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Your son Zed has always been a very strong little boy, in fact he rarely cried even when he scrapes knees and such. But you knew something was wrong when he complained of chest pains. You thought it was something simple until he fell to the ground wheezing eventually throwing up blood. You grabbed his small four year old body racing to the car driving over the speed limit and running red lights but you didn't care this was your baby boy. You ran into the hospital screaming for help a doctor came taking your son from your arms and racing off to god knows where trying to help Zed. The woman at the front counter was making you sign papers but you barely paid attention. The doctor cam out saying the coughing had stopped, his breathing was stabilized, and he was given medication for the chest pains. You quickly went back to see him. He laid on a bed watching cartoons while they drew blood for a test. You couldn't believe how quickly you vivacious little boy became a sickly little boy. Zed's black hair was matted down rather then in its usual riff. He has chocolate brown eyes that were typically full of life but showed only a bit of vitality. You went and sat with him holding his small hand in yours. Soon the doctor came back informing you that the test were inconclusive and they would need to run more, but these more tests were very costly there was no way you could afford all the tests and bills from the hospital. It was time for you to make a decision. You had to call your ex, Zed's father. There was one problem four years ago you two had broken up because management said you had too. When it happened you couldn't believe Zayn said yes and went along with it. So you knew they would never want Zed in the picture so you kept it to yourself. But now this could be life or death and it was time to call. You dialed the once familiar phone number hearing a "Hello."

"Hey Zayn its y/n and I was wondering if you could met me I need help and it is really important."

"I will be right there were are you?" Zayn responded making you happy that he would drop everything for you... still after four years of no connection.

"I am at the hospital by your flat."

"Oh God I am coming." With that the phone went dead and you decided to go sit in the waiting room and wait for Zayn while Zed slept. Your knee bounced up and down what would you say? How could you say it? That's when you saw him and your mind and body reverted back too when you were together. You ran into his arms feeling safe and began to cry. "y/n what's wrong? What's wrong? Please say something." Zayn pleaded holding you tightly in his arms.

"He is sick and... and they don't know what it is." You managed to choke out through tears.

"Who's sick?"

"Zed my... um... well..."

"You can tell me. I am always here for you."

"Zed is my son. Well he is... our son." You looked up to see Zayn's face. He looked down smiled and only hugged you tighter.

"Why did you never tell me?" Zayn questioned becoming slightly upset now that he realized the situation.

"I knew that if management didn't want me they certainly wouldn't want Zed in your life."

"That wouldn't have mattered. I should have never let it come between you and me. I was foolish and stupid. I love you with all of my heart, I haven't slept a full nights sleep sense you were no longer in my bed." You grabbed Zayn by the hand taking him to Zed's room but a man stopped you.

"Excuse me miss but no one but mother and father are allowed with the child for precautionary reasons."

"I am his..." Zayn began to say but you cut him off when you saw the reporters. He looked back seeing what you meant he just shook his head. "I don't care if they know or the whole world knows. In fact I want them to know. This right here is the woman of my dreams. And somewhere in this hospital is a little boy named Zed I have never met him and his sick and in pain but he is also my son. And I want to see him." The doctor moved to the side as the paps snapped pictures.

"Mooooooooommmmmm!" You heard Zed's scream. You ran to his room finding him clutching his ear and blood bleeding out of his nose. Zayn grabbed tissues bringing them over to you as you held little Zed. As you placed the tissues on his nose you watched as Zayn became a father rubbing Zed's back. Zed was so weak he slowly fell asleep in your arms.

"You know he is a lot like you Zayn. He even puts his hair like yours." You laughed continuing and as you did Zayn sat holding the both of you smiling. The doctor came in an hour or so later informing you Zed had Wegener's granulomatosis which is very rare especially in children. It causes blood vessels to become inflamed making it hard for blood to flow. When not treated 90% of patients die. The good news was you had caught it and Zed would quickly be treated. They wanted to keep him overnight though just to be sure. As Zed slept Zayn sat down next to you beginning to cry.

"I am so sorry for what I did and for not being here for you two."

"It is okay, you didn't even know."

"I should have and that's no excuse but I love you and can we start over?"

"Yes Zayn of course." You exclaimed leaning in for a passionate kiss. Shortly you fell asleep. Soon enough though Zed was crying out, but as you opened your eyes you saw Zayn was taking care of it. He took hold of Zed.

"Shhhhh it's okay little man. I am here daddy's here. I am finally here and I am not going anywhere. I love you." He rocked Zed back to sleep singing. You smiled at the two most important boys in your life as you fell back into a deep slumber.

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