Father - child moment

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Niall: You were coming gome from your fist day back to work since you had the twins and it was stressful. Your boss was constantly complaining that you were moving to slow or not doing things right and you were slightly ticked off at his attitude. When you finally get home you slide your heels off and see that the house was a complete mess. Finally after snapping out of shock, you turn on mom mode when you don't see your kids running around. "Peter! Rosalie! Niall!" You shouted. You just told yourself that Niall probally were putting them to bed. With that you walk into the kitchen to see if the choclate you hid in the vegetable drawer the past day was still there and you see Niall holding the twins, all of them wearing bibs and Niall with the pink Cinderella spoon in his mouth. "Aww babe your supposed to feed them the baby food, not yourself," you said sarcastically picking up Rosalie. Niall stood up, still holding Peter, and tooke the spoon out of his mouth. "They wouldn't eat unless they saw their daddy do it," he says pointing to the bib around his neck. "It's alright Niall I won't tell the boys," you said smiling/laughing. Niall laughed and went back to feeding Peter, while you fed Rosalie. Woohoo Teamwork!

Harry: You were quickly running to the store to pick up more diapers for your newly 2 year-old, William, and you need to get more lunchables for your 6 year-old daughter, Darcy, for school. You walk into the house and go straight into the kitchen and put away the lunchables and start to head up to William's (Billy's) room. "Billy," you cooed walking down the hall "Mommy got you pull-ups so soon you can start using the big boy-" When you get to Billy's room you see Harry and your two angels cuddling up next to him in the little toddler bed. You stood in the doorway admiring the three people that make your life worth living.

Liam: Taylor rushed into the door one day after kindergarten with a big smile on his face. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" He loudly yellled repeatively. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" You replied in the same tone. "Where's daddy? I need to show him something." "He is upstairs napping. He has work tonight so don't-" It was too late Taylor was running up the stairs to your bedroom. You were curious to what he was going to show Liam so you followed him to yours and Liam's room. You peep your head through the crack and you see Taylor sitting on Liam's lap reading for the first time ever. Your heart went warm seeing how excited Taylor was to show his dad that he learned how to read.

Zayn: Your daughter, Jasmine, had been going through some "changes" a bit early since she was only 11 years old. You were at a meeting with some clients and had to be held at work for a little longer than usual. I didn't have to worry though because Zayn didn't have work today. I got home to hearing my little girl crying in the bathroom and Zayn trying to talk to her through the door. Before Zayn could see you since his back was facing the other way, he was still talking to your daughter through the bathroom door. "Cupcake, don't worry Daddy's here and is going to help you even though I don't go through this... Having your period is a normal thing believe it or not. Mommy gets it every month and soon you will too. I know your scared because there is lots of blood and I'm your dad so you don't want to talk to me, but I want you to know that you can telll me anything. Even about boys." The last part made her laugh and said, "Daddy I don't think I can talk to you about boys because the advise you would give me would make them go away, since you don't want anyone to take your cupcake!" You smiled and walked up to Zayn from behind and put your arms around his waist and whisper, "You're an amazing Dad." He turns around and you guys have a short passionate kiss. It couldn't be a long one because you had to go show your daughter how to use a pad and tampons.

Louis: You, Louis, and Tommy were all sitting at the table enjoying your lovely meal. Tommy, your 14 year-old, son was a little quiet, and Tommy, taking after his dad, is never quiet unless he's upset. I shot Louis a worried look and he understood my message. "Hey Tommo, what's wrong?" Louis asked.

Tommy- Nothing and don't call me that.

You- Why sweetie? And talk to your father like that.

Tommy- It's just there is this girl at schoo-

Louis- Me and you have to have a talk.

With that Louis picked up Tommy's and his plates and made their way to the living room. You thought that it was so cute that Louis went off like that with Tommy. "What a good father," You thought to yourself.

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