Your daughter thinks that he doesn't love her anymore due to the new baby

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Your daughter thinks that he doesn't love her anymore due to the new baby

Harry: You shifted in your spot among the couch, Harry realized your discomfort and knelt beside you with his hand resting on your growing stomach. "What's hurting baby?" Motioning to your back he lifted you up gently while placing another pillow beneath you. Feeling relieved he pressed his lips to your forehead. Breaking out in a smile he placed both of his large hands on your belly. Leaving many small kisses. Watching at how happy he was at having a new baby soon you smiled. "I'm so excited to have a boy." Placing your hand onto his you saw your daughter, Darcy, stand at the end of the couch with a pout on her lips. "I don't want a brother, Daddy always excited about him and never play with me no more." Harry froze and looked at her with sad eyes, you frowned sadly and ushered her towards you and Harry. Climbing by your side you wrapped your arms around her. "I love you Darcy, just because a new baby is coming doesn't mean I won't stop loving you, you're my princes." Harry wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a hug; you only lay calmly as you watched the two play with dolls.

Liam: Holding up a baby sized onesie Liam held it up to his chest with a smile. "Our boy is sure going to look stylish." Laughing to yourself your daughter, Jamie, clung to your side. Holding her up with one arm the other rested on your baby bump. Liam was doing most of the shopping since the baby was going to be a boy he wanted to do this so he was well dressed. "Jamie what do you think, you and your brother having matching shirts?" Holding up a blue and pink shirt with a print on its stomach Jamie shook her head and squeezed her mouth shut. Liam frowned and you looked down at Jamie who only nuzzled her head into the crook of your neck. "Hey, don't ignore Daddy." You spoke gently, pushing a loose strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "Daddy doesn't love me." Both you and Liam stopped and looked down at her. "Don't ever say that, he loves you more than anything. He is excited to be having a baby boy but even then he will spend all his days with you." Liam kneeled to the floor opening his arms, setting Jamie to the floor you stood back with your hand on your lower back. She walked into his arms and he immediately wrapped his arms around her, kissing her all over the face. Whispering something to her she laughed loudly, soon crawling onto his shoulders to help him shop for clothes.

Louis: Vanessa your daughter bounced on your knees as you held her by the arms. Laughing as she made funny noises with her lips you saw Louis in the other room holding your new born daughter in his hands, smiling with a large grin. You couldn't help but smile at how caring he is towards children. Vanessa stopped her bouncing and sat on her bum. Looking up at you she didn't have the little smile she had only seconds ago. "Why so down honey?" Tilting your head she looked over at her dad then back up to you. "Daddy spend so much time Holly and never with me anymore. He doesn't love me no more." You sighed before lifting up her chin with your finger; pressing your lips to her forehead. "Did you know that when you were born your Daddy didn't even let me hold you until I had to feed you? He always held you and made your smile, showing your toothless laugh. He has pictures that fit into two albums only of the first month you were actually born. At night time he tucks you in when you fall asleep, kissing your head. Your daddy loves you so much. Never forget that." Her smile grew so wide, making you smile in response. Climbing off your lap she went into the room where Louis was and stood at his side where he wrapped one arm around her and the new baby. That was the best sight you could have seen.

Niall: Michael held onto Niall's finger as he fiddled with his binky. Giving you a soft kiss on the lips and messing your daughter Bella's hair she pulled Michael into his arms and went outside. Going to the park so they could have father and son time. Smiling out the window as Niall pressed his lips to Michael's stomach, making him giggle and drop his binky. Closing the curtain you turned to your daughter who sat on the couch playing with the hem of her dress. "What you want to do with mommy?" You said cheerfully, kneeling before her. Resting your hands on her knees she pushed your hands away. "Well someone isn't happy. What is up?" She sat silently crossing her arms, brushing your fingers over her knees she pulled back smiling; being her ticklish spot. "Tell mommy what's wrong." Taking the seat beside her you waited for her to speak. "I want to go to the park with Daddy, he always takes Michael and not me anymore. He loves him more." Hearing the sadness in her voice you held up your finger for her to wait and ran into your room. Searching through Niall's things you found the dark blue box. Coming back into the living room you took your seat by her. Opening the box revealed a charm necklace with three words engraved. My Little Girl. "Your dad was going to give this to you on your birthday but I think it's better to give it to you now. You will always be his little girl." Clipping it around her neck she continued to look at it with nothing but a smile on her cheeks.

Zayn: Your four year old daughter Nellie twirled in circles, her dress flaring out into the air. Sitting at the picnic table you and Zayn watched happily, one year old daughter Chloe waddled out to join her sister. Accidently Chloe fell and began to cry. Zayn beat you to it and dashed toward her. Cupping her in his arms he kisses her forehead multiple times to comfort her. Nellie tripped over a small rock and fell to her knees, scratching them against the pavement. Running towards her, her lips quivering you kissed her scraped knees. "Don't cry baby, with some cream and a band-aid you will be better." Hugging her closely to your chest Zayn still was calming down Chloe with his quiet singing. "Why didn't daddy help me?" She choked on some tears and you shushed her with your voice pulling back her hair gently. "He is helping Chloe, sweetheart." She shook her head and buried her head into your arm. "He always saves Chloe, whenever she hurt but never me. He stopped loving me mommy." Shaking your head in disagreement Zayn stood beside you hearing what Nellie had said. "Hey, I will always been there to save you. I may not be there straight away but in the end I will always be your superman." Crawling into his arms I took Chloe away from him. Zayn held her closely, saying sweet things into her that seemed to brighten her up easily.

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