he changes the baby's diaper for the first time

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he changes the baby's diaper for the first time

Zayn: You were laying in bed, exhausted. You had been up all day with Haven, and you just wanted to sleep forever. You had been asleep, cuddled up with Zayn, for five minutes when you heard loud screams and crying. "No" you moaned, burying your head in the pillow. Zayn sat up, and rested his head up against the headboard. "Please, please" you begged, looking up at him. "Fine" he sighed, getting up and walking out. You heard his footsteps slap down the hall and the door to the nursery open. "Hello doll" he said, and you smirked. It was quieter, just a few coos from the baby, and you started to doze off. Suddenly, Zayn's voice carried loudly into your room. "Oh come on! How does someone so little create this!" he said and you got up and walked over to the nursery. You saw Zayn, holding Haven's feet up with the tips of his fingers, trying to change her poopy diaper. "This is foul" he said, and you smirked. "I do this, like, five times a day" you laughed. Zayn finally changer her diaper and you rocked Haven back to sleep while he washed his hands. You two stepped out quietly, and shut the door. "I don't know how you do that, you brave woman" Zayn smiled, and you laughed.

Liam: You were sitting on the floor, with Liam, helping him change Jacob's diaper. It was Liam's first time changing a diaper, so you wanted to be there to make sure he did it right. "Okay, so, diaper off and then make sure you put the facecloth over his private" you instructed, then scooted back to give Liam room. Liam undid Jacob's onesie, then went for the diaper. Liam pulled the diaper back and went for the face cloth, but he wasn't quick enough. Jacob started peeing all over the room. "Liam!" you shouted, and Liam froze. "Oh my god" you said, lunging over to grab the new diaper. You put it on top and waited until Jacob was done. "I... He just... I never thought..." Liam said, staring at his son. "It happens, no biggie" you laughed, finishing the job. "He just peed all over the room without a care in the world" Liam said in shock. "He's a baby, why would he care?" you laughed again. Liam turned to Jacob, who was laughing and screaming. "Thanks for making me look stupid in front of your mom" he whispered, pretending to grab Jacob's nose. You smirked and gave him a kiss while he played peek a boo with your baby.

Niall: You had changed literally every single one of Rory's diapers for six months, until you hurt your wrist. You fell on the stairs, and your wrist was in a cast. Changing diapers in a cast is pretty difficult, so you needed to teach Niall. "Okay, I think Rory needs a diaper change" you said, and Niall stood up. "I think it would be best to just let him deal with it. Maybe he will poop less" Niall said, laughing. You laughed and shook your head. You both walked into the nursery where Rory was laying in his crib. He had been napping, and usually needed a new diaper after a nap. "Okay, pick him up and put him on the change table" you directed, and Niall did so. He started taking off the diaper and you nodded. "Oh you're lucky, just a number one" you laughed and Niall tilted his head at you, looking unimpressed. "I don't feel very lucky" he said, and you laughed again. He changed the diaper with a few minor hiccups, and then held Rory and brought him out to the living room to play. "Good job, daddy" you smiled as he walked past you. He gave you a thumbs up.

Louis: "I think you should do diapers and I'll do feeding. I'll tend to the top, you tend to the bottom" Louis said. "I'm breastfeeding you goof" you said, taking his hands and pulling him up from the chair. "Do you hear that? Shane's calling for you" he said, laughing. You shook his head and dragged him into the bedroom where a crying baby awaited. You could smell the poopy diaper from the door. "Oh did he ever leave you a treat" you laughed, and Louis picked Shane up with arms extended. "You're such a dork" you laughed as he put Shane on the change table. He opened the diaper and took three steps back. "Holy Pooper McStinkypants" Louis said, plugging his nose. "Lord the skies are opening above" you laughed, plugging yours. "Shane, what is going on with you?" Louis laughed, and Shane laughed too. "The devil, it laughs" you joked, and Louis moved in to change it. He got rid of the dirty diaper and put on a fresh one. "He's like a weapon of mass destruction" Louis laughed, putting Shane on the floor. "Good job, way to take care of your duty" you laughed, and Louis rolled his eyes.

Harry: Harry walked into the nursery with gloves on and a pair of goggles on. "Oh my god" you said, laughing in the rocking chair. It was time for Harry to change Grayden's diaper for the first time, and he clearly dressed for the occasion. "Just making sure I am good to go" he laughed, and you shook your head. "Okay son, here we go" Harry said, picking up Grayden with both his hands and leaned him against his chest. Harry brought his chest all the way down to the table to set Grayden down. "He's not made or porcelain, you know" you smiled and Harry put his hand up to ask you to be quiet. You giggled and he started undoing the diaper slowly. He slid the diaper out from underneath Grayden, and put baby powder on his bottom. Then, he put the new one on softly. "Done" he whispered, and Grayden cooed. "You realize changing one diaper takes me, like, thirty seconds but it took you four minutes" you laughed. "He's just so little, I don't want to hurt him" he said, looking at his son and set him on the floor. "You're so cute" you smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

-Harry,harry,harry😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 goggles and gloves seriously.!?!?

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