He catches your child being naughty

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Zayn: "Sierra Evonne!" Zayn gasps, looking at the toddler with crayons in her chubby fists, scribbling on the wall. She looks at him innocently, laughs and then goes back to scribbling. He quickly runs over and gently pries the crayons from her hands, placing them out of reach. "Sweetie, crayons are for paper," he scolds gently, looking into hazel eyes that mirror his own. "I make pretty picture," she squeals, pointing to the wall. He smiles and grabs a stack of paper from the living room, handing it to her. "You're quite the artist, but from now on, make pretty pictures on paper, okay?" he sets her at the kitchen table with her paper and crayons and she nods. "Now, I'm going to go Google how to crayon off of walls before mommy comes home and sees the pretty picture you left, okay?"

Niall: "Bray! What are you doing?" Niall looks into the kitchen and gasps, seeing your blue-eyed son's frosting covered face. Somehow, he'd climbed onto the counter and found the cake you'd recently baked and frosted for your mother's birthday later that evening. Braden's cheeks were smeared with pink frosting and he was happily smashing cake crumbs into his mouth. "Ummy! Ummy!" he shrieks. Niall looks at the destroyed cake in horror, knowing how hard you'd worked on it. "Braden, you can't just go around doing that, bud," Niall sighs, grabbing a napkin and cleaning off the boy's face. Braden looks up at Niall with wide eyes, then takes a handful of cake and holds it out to him, like a peace offering. "Aww," Niall smiles and shakes his head. "Thanks, Bray, but being cute isn't gonna get you out of this one. C'mon, you're going to go apologize to mommy and help her make a new cake, okay?" Braden nods as Niall finishes wiping off the counter.

Liam: "Die! Die! Die!" Emily squeals, smashing her doll against the living room table. "Oh my Gosh! Em, cut it out! What are you doing? That's not nice!" Liam looks at the curly-haired four year old, slightly horrified. She looks up at him and frowns. "Why are you trying to kill your doll? And, you're going to break the table," he says gently, sitting down next to her. "I not kill doll," she protests. "Spider." she points to a now-dead spider. "Mommy scared of spider so I kill it." Liam 'awwws' at how adorable that is and automatically feels bad for scolding her. "Aw, that's so nice of you, honey," he coos. "I'm sorry for scolding you. How about I go get you some ice cream?" Her face brightens and she jumps into his arms. Ice cream was certainly the way to her heart.

Harry: "Do I look puh-ritty?" Darcy asks, hopping into the living room with your red lipstick smeared all over her face. "Oh my GOD! Darce! What did you do to yourself?" Harry looks over at her with surprise and bites back a laugh. "Mommy's lipstick, I pretty," she replies, smiling, red lipstick on her teeth. "Wow, Darce. Sweetie, I'm going to take a picture to show mommy," he says softly, taking out his phone and snapping a picture, for which she poses with a wink. "But, you look pretty without the lipstick," he says softly, grabbing a wet cloth and wiping off her face. "Plus, taking mommy's make up without permission is not nice." She nods slowly as he washes off her cheeks, her green eyes serious. "Bad Darcy," she says softly. "No, you're a good girl, Darce. Just don't take mommy's make up without asking, okay?" Harry assures, kissing her forehead. "Okay," she replies, grabbing her stuffed rabbit and skipping away.

Louis: "Oh my...you certainly got your mischievousness from me..." Louis stares at the living room in shock, and then looks at a pleased-looking Leo, holding a bottle of glue. "Leo, why on Earth did you glue all of your toys to the wall?" Leo smiles and hops up and down. "I hanged them up! They artwork!" he squeals. "Leo! That's very naughty of you," Louis bites back a laugh and shakes his head. "Sorry, I sorry," Leo sniffs, his blue eyes welling with tears. "No! Ay, don't cry, bud. I've down worse when I was a tot," Louis soothes, wrapping the boy in a hug. "One time I drew a cat on my wall with crayons--but don't you be getting any ideas!" Louis admits, making Leo laugh. "Now, how bout you help me clean this up, and you promise never to do this again, all right, bud?" Leo nods and pulls a sticky toy truck from the wall. "I promise. I be good, I help."

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