He takes your child during a fight

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Preference : He takes your child during a fight.



"Calm the fuck down!!" Niall shouted at you as you slapped his chest pathetically and slurred through tears about him cheating on you. "(Y/N)!! Seriously you know damn well I did not cheat on you so fucking stop!!" He shouted as he caught the eye of your 4 year old son watching from the top of the stairs.

"You did!!! I saw it in the magazines!!" You shouted, the alcohol swimming through you and making you even more drunk in your rage.

"You know what!? I'm not having this." He snapped and went upstairs, picking your son up and holding him to his front and cupping his head in his big hand, pressing his face into his chest to spare your son the images of his mother having a break down. You screamed and held onto Niall's arm trying to get him to let your son go. But he gently pried you off of him and walked out. Leaving you in the house by yourself, coming back the day after when you'd called him to say you'd calm down and you were sorry.


"Don't you dare take my daughter!! You can leave but you aren't taking her with you!" You growled at Zayn, blocking his exit. He held a tight grip on your 6 month old daughter, cuddling her sleeping frame to his chest.

"She's my daughter too. I'm not leaving her here, she's coming with me whether you like it or not!" He seethed quietly trying not to wake her up.

"When will you be back?! You can't just take my baby away she needs me!!!" You frown, the argument about him not spending enough time with you and your daughter got too out of hand and lead to him packing a few of his bags and your daughters bags.

"I don't know. You wanted me to spend more time with her so I am. And not around you." He hissed and pushed past you, going to the taxi waiting for him. Just saying all those things to be spiteful and hurt you, but deep down you knew he didn't mean any of it.


"I hate you!" You shouted at Louis, throwing a glass of water at him.

"Good because I hate you too!" He shouted back, tensing up and storming upstairs, you heard a door slam then it went deadly silent. You were glad he'd gone upstairs to leave you alone and to calm down himself. 15 minutes later footsteps sounded down the stairs and you heard your 13 year old son and your husband speaking amongst each other so you listened more carefully.

"But dad I had to say bye to mum!!"

"Fine be quick!" Then you saw your son appear in the doorway with a weak smile on his still baby looking face.

"Dads taking me to Nan's for a week, he didn't tell me why though..." Typical, you thought. You nodded and sighed, standing up an giving your son a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun bubba, call me everyday okay?" He nodded and smiled, making his way back to his father. Louis leaving without a word to you and you knew you'd give him the silent treatment for quite a while as payback.


"Just take her!!" You screamed at Liam as he packed a bag of your newborn babies stuff. You weren't ready for a baby but you'd kept her anyway, and the stress had gotten to you and to Liam which resulted in petty arguments. However the last argument turned into a full blown out war. Leading Liam to leave you and threaten to take the baby with him.

"I'm going to!" He snapped back at you.

"Good I didn't want her anyway." You mumbled but he heard and looked at you in complete shock and disgust. "No wait I didn't mean that!!" You rushed forward to take your daughter out of his arms but he turned his back to you restricting you from her. You did want her, you only said that to annoy Liam but went too far, making him leave and eventually gain full custody of her.


"You're such a bitch!! How could you cheat on me?! I thought you love me!" Harry said with more fresh tears running down his red stained cheeks.

"I do love you! He was a mistake I swear! Harry please don't leave me!" Your bottom lip trembled in panic, hoping he didn't pack up his stuff and leave.

"I-I need some time (Y/N). I'm not breaking up with you but...I'm gonna go stay at my mums...and I'm taking Jamie with me. I need some comfort and he hasn't seen my mum in a while." He sniffs and walks up the stairs to get your 10 year old son. He leaves after saying goodbye to you, but he didn't kiss you or give you a cuddle, he didn't even say he'd call you. And he doesn't for the next week.

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