#03 - Pregnancy Series - Finding Out You're Pregnant

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#03 - Pregnancy Series - Finding Out You're Pregnant

Louis: Louis and yourself had made an appointment with your doctor to find out if anything was wrong with either of you that prohibited you from having kids. You sat on on the table in the room with Louis sitting in the chair across from you. He tapped his foot nervously as you waited for the doctor to come in with your future. The door opened and she walked in with a small smile. "Alright kids, we got your test results back." She says taking a seat. "Louis you came back perfectly fine. Nothing is wrong with you." She says right off the bat. He lets out a tuff of air and nods. "And (Y/N) your blood results came back with something big." She says slowly. You felt your breath hitch in your throat. "You're pregnant." She smiles. "Oh my god." Louis shouts, staring up at you. You laughed and covered your mouth. "Congratulations you two."

Niall: "God...That smells disgusting." You mumble as you clutched your stomach and covered your nose. "Way to make me feel good about my cooking." Niall laughs as you shook your head. "Sorry. It's making my stomach turn." You say, rushing past your sister-in-law, Denise, who was holding your nephew Theo. She walked after you as you stood in the bathroom, catching your breath. "You're pregnant." She says softly, staring at you. "You have the same symptoms I did. Take a test." She says, shutting the door. You stood there for a second, shocked at what she had said. You grabbed one from the box you kept underneath the sink. You stared at the little pink cross after three minutes and took one after another. You ran out of the bathroom, "Niall! Niall James!" You shout, rushing into the kitchen. "What?" He asks, turning around. "Pregnant. We're pregnant." You shout, holding the positive tests up. "Holy shit!" He grins, picking you up in a bone crushing hug.

Liam: You rubbed your eyes with the warm washcloth and sighed. You opened up the cabinet and grabbed your face wash, but stopped after you noticed the pregnancy test. On a whim, you took it and it came out positive, which didn't surprise you. You always got pregnant, but they always ended badly. You snuck back into your bedroom and straddled Liam's waist. "Hmm...What're you doing?" He mumbled. "I'm going to tell you a story." You say softly, rubbing his chest. "Once upon a time...A lady found an extra pregnancy test and took it...And it turns out she's pregnant once again." You say softly as you held up the positive test. He smiled softly and nodded, "This is it. I can feel it." He says, leaning up and pecking your lips. "We're going to be parents." He whispers. "I really, really, really hope you're right." You respond with a small smile.

Zayn: Zayn came up behind you and gently kissed your neck, making you moan softly. "Oh sorry...I forgot. You're on your period." He says backing away. "What? No I'm not." You say, turning to look at him. "Yeah you are. It's marked on the calender." He says pointing to the calender hanging up in the kitchen. "Oh my God..." You mumble, looking up at him. "Z, I'm late." You say softly. A grin spread across his face slowly, "Go, go, go! Go take a test!" He laughs and pushes you towards the stairs. You take each step two at a time and rush to your bathroom, ripping open the box of pregnancy tests. You nervously peed on two of the tiny sticks and placed the caps back on. You waited and sighed when you saw them. "Zayn, looks like we're going to have to move our office." You sighed, coming into his view. "Why?" He asked with a laugh. "Because I'm pregnant!" You shout.

Harry: The nasty smell of puke spread through the bathroom. "That's it...let it all out." Harry whispered as he rubbed your back. You leaned forward as your stomach wretched again, throwing up the contents that were left in your stomach. "You're so sick baby." He whispers, pulling the hair back from your sweaty forehead. "I don't...think I'm sick." You mumble, leaning back against the wall. He raised his eyebrow and waited for you to explain. "I've been tired, sick, and irritable for the past week...and my period is late." You mumble. He nods and reaches over and rubs your hand. "We're pregnant..." He mumbles. You smile weakly with a nod. "We're pregnant." He grins and pulls you into his lap, kissing your head. "We're going to have a little baby and we're going to be a mummy and daddy." He whispers. "So excited."

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