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A/N:okay soo there's gonna be a last chapter called 'I love you'
QOTD : does anyone here have a kik ?

After trying only a few times, you and Louis got pregnant quickly. Your pregnancy had gone smoothly. Just four months into the pregnancy, you both got the exciting news that you were having a baby boy Quincy and Grayson were both extremely happy that there was going to be another Tomlinson in the household.


"Lou, I don't know how much longer I can take." You cry as you sat on the edge of your hospital bed while Louis sat in front of you, rubbing your sides. He sighed and pulled you into a hug. You buried your face into his neck and grabbed onto his shirt as yet another contraction ripped through your stomach, traveling around your back and down your legs. You let out a small cry into his neck and squeezed his sides. His hands traveled down your back, stopping at the bottom and massaging lightly. "Deep breathes baby...the more air you take in, the more he gets and that'll help him settle down." He whispers. You listen to your husbands soothing voice and do as he says, relaxing after a few minutes. He laid you back in bed, helping you get comfortable just before another long contraction hit.

16.5 hours after you had officially went into labor, you started pushing to bring your little boy into this world. Louis stood to your right side, holding back your leg while the nurse held back your other. He held your hand in his, allowing you to squeeze it all you wanted. "He's right there, babe. I can see his head crowing." He says as you pushed down again. You let out a small cry as his head slipped out. "Worse part is over, come on (Y/N)." He says, not taking his eyes off the little boy that you were bringing into the world. You pushed down again, moaning softly as your baby slid out into the doctor's arms. He started crying immediately and the doctor quickly put him on your chest, wrapping him in his towel, "Hey little man." You smile down at him through your tears. Louis let go of your leg and leaned down, staring at him. "Hey little guy, oh my God...he's so perfect." He whispers. "I'm so proud of you, babe. So proud..."

Hayes Alexander Tomlinson - 6 pounds, 8 ounces, 19 inches long - January 21st

You and Niall had settled on adoption just two months before getting a call and hearing the news that a young mum had chosen you to be the parents of her baby girl. You shared the news with everyone and prepared for your new baby girl. Ten weeks before she was supposed to be born, she was brought into the world by an emergency surgery.


The nurse led you and Niall back into the NICU to meet your new baby girl. You held Niall's hand tightly as he whispered small things in a attempt to make you feel better. You walked up to the small incubator that held your new daughter. She had a tube going through her nose to help her breathe and a tube shoved down her throat so she could eat. Your eyes instantly became teary as you stared at her. "You know...we haven't even come up with a name for her yet." Niall says softly, rubbing your back. You nod, wiping away the tears. You two stay silent for what seems like forever before Niall cleared his throat, "What about...Addalynn Faith Horan?" He asks softly, "I know you liked Addalynn when we had Soph...and Faith because of the situation she's in." He explains. You nod and look up at him. "That's perfect." You whisper.

You leaned down and looked at your baby girl as she started to wake up. Her little eyes fluttered open and you smiled, reaching your hand in and taking her small palm into your own. "Hey Addie...It's your mummy...I know everything seems so big and I know you're in some pain, but I promise you that your daddy and I will do everything we can to make you better. We're never going to disappoint you, sweetheart. We love you so, so, so much." You whisper.

Addalynn (Addie) Faith Horan - 3 pounds, 2 ounces, 14 inches long - September 3

After you had healed from your miscarriage, you and Liam started trying again. After two more failed pregnancies, you finally made it through a very healthy one. You two decided to have the baby at the hospital this time due to complications with the pregnancies before you lost the last two babies. You also decided to not find out the sex of the baby until the little one was born, just like you did with Ben. Everyone was so happy for you and Liam and supported you throughout everything that had happened.

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