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Parenting Series (Toddler) - First Day of Preschool


"Quincy, Grayson c'mon! We've got to go!" Louis shouted. "But I don't want to!" Quincy screamed as loud as she could, tears rolling down her face. He picked her up and kissed her head, hoping to calm her down. "But we've got's part of being a big kid. You want to be a big kid?" You asked, rubbing her back as he sat her down. "NO!" She shouted, staring at you as Louis quickly snapped a picture. "Well, we have to anyway. C'mon babies, let's go." You say shuffling them towards the car. Louis showed you the picture once you had said your tearful goodbyes, "You know...this captures their personalities perfectly." You laughed.


"Big smile, Sophie!" You said. She held up the board you had written on and smiled as nice as she could even though the nerves were eating at her. The whole ride to the school, gave her a pep talk about all the cool stuff that she was going to do at school. When it came to say goodbye, she hugged each of you tightly, but she didn't cry (unlike you). At the end of the day, you picked her up and she couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had and the friends she had made, making you feel one hundred percent better about your baby leaving you.


"Yeah, I'm here to pick up Ben." Liam smiled as he walked in and was greeted by the teacher. "Hey bud!" He grins as Ben ran up to him. "Hi daddy." He grinned. "Mr. Payne, we like to take a picture of the kids after their first day of school so you guys can have something to take home." The teacher smiled. "Oh yeah, of course!" Liam smiles as Ben posed for a quick picture before heading home and tell you two about his day.


"How'd Caroline do today?" You ask her teacher as she grabbed her jacket and small back pack from her cubby in the back of the room. "She did really good. It took her a little bit to warm up to everyone because she wasn't used to the surroundings, but when she did she had fun. She's still a little shy, but you know, I don't blame her." Her teacher laughs. You smile and agree with her before bending down and picking her up. "Hello beautiful." You whisper, pressing your lips to her forehead. "Bye, Mrs. Smith!" She grinned as you left. "Bye, Car! See you tomorrow!" Mrs. Smith smiled.


You sat Olivia down on the front steps of your house and placed the decorated chalk board next to her. You pulled out your phone and snapped a few pictures. "Liv, how excited are you to go to preschool today?" Harry asked with a laugh. "I'm so excited, daddy!" She shouted, "I can't wait to meet my new friends and learn stuff." She grinned. You smiled, packing her into the car, happy that she was excited, but sad because she was ready to leave you willingly. After your quick goodbye at school, Harry calmed you down as you had a small breakdown, realizing that your baby was growing up. He soon reminded you that there was another baby coming soon and helped you realize that it was all going to be okay.

A/N : this is the ending of toddler series , and we'll move on to the children series which is the last part :) xoxo, yanni <3

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