Getting Needles ~ LOUIS ONLY

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Getting Needles ~ LOUIS ONLY

Today was 'shots' day for your 5 year old. You know quite well that she hates needles and will throw a big tantrum so you use your other daughter as an excuse to stay home. "Babe, Scarlett didn't sleep too well last night so I think I'll let her rest. Do you think you can handle Kyler's doctors appointment?" You ask, cuddling up to a sleepy Louis as you lay in bed. He groans and buries his head deeper into the pillow. "Do I have to??" He whines with his muffled morning voice. "Yes darling, she has to go get her shots, but if we wake Scar up she'll be cranky all day." You explain. "Can't I stay with her while you take Kyler?" He suggests. "How exactly do you plan on feeding her?" You giggle. Louis tried his hardest to think of a good answer but he couldn't argue with that. "Fiiine." He sighs. Within the hour he was ready and in the car on the way to his destination, child in tow. "Where are we going daddy??" Kyler asks, looking out the window to see if she recognized the scenery. "We're going to see the doctor so he can give you a check-up." Louis explains. "Do I need needles??" She questions, panic now thick in her voice. "No babe, just a check-up." He lied, figuring what she doesn't know won't hurt her....yet. Kyler instantly calmed down and just looked out the window for the rest of the trip. Once they got there Louis signed in then sat down in the empty waiting room. Within a couple minutes a nurse came into the room. "Kyler Tomlinson?" she called. Louis smiled and got up, grabbing Kyler's hand and following the lady to another room to wait for the doctor. "Alright, so she just needs the 3 shots then?" The lady asked, looking up from her clipboard. Louis instantly started freaking out on the inside, praying that his daughter wasn't listening. Unfortunately this wasn't the case, she had heard every word nice and clear, starting to panic herself as tears came to her eyes. "Yeah.." Louis sighed, causing the lady to nod and leave the room. "I'm getting needles?!?!" Kyler cried, visibly shaking. "Yes honey, but it'll only take a second and daddy will be right here the whole time ok? Then we can go get some ice cream." he reasoned, a hopeful glint in his eye. The bribe didn't work at all, Kyler immediately broke down as she crumpled to the floor and wailed. Louis quickly scooped her up in his arms and hugged her tightly. "C'mon babe, don't cry." he whispered, stroking her hair as she sobbed into his chest. Just then the doctor walked in holding a tray with 3 needles rested on it. "Well hello there young lady!" He exclaimed with a smile, taking her tiny hand in his and shaking it. "I'm Dr.Henry, what's your name?" He continued, kneeling down to her level. Kyler looked over at him with teary eyes and sniffled before burying her face back into her dad's shirt. "Sorry, she's just a bit worried about the needles. My names Louis, this is Kyler." Louis quickly interjected. "Lovely to meet you sir, and don't be scared sweetie, I promise these needles won't hurt a bit." Dr.Henry said, shaking Louis' hand before getting up to prepare the shots. "Alright, can you come sit up here for me please?" He smiled, patting the top of the bed. She didn't move an inch so Louis picked her up and placed her onto where the doctor instructed. "NO!!!! Daddy no!! Please no!!! NOOO!!!" She screamed, kicking her legs and squirming to get out of his arms. "You're fine babe, nothing's happening yet." He assured her. When he was about to go sit down again he suddenly felt tiny hands tighten around his arm. "No, don't leave daddy!!!!!" Kyler sobbed, pulling him back to her. Louis sighed but nodded, pulling her up onto his lap as he placed himself on the bed. Once the doctor neared her with the needle she tensed up and started crying harder, squirming to try and get off of Lou's lap. "This'll only feel like a little mosquito bite, ok honey? No need to worry." Dr. Henry said. "NOO!!!!" Kyler screamed, fighting to free herself from Louis' grip. "Babe, listen, would daddy ever let anyone hurt you?" Louis asked. Kyler stopped her kicking and screaming, shaking her head as tears continued to pour down her puffy red face. "That's right, so you need to trust me, ok? Dr.Henry is a nice man and I promise he won't cause you any unnecessary pain." He explained. Kyler nodded and sniffled as Louis grabbed her arm and held it out so the doctor could start. As the first needle got closer to her skin she started hysterically crying again and trying to pull her arm away. "You're okay baby, I'm right here. Ssssh. Calm down. You're alright." Louis comforted, kissing the top of her head. She calmed down slightly but only because Dr.Henry pulled the needle away. "Hey Kylie, just think of all that ice cream and candy we're gonna get after this." Louis said. "Is it gonna be lots??" She asked, looking up at him. "Yup, and you don't even have to share any with Scarlett!" he explained. "Really?!?!" Kyler asked, a smile slowly creeping into her face. Dr.Henry saw his opportunity and gently slipped the first needle into her arm, pulling it out quickly and giving Louis a thumbs up. Louis gave a subtle wink in return before looking back down and Kyler and nodding. "And guess what??" He asked. "What?!" She asked excitedly. "When we get home you get to tell mommy and Scar about what a big girl you are for coming to the doctors today!" He exclaimed. "But mommy says Scarlett is a big girl too. The same amount as me." She pouted. Louis viciously shook his head, "she won't be saying that after today! Scarlett could NEVER come to the doctors and get 3 big needles like you did." "But I cried and won't let the doctor do I'm not a big girl." Kyler whined, pouting more. "He just gave you the needles sweetie, you're all done." Louis smiled. "He did?!?!! YAY!!!" She cheered, throwing her arms up in victory. "I'm so proud of you!" Louis chuckled, giving her a tight hug. "And since you were such a good patient, you get some pretty band-aids on your arm and a lollipop!" Dr.Henry said, pointing to her band-aids and handing her a red candy. "Can we go home and tell mommy?!" Kyler asked hopefully. "I think we should send her a picture right now!" Louis smiled, taking out his phone and snapping a picture of his brave girl, texting it to you immediately. "Alright, time for ice cream." He said, causing your daughter to run out of the building screaming with excitement. Let's just say by the time they got home they both had massive tummy aches and probably more than a few cavities.

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