cute moment with your child #2

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You saw Haley (your daughter's) little body in your guys' door frame. She had her stuffed puppy in her hand and was sniffling into it. Harry felt you wake up in his arms, so he looked over to see what woke you up. He saw Haley with her brown wavy hair and your eyes. He stood up and slowly walked over to wear she was. "Haley, whats up?" he said in a hoarse sleepy voice. "I don't like the storm daddy. Make it go away." Harry bent down to her level and smirked "Sweetie, I can't make it go away. I promise it will leave soon though." Another thunder and lightning combo hit and she started to cry a little. "Honey, it's only thunder," he said with a sympathetic tone. she sniffled and looked up at him, and his heart almost melted. He then bent down and put her on his hip, carefully stroking her hair and her back. He walked her back over to your bed and lay her down between both of you. He pulled the blankets back over the three of you and wrapped his arms around both of you. Right before you and him drifted to sleep with your daughter, he kissed you and softly said "I love you."

Your son Grant was still little but he was absolutely obsessed with sports. His favorite thing lately was basketball. You had bought him a little kids basketball hoop, and then you also had one of the real big basketball hoops. Niall had decided to teach him how to shoot a basket on this particular day. You walked out to find Niall on a lawn chair, on his phone. You coughed, trying to get his attention, and he looked up from his phone. Your eyes gestured towards your son who was holding his little basketball eagerly. Niall then set his phone down and ran over to Grant. "Alright, buddy, you ready to shoot some hoops?" Niall asked and Grant jumped up and down, nodding his head a yes. Niall then laughed at his happiness and said "Okay, Grant, first thing you need to do is to hold your basketball like this." Niall showed him how to hold it correctly. They then practiced a few baskets and Grant hadn't made a single one. "I'm going to go get some water," you called, walking back inside the house. You walked in and looked out your window to find Grant about to shoot a basket. He jumped, threw it into the air, and BOOM. He made it! Niall then looked over to him in shock and grabbed Grant up into his arms. Niall spun him around, whooping and jumping up and down, obviously feeling like an accomplished father. You ran out quickly and Niall wrapped his free arm around you and Grant said "I did it mommy!" You then nodded your head, "I know I saw!" Niall then gave you a kiss on the cheek, which grossed your son out to an extent.

You had twin daughters, Maddie and Hayden, and they were like their father quite a bit. Except for looks, of course, they looked nothing alike. Hayden had all of your features while Maddie had all of her fathers. Today, you had taken the girls to the zoo, because they had never been. You were looking at the penguins and stuff, when Maddie decided that she wanted to take one home. "But, Daddy! They so cute! Let me take one home, pleeeaase!" Hayden just sorta stared at her blankly, like she didn't know her, and her face was absolutely priceless. Louis then smirked down at Maddie and said "Honey, these penguins are the zoo's. We can't take them." Maddie then pouted and crossed her arms. "But I want one." You then said "We can't always get what we want, sweetie." She then sighed "Fine..." Louis then frowned down at her "How about we get you a stuffed animal penguin?" She then eagerly nodded yes and you all headed towards the gift shop. Maddie of course chose a penguin and Hayden got a monkey. After you paid and got back into the car to go home, the girls were exhausted and they quickly fell asleep in the backseat. Once you got back home, Louis looked back and smiled at the girls sleeping peacefully in the back. He took out his phone and took a picture of them and tweeted it with the caption 'Busy day at the zoo, M and H were so tired ! We all got what we wanted though :)' He then looked over at you and gave you a kiss. "I love you so much, Y/N. I couldn't ask for anything more."

Your son Donovan was still a little baby. It was the middle of the night and you woke up to shrieking cries. You opened your eyes and sighed, about to get out of bed to go check on him. You felt a hand on your shoulder and he whispered "I got it, love. Go back to sleep." You lay back in bed and tried to close your eyes. Zayn walked into Donovan's room, and picked him up. He didn't need to be changed, he wasn't hungry or anything, he just wanted to be held. Zayn plopped down in a chair in Donovan's room. Zayn slowly rocked him to sleep, softly singing lullaby's to him. You got up and walked into his room, rubbing your eyes. Zayn looked up at you and softly said "Did I wake you?" You shook your head no, and walked up to him. Zayn slowly held Donovan to you and you sat down on his lap. Zayn nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and you softly started to sing him a lullaby. Donovan fell asleep in your arms soon after. Zayn gave you a kiss on your neck and softly said "You are so perfect, Y/N. I couldn't love you any more than I do right now."

Your daughter, Katy was starting Kindergarten. It was her first day, so naturally you were worried about whether she would fit in, and whether she would be able to make friends, and all of that good stuff. You were rushing around like a crazy person, trying to get her stuff together and get her out the door. Liam was sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. You put her hair into a ponytail and ran downstairs. "Okay, we need to get your back and-no honey don't mess with your hair I took time to do that- oh gosh, we're gonna be so late on your first-" You felt two strong arms wrap around your waist, stopping you mid sentence. "Love, stop worrying. How about you just stay home, and I'll take her to school, okay?" You nodded your head "Okay, you're right," You bent down to Katy's level "have a good day for me okay, princess? Mommy loves you, remember that!" You gave her a hug and she said "Okay! Daddy lets go!" He picked her up and gave you a kiss on the head before driving her to school. Right after he left, you realized that she forgot her favorite little pencil bag at home. Yes, an excuse, you thought, and you rushed out to your car, following them to the school. Once you walked into the lobby, you spotted Liam giving Katy a hug and a kiss before letting her go. As she skipped off, he spotted you, both of you teary eyed. He walked over and you softly said "She left her bag at home." Liam then got out "You should probably give that to her, Y/N," before wrapping you in a tight hug.


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