He yells at your child

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Liam: Your husband had just arrived home from a weeks worth of promo in the USA for the boys fifth album, and he was absolutely exhausted the second he came in the door of your shared home. Of course, you little five year old boy, Andy, had wanted to play since he had walked through the door also, but Liam had done a good job of letting the small boy off easily. Instead, you tried to keep him occupied by playing with him, and letting him help with dinner and lunch. But he still wanted his daddy to play with him. But that night was a bit different. Liam had a headache, and major jet lag, and was currently lounging on one of your large couches. Andy came waddling up to Liam and holding out his football(soccer) ball. "Daddy? Can we go outside and play?" You thought Liam would just make up an excuse, but much to your dismay his face grew red. "NO ANDY!" He yelled, sitting straight up, and taking the soccer ball from your sons hand, and throwing it across the room where it narrowly missed one of the lamps. "I'm tired, and I DONT want to play!" Andy's face fell immediately, and you could see tears forming in his eyes from your spot in the kitchen doorway. Your son rushed away immediately, running straight for his room and his sobs could be heard his whole way, followed by the slamming of his bedroom door. "Liam James Payne," You snapped, running into the room and standing straight in front of your husband. "I can't believe you. I know your fucking tired, but that is no reason to be a dick to your own son. He looks up to you. He missed you. All he wanted was to play." He didn't look up from his hands, but you could see him bite his lip. "Asshole," You snarled, turning swiftly on your heel and running after your son. Gently opening the door, you poked your head in to see Andy sitting in the middle of his bed, quietly sniffling as he held a second soccer ball in his lab. "Honey," You murmured, walking over to him. Cautiously, you removed the ball from his lap, and picked him up, cradling him in your arms as he cried into the crook of your neck. "It's okay baby, daddy didn't mean it, he's just...sick, that's all. How about I take you out tomorrow, and we can play? I'll even invite Uncle Louis and Uncle Niall to come play?" "But I want daddy," He whined quietly. You were cut off in your next sentence as you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you and Andy. Turning your head slightly, you saw Liam with his chin on your other shoulder, watching you both. "Hey, bud, daddy's sorry. We'll all go out tomorrow, and I'll invite everybody over. We can have a big football game. How does that sound?" Andy seemed to perk up immediately, and he wiggled out of your arms, going to grab his new soccer ball. "Yeah! I gotta go practice!" He rushed out of the room, his tears long forgotten. "Thanks," You said, smiling lightly at your husband. "No problem," He responded with a similar smile, pulling you close so he could peck your lips.

Zayn: Your fifteen year old girl, Olivia, was your typical teenager. Wanting to go out every night with friend, constantly texting on her phone, bringing her boyfriend over and going to his house. And you knew it was the boyfriend thing that annoyed your husband the most. even if you both had acted the same when you were teenagers, he didn't want Olivia to get sucked into the boyfriend thing, partially because he didn't approve of her current boyfriend, considering he had cheated on her before. One night, he snapped. It was a late night, and you had allowed Olivia and her boyfriend to go out to a party, as long as he brought her back by her curfew, which was ten o'clock. The hands on the clock turned slowly, until it was around one o'clock. You both sat in the living room, the TV flickering in front of you. But neither of you were watching it. You were both glaring at the front door. Finally, it burst open, revealing your daughter who was quiet sober, but then her drunken boyfriend. "Here you go, Mr. and Mrs. Malik. Night Livvy," He grabbed her wrist, and pulled her in for a deep kiss, basically making out with her face without her responding. "I think you've had enough son," Zayn growled, getting up and shoving him out the door. "Wait outside, I'll drive you home." Slamming the door shut, he turned to your daughter. "I thought I told you to be home at ten?" Zayn snapped in your daughters face. "Dad, we got held up, and I tried to call but-" "NO. But nothing. Olivia, go to your room." "Dad, I didn't-" "OLIVIA MALIK. Go to your room if you ever want to see that idiot of a boyfriend out there ever again. Which I'm debating on allowing anyway." "Dad, you can't do that!" "Hell if I can't. Now get your ass you your room, and don't come out." He yelled the last part straight in her face, his features twisted in anger, skin a deep shade of red. Turning on his heel, he stomped out the door, dragging her boyfriend to his car. Leading your sobbing daughter the whole way to her room, you stayed in there with her, letting her cry into you, because you yourself knew Zayn had been a little too harsh. Minutes later, you heard the front door slam. Moments later, you heard the door creak open, and Zayn's head pop in. When he caught site of your crying daughter, his features softened. "Oh, Olivia. I didn't mean to be so harsh, I was just mad. You should have been home sooner." "It's okay daddy," She choked, turning to look up at him. "I really am sorry." "You're still getting grounded," He said, crossing over to hug her tightly, winking at you over her head.

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