He Makes Your Child Laugh

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He Makes Your Child Laugh

Creds to @skylineswift ( wattpad)

A/n : ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT (yannisoraya) OR COMMENT UR SNAPCHAT ( i'll add u 😋)


Your son, Ben, had come home from preschool crying that day, as some 'big boys' were being mean to him. Harry had come home early that day so he could pick Ben up for a change, and you were shocked when he walked in the front door, one muscly, tattooed arm around a crying little 4 year old boy.
"What did those boys say to you, buddy?" Harry asked as you came into the room with a damp flannel to wipe his tears.
"They told me...they told me my Daddy was stupid!" the little boy sobs. Harry sighs, and hugs Ben to his chest.
"Don't listen to people like that, Ben, they're just trying to wind you up. They're just mean" Harry soothes as you sit down next to Harry and wipe Ben's cheeks. Ben's mouth was set in a straight line, not convinced.
"C'mon, I wanna see that smile I saw the first day you were born, on the happiest day of my life!" Harry smiles. He pulls a face at Ben and he giggles slightly. He pulls another one and Ben starts laughing. You quickly whip out your phone and take a sneaky snap of this father-son moment.
"This is going on Instagram!" you smile as Ben's laughing subsides and he cuddles into Harry.
"I love you daddy" Ben says.
"I love you too buddy" Harry replies, kissing his head. Then he leans over to you and whispers in your ear...


"Come on, princess, just one mouthful!" you plead at your little 2 year old girl Gabrielle, who is sitting in the high chair, hair tied back and bib on, refusing to eat. You'd made mashed potato, her favourtie, but today she wasn't having any of it.
She turns her face away, pouting. You sigh, dropping the plastic spoon in the bowl, as your husband Zayn walks in, hair wet from the shower.
"Zayn, can you try feeding Gabby? She won't eat" you say.
"Is my little girl refusing to eat today?" Zayn says in pretend horror, sitting down on your now vacant seat.
"Dada" the little girl says as Zayn scoops up some more potato with the pink plastic spoon and holds it to her lips.
"Just a little bit? Come on!" Zayn says eagerly.
"No" your daughter says grumpily.
"Someone's a bit grumpy!" Zayn says, poking her cheek. "I know".
He holds the spoon above his head, making plane noises.
"Here comes the plane, baby girl!". She was so fascinated she opened her mouth and ate the potato.
"Again! Plane again!"


Niall was coming back from tour today. You and your kids, Amelia, who is 11, and Samuel, who is 5, were so excited! He'd been gone for a good 6 months, and today you were finally going to see him again!
It was 12 at night, and his flight was landing at 12:04. There were no fans and no paparazzi, which made you even more happy.
"Come on, let's keep an eye out for dad!" you say as you sit down. 10 minutes later, he's still not arrived.
"I'm bored mummy" Samuel moans, chucking his Nintendo DS on the floor.
"Don't throw things Sam!" you scold, picking it up and putting it in your purse.
"Sorry, mummy..."
"DAD!" squeals Amelia, jumping up and pointing. Sure enough, you see Niall coming down the stairs with a backpack on. You, Amelia and Samuel all race like 3 schoolkids towards him. He embraces you first, kissing you, then lifting up Samuel in one arm and embracing Amelia in the other.
"God, I missed you so much" he says, kissing Sam's cheek and Amelia's head, and placing an extra kiss on your nose, because you're just special like that.
"Daddy, your hair is sticking up funny" giggles Sam. Niall laughs.
"Well, I have just been asleep on a plane for 10 hours!"


"Remember, honey, Mummy's just had a baby, so you have to be gentle" Liam says firmly, holding your 4 year old daughter Minnie's hand as he walks up the flight of hospital stairs with her. You'd just given birth to your son William 4 hours ago and you were tired and exhausted. Liam had gone to pick Minnie up from your mum's house, and he'd brought her here to see her sister.
"Ok Daddy!" Minnie says, as Liam approaches your door and pushes it open.
"Babe? Minnie's here" he says softly. You open your eyes wearily, still clutching your sleeping baby boy.
"Min? Come and meet your brother" you smile. Minnie takes a few steps forward cautiously.
"Don't be shy, babe, come on!" Liam says, lifting your daughter onto the bed. She gasps in awe at the beautiful little creation you held in your arms.
"Is that William?" she asks and you nod and smile. Her face takes on a look of sadness.
"What's up, baby girl?" Liam asks, engulfing her in a hug.
"You don't love me anymore" she says quietly.
"That's not true! Your mummy and I love you so much!" Liam says, lifting her up. He begins to tickle her under her chin and she laughs.
"There's that pretty smile!".


"IT'S NOT FAIR I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" screams your 16 year old daughter Maysilee, storming up the stairs. Louis had had enough of Maysilee being on her phone too much, so he cut off the internet on her mobile, so she couldn't spend endless hours chatting on facebook.
"DON'T COME BACK DOWNSTAIRS, YOUNG LADY!" yells Louis. A door slams upstairs as Louis burries his face in his hands.
"Don't you think you were a bit harsh, Louis?" you say, bouncing your 6 month old son Jason on your hip. He looked slightly alarmed from all the shouting.
"No. She's totally addicted to her Facebook!" says Louis, although he looks a bit like he regrets being so harsh now.
"Go and talk to her. She is a teen, don't forget" you say. Louis groans, walking upstairs. You follow him and stand outside your daughter's bedroom door as he talks.
"May? I'm sorry. Look, I'll turn it back on. I'm sorry I was so harsh" Louis says.
"So you're turning the internet back on?" May says.
"Yeah. I suppose. But make sure you take breaks from that phone. You're gonna get square eyes!"
"Dad, you told me that when I was 5!" laughs May. You push the door open a crack, just to see May hug Louis.
"Love you Dad!"
"I love you too, baby girl"

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