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Part 2: First Night

Liam's POV
It had definitely been a long day. It was about 5 PM and I knew I had to make dinner. I decided on some Mac N' Cheese. Easy enough? I boiled the water and watched as (y/n) played with the toys I had given her. I hadn't completely unloaded everything yet, but I got mostly what she needed for the night, and figured I would finish up
on my day off tomorrow. I was thrown from my thoughts when she started crying. I walked over to her and picked her up. "What's the matte baby? Are you hungry?" I asked walking near the stove, so she could see. She nodded her head enthusiastically. "I bet you are sunshine. How about I get you some milk, and we eat and then we can get a bath!"
I said walking over to the fridge and pulling out milk. I poured some into her sippy cup and gave it to her, while putting her in her
high-chair. I finished up the mac n' cheese and dished it up. I grabbed one of her baby forks and sat down in front of her. Her eyes lit up and she started clapping. "You are hungry, baby!" I laughed feeding her some after cooling it off. After about twenty minutes, she was finally done. I wiped off her mouth and sat her back down and
she started crawling around. I cleaned up the mess from dinner, and started her bath. "Come here bug, it's time for a bath." I said, walking around looking for her.I found her in my room, standing while holding onto the dresser. "What are you doing bug? Mhm?" She just looked at me and laughed. I picked her up walking into the bathroom. I stripped her of her clothes and let her play with her toys for a minute. After bathing her, I put a new diaper on and dressed her. Looking at the time it was almost 7:30.
"Alright bug, time for bed!" I picked her up and laid her in her crib ."Goodnight, baby, I love you." I whispered, kissing her forehead. I watched a movie for a while, just making sure she was fully asleep before I went to bed myself. I finished the movie about 10:30 and was checking things when my phone started ringing. It was Niall. "'Ello?" "Hey mate,
how are things?" He asked. "Umm, pretty well, she's a mover that's for sure. I thought it would be really really hard, but it's not as bad as I thought." "Well, that's good. But think, it's going to get harder when she goes on tour with us in a couple of months." "I don't even wanna think about that right now. She's going to walk any day now, she wants to move. Then, I'll have to chase her on tour." "Good luck with that buddy. We're all in this together as a team." "True. All of you are coming round tomorrow right?" I asked, nervously. "Course! Wouldn't miss seeing her for the world! I know you've talked about her, but we've never really spent time with her like you have." "True." I was about to say something else, when I was cut off by crying. "Hey, listen" I explained. "She woke up, I'm going to have to call you later." "'lright mate, have a good one" "You too." I ended the call and walked to her room. She pulled herself up
by the bars and was staring wide eyed at me. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" I cooed picking her up. She latched onto me and laid her head on my shoulder. "Okay, I see." I walked into the living room, and sat down in the rocking chair. I covered both of us with a blanket and began rocking her. She quieted down and was tracing my tattoos. About ten minutes, I felt the tracing stop. I looked down to see she was sleeping again. I didn't wanna chance it, so I just leaned back and tried to sleep myself. Tonight wasn't too bad, but I can only imagine how things will turn out....


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