Your child doesn't want to go to bed

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Your child doesn't want to go to bed


Your son James was playing with his toys on the floor in front of Niall, you had gone out for the night with friends and left him to babysit. It was your sons bedtime and it was nialls job to put him to bed
Niall: okay buddy time for bed now
Niall walked over to him and knelt in front of him opening his arms but James didn't move
James: not yet daddy
Niall: ye mate now
James shook his head and continued playing with his toys, Niall picked him up into his arms while he tried to refuse
James: no daddy I not tired pwease
James looked to Niall, his dad breaking and giving up
Niall: okay but ye have to sit with me
James: okay daddy
Niall carried him over to the sofa and sat down while James sat in his lap and watched the cartoons Niall put on for him. James leaned back onto Nialls chest while his eyes started to droop, daddy won this one.

Louis(His Pov):
You: now put him to bed at 7pm okay no later!
Me: got it babe stop worrying
You: I know I'm sorry, anyway better get going love you
Me: love you too darling have a good time
My wife left to go to dinner with her parents while I was on babysitting duty, not that I minded watching my little son
Jack: daddy?
Jack walked into the kitchen where I was, I knelt down to his level
Me: yeah dude?
Jack: can you watch SPONGEBOB with me
Me: sure buddy go put it on I'll be there in a minute
I finished what I was doing and joined my son on the sofa, his eyes were glued on the screen.
Jack: daddy?
His head turned to me eyes exactly like mine which made me smile
Me: yeah?
Jack: cuddle?
He held his little arms up indicating to be lifted, so I put both my hands on his sides lifting him and cuddling him close, his head in the crook I my neck, his thumb in his mouth
Jack: I love you daddy
Me: I love you too jack

Liam(His Pov):
Emily: NO
Liam: Em do not shout at me young lady it's bedtime, upstairs now
I told her in a stern voice hoping that would work, she started to cry and ran upstairs making me feel very guilty. I walked up the stairs and into her room where she was in bed under the covers, I sat down next to her
Me: sweetie I'm sorry please look at daddy
She came up from under the covers with red eyes so I picked her up and put her in my lap
Me: don't cry darling
Emily: I sorry daddy I go to bed now
Me: are you tired?
Emily: no
Me: okay then let's go watch TV for a bit yeah?
Emily: okay daddy

Harry(His pov):
Me: Lottie time for bed
I shouted into the living room where she was
Me: Lottie?
I walked into the room when she didn't answer and she was gone, my little girl was impossible to get to bed and always hid so I guessed that she's hiding right now.
Me: come on love come to daddy
I sighed but heard a little giggle come from behind the sofa so I went over there and there she was
Me: gotcha!
I picked her up and put her on my hip starting to walk upstairs
Lottie: no daddy not yet
Me: yes I have strict orders from you mother so your going to bed sorry babe
Lottie: fine! But can you read me a story?
I got into her bedroom and placed her on her bed
Me: of course darling what kind of story?
Lottie: princess!
Me: okay Lottie princess story it is!

You were ill in bed so Zayn had to look after mike for the day and now it was bedtime and Zayn wasn't looking forward to asking his son to go to bed. He walked downstairs where mike was watching TV and picked him up
Zayn: bedtime mikey
Mike: no!
Zayn: yes mate sorry
Mike: please daddy
Zayn: no mike bed now
He carried his son upstairs and started walking to his room
Mike: wait daddy goodnight to mummy
Zayn: okay come on then
Zayn walked into your bedroom and put mike next to you
You: hey buddy
Mike: night mummy love you
His kissed your cheek and hugged your neck
You: night darling be good for daddy
Zayn picked him back up and put him into his bed
Zayn: night mikey
Mike: love you daddy night
Zayn: love you too mate

(Zayns one awwwwwwwwwwwwww )

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