#12 - Pregnancy Series - False Contractions

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#12 - Pregnancy Series - False Contractions

Louis: You sighed as you pushed yourself up out of bed as quietly as you could and made your way downstairs. You sat in your large rocking chair and grabbed your book off the end table. You started reading aloud as the babies started to kick harder. You sighed and rubbed your stomach, continuing to read. "Babe...Come back to bed." Louis sighs from the doorway. "I'm having those fake contractions and the twins are all wiggly right now." You say before continuing to read. Page after page you read, finally getting the twins to calm down. "They like your voice." Louis says softly, rubbing his eyes. You nod and put your book down, "Now, let's get you to bed. You need your sleep too." He says, helping you out of your chair.

Niall: "Are you alright dear?" Maura asked as she watched you rub yours stomach. You nod and smile lightly. "Yeah...Just some stupid false contractions." You mumble. She nods and moves her attention back to the TV screen that showed the boys live as they were on stage just a few hundred feet outside the dressing room you were in. They were finishing up and you watched them run off stage and you heard them headed for the dressing room. Niall smiled immediately when he saw you. You smiled weakly and waved. He sighed, knowing exactly what was wrong. He sat beside you and kissed your temple, "Slow breathes, focus on something other than the pain." He reminds you as you closed your eyes and relaxed now that he was there to help you.

Liam: You stood to the side of the small set they had set up for the interview with the boys. They decided to interview each of the boys separately and then bring them together for a group session. You watched as Liam sat down and started answering question after question. You closed your eyes and moaned softly when you started to feel the false contractions start up for the third time today. "Excuse me." Liam said, getting up and rushing over to you. "Sit down...I'll get you some water." He says softly, guiding you to a chair off to the side, knowing exactly what you needed. You sigh and watch him grab a bottle of water from the table. The other boys saw what was going on and gathered around you. "We'll stay with her until you finish your interview." Harry says, nodding. Liam nods and kisses you gently before going back to his interview.

Zayn: You groaned loudly, kneeling down on the bed and stretching out. Zayn peered into the bedroom from your bathroom and chuckled. "Braxton Hicks?" He questioned, already knowing the answer was yes. The past few days you've been having them on and off. You nod and stare up at him, "I know this is my body's way of getting ready to push her out, but can't it be just a little less painful?" You sigh, sitting back up. "If you think this is hard wait until labor." Zayn chuckles, sitting down next to you and rubbing the small of your back lightly. "Don't remind me." You groan, leaning into his chest. He smiles and slips his hands beneath your shirt, rubbing your back. "Your daughter is causing all kinds of ruckus in my belly right now." You mumble. He grins and his hands drift to your growing stomach to feel her rapid movements.

Harry: He watched you out of the corner of his eye every few seconds, waiting to see you wince again...or at least what he thought was your wincing. You snuggled back up into your blanket and kept your eyes fixed on the book in your lap. A few seconds later he watched you jump slightly in your seat and press against the top of your stomach. "More false contractions?" Harry asks softly. You nod and lean your head back, staring at him. "They hurt this time." You mumble. He nods and gets up, kneeling in front of you. He removes the blanket from you and kisses the top of your stomach lightly. "Calm down in there Livi...you're stressing mummy out little one." He says softly as he rubs your belly. "She is going to be such a daddy's girl." You murmur.

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