GROWING UP SERIES (LIAM):Part 6: Potty Training (Age 2)

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GROWING UP SERIES Part 6: Potty Training (Age 2)

Liam's POV
(Y/N) just turned two and she informed me she doesn't like diapers anymore. "LiLi, I no diapers anymore" "Why baby?" "I big girl now" I nodded. "Okay well that means you have to go on the potty and you can't go in your pants any more. You know that right?" She nodded "Yeah, Uncle Lou talks about it all the time!" Boom. Caught. Mental note: kill Louis later "Alright baby, let's go to the bathroom." I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. I took off her diaper and put her on the toilet. "Okay, if you have to go, you go here." She nodded. We waited and waited, but she never went. "Do you even have to go right now?" She shook her head. I lifted her off the toilet and put her diaper back on "Li, no diaper" "Baby, I don't have anything else to put on you right now. We have to go to the store. But, I will only buy you big girl underwear if you don't go in your pants. Got it?" She nodded, kissing me on
the cheek. I kissed her back and she went off to watch the movie that was playing. I called Louis and destroyed him for telling her and to tell him that he was going to buy her her new underwear when the time came. He laughed."Course mate, nothing but the best for my niece!" I laughed and hung up. "Li!" (y/n) called. I walked into the living room. "Yes baby?" "Pee!!!!" She nearly screamed. I took her into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. But again, she didn't go. "I thought you said you had to go?" She just shrugged. I took her off and put on her diaper. We walked back into the living room and watched the movie some more, when she started crying. "What's the matter sweetheart?" I cooed bringing her onto my lap. "I pee!" She said crying. I brought her into a hug and rubbed circles on her back. "Baby it's okay, I'm not mad. You won't get it the first time. It's going to take some time. Alright?" She nodded. I took her upstairs
and changed her and laid her down for her nap. It was about and hour and a half later when she woke up. I immediately took her into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. "Go?" She questioned. I nodded. It took a minute or two but she finally went. "Good girl!" I cooed at her. I've never seen her smile bigger than what it was today. "I did it Li! I did it!" "You did baby I'm so proud of you!" She got off the toilet and I put her diaper back on. "Store now?" I nodded and we went to buy her princess (what she suggested) underwear. Of course they were a few accidents along the way, and at I night I put her in pull-ups, but she got the hang of it and I couldn't be prouder...

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