falling from her mouth, she must've swallowed some water when she went under.

I set her on the side of the pool before pulling myself up. Once I was out I picked her up and held her with her chest facing mine. I patted her back like I was burping her to get all. the water out. I could hear and feel her coughing up the water. We were both still crying but I was trying to calm her down.

"It's okay Emma, you're okay princess. Mommy's here for you baby" I said soothingly bouncing her up and down to try and stop her crying.

Niall came sprinting around from the side of the house. It felt like he came about 20 minutes after everything happened but in reality it was only a minute or 2, he probably starting running right as he heard me scream.

"Whats happening I heard screaming?!" Niall yelled sprinting around from the side of the house "oh my god why are you both crying what happened?" he asked not really understanding what just happened I then saw something click when he look us over again. "Oh no no no"' he explained while I was bouncing Emma around trying to get both her and me to stop crying "You're wet? Why are you all wet? Why is Emma I dried her off?!.......oh my god please don't tell me....."

"She...she fell in the pool Niall" I said as I was still tearing up a little bit.

"No no no" he said and I saw a tear come from his eye. By this time Emma had stopped crying and I rested her on my hip. "I'm horrible. I am a horrible father how could I just leave her?! You hate me you both hate me. I hate me"

"Ni calm down don't say that you are a great father, it's not your fault. We don't hate y-" I started saying but he cut me off.

"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay. Oh god, are you okay?" Niall said with tears coming from his eyes.

"Were okay Ni were both fine, I promise. Em just swallowed a little water but I got it out and we're all good now. Right Emma?" I said I looked down Emma had her face buried in my shoulder. When she heard her name she looked up at us. Her headband was heavy from being soaking wet and had dropped down, cover her eyes. She was squirming around and kicking her feet a little probably due to the fact she couldn't see. Niall and I both chuckled at her and I took her headband off throwing it on the lounge chair nearby. Once she could see she looked up at her daddy smiling with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry princess" he said talking to her "You probably hat me" he said softly.

"She doesn't hate you Ni, she could never. She loves her daddy very much" I said seriously to him and as if to prove my point Emma started reaching for him. "See she wants daddy" I said smiling as I passed him off to her. He held her tight and she snuggled into his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm sorry girls" he said holding his arm open for me. I hugged him on one side of his chest while Emma was on the other. He leaned down and kissed both of our cheeks.

"Now c'mon lunch is ready" I said and Niall put his arm around me and we all walked inside.

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