He helps your baby to walk #2

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1D Preference #6: He helps your baby to walk.
Zayn: "We're gonna help Mommy out while she's upstairs relaxing in the bath, okay?" Zayn softly spoke, tapping her nose as they walked into the laundry room. Once he got all the clean clothes into the laundry basket, he placed Aubrey in there too, laughing at the sight before him. "You are too cute, baby girl." He grinned, kissing her forehead. "Let's go fold some clothes now, yeah?" Unable to comprehend what her father was saying Aubrey just smiled and laughed. Once they got back to the living room, he placed the basket on the floor, as well as Aubrey so she could crawl while he folded. Zayn was almost finished when he noticed that Aubrey was holding onto the side of the laundry basket. He smiled down at her. "What're you doin' there, baby?" He stopped what he was doing and realized that Aubrey was trying to stand up on her own. He let out an exclamation and laughed. He watched in amazement as he watched Aubrey try to hold her own. Then it happened. His little girl was standing up. "Oh my god!" He laughed, unable to contain his happiness. "You stood up all on your own!!!" He exclaimed again. "Where's your mom-YN!!! YN!! Come down here!" He looked down at Aubrey, who was giving her dad a toothless grin. She had begun to lose her balance but Zayn quickly crouched down to her level, holding her up. "I am so proud of you Aubrey." He whispered, kissing her head. "Can Daddy let go?" He asked, wanting to admire his baby girl's achievement. "YN!!" He yelled your name. You had just begun to fall asleep when you heard him calling your name. You immediately shot up and got out of the bath, drying yourself off. "Zayn, honey, what's wrong!" You yelled as you did your best to tie the towel around you. You ran down the stairs and stopped once you saw what was going on with your husband and Aubrey. "Is she...?" You trailed off, eyes wide. "She sure is!" Zayn replied excitedly "Honey, she got up all by herself!" He grinned at you once you were seated a couple feet away. "Aubrey, sweetie," You cooed. She smiled at the sight of her mom and almost lost her balance but quickly stabled herself without Zayn's help. "Princess, walk to mommy and give her a hug," Zayn spoke, keeping a secure arm around her tiny little waist. Aubrey looked up at her Dad with wide, scared eyes. "It's okay, I've got you." He smiled down at her. "C'mon, baby," He encouraged. She let go of the laundry basket and took a wobbly step forward, Zayn helping her. You watched as he let her do most of the walking but kept his hand on her loosely incase she fell. "One more step," You smiled, opening your arms. Zayn suddenly let go and you watched as your little girl Aubrey took her first wobbly step toward you. She began to fall, but luckily you were close enough to grab her. "Good job, baby." You whispered, kissing her cheeks as she giggled. "Do I get a reward as well?" Your husband asked pointing at his lips as they were pouted. You laughed and nodded, kissing him softly.

Harry: You and Harry had been blessed with having the perfect little girl, Danica. It was now time for her to start walking, so Harry took it upon himself to purchase a little walker to help your daughter out. Of course, he thought buying the one that looked like a cat was important. You two had moved the furniture in the basement to make sure your daughter would have some space to move around. Harry helped Danica hold the walker and made sure she was secure by keeping a hand on her back. "Okay, honey. We're gonna take this one step at a time," He smiled down at his daughter. "Count of three, we're gonna take this foot," He tapped her left. "And step forward." His little girl looked up at him. "I'm here. Don't worry." He assured, giving her a warm smile. "Ready?" "Harry, she can't understand you." You laughed, sitting on the other side of the room, where Danica was going to you. "Yes she can YN." Harry laughed. "Isn't that right, Dani?" Danica smiled up at her Dad. "See?" You just rolled your eyes in amusement. "Okay, let's do this!" He exclaimed, smiling down at your little girl. "One, two, three!" Slowly, Harry pushed Danica forward as she gripped the sides of the walker and pushed forward. "Harry!" You exclaimed excitedly. "That's my girl!" He cheered with a laugh. "Okay, let's do it again, okay? One, two, three," And again, Danica took another step forward slowly. Once she did, she laughed happily and looked at her two parents beaming at her proudly. "YN! She's doing it!" You nodded, feeling tears starting to well up in your eyes. "Are you crying?" He chuckled. "My daughter just took her first few steps, Harry, how could I not cry?" You replied with a laugh. "Aw, well, let's give Momma bear a big hug, what do you say, Dani?" Your daughter clapped happily. "On my count, okay?"

Niall: You were talking with the boys' girlfriends when you noticed the boys seated in a circle, Niall holding your son, Jace. They were cheering at him, gesturing him to go in their direction. You curiously looked on, wondering what they were doing. When Niall helped Jace onto his feet, keeping him stable, you realized that the boys were trying to help him walk. You walked over to the circle and sat cross legged near Niall, placing your hand on his back. He looked back and grinned at you. "The lads and I are tryna help him out." You nodded, noticing Niall kept his hands on his waist even as Louis was holding his hands, trying to help him walk forward. "No luck?" You laughed. He smiled and shook his head. "Not yet!" You watched as Niall stood up, holding Jace's hands and guiding him forward. "YN! Oh my god! Look, Jace is walking!!" He exclaimed, guiding him forward yet again. "Good job, Niall!" The boys cheered as they clapped together. "I think a celebration is in order, buddy." Niall spoke, looking down at Jace, still holding his hands. "Hows about we head over to the food table, your old man's hungry."

Louis: You and Lous were out for a walk in the park with your son Landon attached to your husband's hip. While you two took a seat on a nearby bench, you couldn't help but watch Landon stare in awe at the other toddler's walking past your family. You smiled and Louis noticed. "What's so funny?" He asked, grinning at you. "I think our little man wants to start walking." Lous looked down at the baby and bounced him slightly. "Your mum says you want to start walking. Is that true, Landon?" Your son was too busy staring at the little girl walking next to her mom without trouble. "I take that as a yes." He laughed. "We can teach him when we get home, Liam." You replied. He looked at you and stood up. "Why not now? We can practice in the grass!" You stood up as well and followed Louis to a secluded area where the grass was soft and there wasn't a lot of rocks. "Okay, first thing's first; we're going to help you stand up." Louis placed your son on the grass as you two each got hold of his hand. "Good job, little man!" He smiled. "Next thing, Mum and I are gonna take a step forward. When we do, you do too. Sound easy?" You smiled encouragingly at your son when he looked up at you. "You can do it, Landon. Mum and Dad are here." You assured, tightening the grip on your son's hand. "Okay, here we go," Louis began. You and Louis put your foot out and looked down at your son as he mimicked your action. You two looked at each other with big smiles. "And one more time, Landon." He spoke again, you taking another step together. Before you knew it, Louis, Landon and yourself made it almost 3 feet before Landon gave out. You and Louis cheered loudly at Landon's goal regardless of the other people in the park, but who cares; your son was starting to walk!

Liam: You laughed as Liam brought out padding from his closet. "Liam, what the hell? We're teaching Kylie how to walk, not fight people." "I just want to be safe, okay? What if she falls and scrapes her knee?" You stared at him like he was insane. "We're going to be on a carpet." "Well what if she falls backward and hurts her head?" "Liam, there is no way in hell you'd let that happen to your own daughter." You assured. "And I'm going to prevent it by suiting her up." You sighed knowing there would be no way of changing his mind. Once Liam got your daughter in a "safe suit" as he referred to it as, you watched as he explained to her the dangers of walking. "Oh for goodness sake, Liam! She doesn't even know what you're saying!" "Well that's why I plan on repeating this lecture when she's older." "Well then let's just start now." You begged. He sighed and picked up Kylie, placing her on the floor. "Okay, kiddo. See how Daddy's standing up? Can you try and copy Daddy?" He asked. You sat behind her incase she fell. Slowly, she copied her Dad, holding onto the couch for support. "Did you see that, YN? We didn't even help her!" You nodded and smiled, watching your daughter. "Okay, now, Daddy's gonna take a step back. You're gonna want to move this foot," He pointed down at her left foot. "in my direction." He motioned for her to move forward. You two waited for her to take a step forward. No such luck. "Liam, I don't think she's ready-" "We won't know until she tries. Kylie, hon. Mommy and Daddy are right here. Don't be scared." He cooed, smiling at her, holding out his hands. "Just take one step. C'mon, kiddo, I know you can do it." He encouraged. Kylie slowly put her foot out and held onto the couch for dear life as she moved closer to her Dad. "She did it." You breathed, staring at your daughter wide-eyed. "Liam," You looked at your husband. "She freaking did it!" "I know!" He laughed picking up your daughter and spinning her around. "You," He kissed Kylie's cheek. "Are unbelieveable." You grinned at your husband. "We did it, baby." "We sure did."

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