He loses you: Liam

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He Loses You: Liam

It was a Saturday which meant no school, so you had to go run errands with your father. Currently you guys were at the grocery store, shopping for food to last until next Saturday when you do the whole trip over again. "Do you think you could walk for a bit sweetie?? I need that part of the cart to put stuff in" your dad explained. "But daddyyyy!" you whined, pouting at him. "C'mon y/n, you're a big girl, I think you can walk for a few minutes until we finish." He said, walking around the cart to lift you out. "Promise we won't be too long??" you asked. "Promise, I just need to get cheese, yogurt and cereal." He stated as he placed you on your feet. You sighed but didn't bother complaining anymore since you knew it would be no use. As you both walked down the cereal isle you spotted a small shelf filled with loaves of bread. Normally bread didn't interest you, but this kind had a nice swirly pattern on the bag. "Look daddy!!" you exclaimed when you saw it. "I see! That is some funky looking bread." He says as he walks past. "C'mon babe, the cereal is down here." He explained to you but you didn't move. To be quite honest, you were in kind of a daze from looking at the bread. "Can I keep looking at this while you grab the cereal??" you asked, glancing up at him for just a second before going back to the bread. "Sure hunny, but you need to stay RIGHT THERE! Don't move an inch until I come back, ok?" he asked, looking very serious. "Yes daddy" you replied, nodding. He then continued down the isle, towards the many different boxes of cereal, while you did what he said and stayed exactly where you were supposed to. You got stuck in one of your dazes again as you found a swirly bread package with different colours than the ones you had been looking at before. When you finally snapped out of it, you looked down the isle to see if your dad had picked a cereal yet, but you didn't see him. Did he forget about you? How long had you been staring at the bread? It couldn't have been that long, could it? You were starting to get scared now. You had never been anywhere without your dad in sight, and the fact that this was a big place full of hundreds of people didn't help the situation. You remembered what he had said earlier, that you were a 'big girl', so that means that you can't cry. You struggle to hold back the tears as a lady almost hits you with her cart, but you manage to keep them in. "Excuse me? Do you know where my daddy is??" you asked a woman in a vest that was the same colour as the store's walls. "I don't know sweetie, what does he look like?" she asked as she bent down to your level so she could look you in the eyes. "He's really tall...like this!!" you said, standing on your tippy toes and reaching as high as you could so you could show the lady how big he was. She lightly nodded, trying not to laugh. "Ok, what colour shirt does he have on?" she asked. "It's Batman coloured!" you said, happy that you remembered what your dad's favourite TV character was. "Ok sweetie, lets go find him." She said, getting up and reaching out her hand. You happily take it and you both walk to a different isle. "Do you see him yet?" she asked. You took a moment to check, making sure that you looked extra well. "No" you concluded, shaking your head. Both of you walked over to the next isle, which no one was in, so you went to the next one. "How about this one? Do you see him?" she asked again. You checked but still no. You shook your head once more, now thinking that you would never find him. Just as you were about to start crying, you heard someone yell your name. "Y/N!!!!! Y/n!" your dad yelled as he sprinted down the length of the store towards you. You immediately let go of the lady's hand and ran in his direction, not caring if you cried or not at this point, you were just happy to see him again. "Y/n, I'm SO sorry!!!Are you ok??? Come here! It's ok!! Oh my gosh, I'm such a bad father." He rambled as you ran into his arms and he scooped you up, hugging you tight to his body and kissing your temple as you sobbed into his shoulder. "I couldn't find you daddy!!!" you wailed into the crook of his neck. "I know baby, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot that I left you there." He explained, feeling worse and worse about himself as he did. You couldn't respond due to your intense crying, so he just rocked you back and forth, rubbing circles on your back and repeatedly kissing your head. "Ssssh. You're ok baby. Atleast we found each other, right??" he asked in a hushed tone near your ear. You nodded and started to calm down a bit. "I can't thank you enough!! How could I possibly repay you?" your dad asked the lady who was still standing where you had left her. "It's fine, just seeing you 2 reunite was all the repayment I'll ever need. I'm glad I could help." She said with a smile before walking away. By now you were almost completely calmed down. All that was coming out of you was slight whimpers every so often and hiccups from crying so hard. "How about we go get some ice cream then head home and cuddle while we watch a movie. Sound good?" you dad asked as he began walking toward the cash registers. You nodded into his chest. "Ok, what movie do you want to watch??" he asked. You thought for a moment. "Can we watch Barbie Fairytopia?!" you asked excitedly, remembering that you had got that for your birthday a week ago. "Of course we can babe. Anything for my princess." He said, kissing your temple one last time before checking out the groceries and walking out of the store, ready to forget about today's events.

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