#05 - Pregnancy Series - First Ultrasound (His POV)

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#05 - Pregnancy Series - First Ultrasound (His POV)


"So, I understand your morning sickness has been pretty bad, huh?" The doctor asks as she sits down in her chair. "Yeah, it's been awful for her." I interject. She laughs softly as I answer yet another question she had asked you. "Well, even though it's not pleasant morning sickness is a good thing. It's your body's way of telling you your little baby is growing. Speaking of little baby, lets take a look." She says before spreading the cold gel on your stomach and waving the wand over your belly. I grabbed your hand and held it tight, peppering it with kisses. "Alright...oh...well, do you see this?" She asks, pointing to the screen. "Is that...?" You stutter as I gripped your hand tightly. "Twins? Two babies?" I ask, my smile growing. "Looks like you've got two healthy babies in there, (Y/N). Congratulations." She smiles. I lean up and kiss your cheek gently, before wiping your tears off your cheeks. "I hope those are happy tears." I laugh. You nod and grin, "They are, don't worry."


I sat back and watched, afraid that I might say something or do something at the wrong time. You looked over at me with a small smile and held out your hand. I quickly take her hand into mine and bring it up to my mouth, resting my lips on the back. "Okay...Here is baby Horan." The doctor smiles. I watch your face as you look at the picture in awe. I switch my gaze and smile at the picture of our unborn baby. "They're already pretty big." I laugh softly. "Definitely a Horan baby." You mumble, making me laugh. "The baby is perfect. It's progressing as it should be. You're doing great mum." She says. I smile and continue to watch the picture, trying not to cry.


I knew she was nervous. It was the first time we had ever gotten to see our baby up on the screen. The first time we've ever had a sonogram that was a success. It was the first time she had been this far along in her pregnancy without loosing the baby. "What if the baby isn't up there?" She whimpers, looking over at me. "Don't say that...Don't." I whisper, getting up and engulfing her in a hug just as the doctor walks in. "Sorry for the wait. Let's see your baby." She smiles, knowing this was a delicate subject for us. I stood behind her while she laid back and gripped her hand tightly as the picture popped up on the screen. "You are moving right along for eleven weeks. Heartbeat is strong, looks good." She says softly. I lean down and wipe her tears away, pecking her lips. "I told you." I smile.


"Look at it's head, baby." She grins as I nod with a smile on my face. "That's our baby..." I say softly as she stroked my back as I stood next to her while she was laying on the table. I smile at her touch and keep my eyes fixated on the screen. "You're moving right along, (Y/N). The heartbeat is strong, you're doing great. In a few weeks you should start to feel movement." She says, wiping the gel off of her belly. "Thank you." She smiles, sitting up. She turns to me and smiles. "This is all so real now..." She whispers. I nod and hug her. "I love you and our little peanut in there....so much." I whisper into her hair. She giggles and grips my shirt tightly. "We love you too."


Amazed. No, that doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. Sure, (Y/N)'s belly had grown and there was a tiny little bump, but it didn't really hit me that there was a baby in there until now. "Haz...are you crying?" She whispered, snapping me out of the daze I was in. I looked over at her as she sat on the couch and then back down at the sonogram in my hands. "I guess so." I laugh. "It just hit that we're having a baby...and this little creation is inside of you." I smile. She nods and brushes my curls out of my face. "It's crazy...But it's amazing." She smiles. I nod and brush my lips against her cheek.

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