He is Protective of your kids

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He is Protective of your kids

Harry: you and Harry decided to take your little girl Darcy to the park after begging since last week when it was raining. The weather finally cleared up and you and Harry were sitting on the park bench as you watched Darcy play around. She was happy using her imagination, making friends and playing. She was a real daddy's girl, and who wouldn't be with Harry Styles as your father. You and Harry both noticed paparazzi and photographers starting to gather, and take pictures. You and Harry didn't like Darcy being put in the spot light by paparazzi much, as she was still a young girl. They started to get too close and over stepped the line. You and Harry got up at the same time, you picked Darcy up and Harry had a word with a few of the paparazzi. Darcy seemed a little scared and you promised her she was safe. Harry came to the two of you after talking to paparazzi, "daddy why are they following me?" she asks cutely with a slight touch of worry in her voice, "sweetheart don't worry about them, they won't hurt you, daddy won't let them" Harry says reassuring Darcy. "but why are they taking pictures of me?" she asks not understanding who Harry was. "don't worry Darc, come on let's go play" he says as you put her down. She smiles up at the two of you, and takes both your hands, and leads you both to the play ground. "mummy come on the slide with me" she says happily, and drags you up to the slide and you go down together. "daddy can we go see the ducks?" she asks running to Harry, "we have to wait for mummy first" Harry laughs. "come on mummy" she encourages as you walk over to them. "slow coach" Harry smirks, "daddy I'll race you there" Darcy states and starts running, you run after her and Harry follows. "I win, I win" she giggles, "now look who the slow coach is" you say poking your tongue out at Harry. Harry hugs you tightly then tickles you to the floor. Darcy didn't notice, she was more concerned with the ducks. "Darcy help daddy tickle mummy" Harry laughs and Darcy comes over running, "no Darcy don't" you giggle, "daddy are you hurting mummy?" "no sweetie I'm playing with mummy" "can I play?" she asks as a smile appears on her face. "help tickle her" Harry says, "no Darcy tickle Daddy" you say in between squirming and laughing. "daddy those people are watching" Darcy states and hides behind Harry. Harry sighs, "don't be scared mummy and daddy won't let anyone hurt you, come here" he says as he stops tickling you and hugs Darcy. You end up leaving and going home, because Darcy was scared. Harry took to twitter straight away, "my little girl is too scared to go to the park and play, this makes me sad to see her scared. If you see her please don't scare her, she is only 4, this includes paparazzi."

Liam: Liam had offered to give you the day off from your little girl Sofia, while your son was at a friends house. He offered to take Sofia to the shops with Louis and his little girl Isabella. They were at the shops and it was busy, filled with teenagers, and fans who found out Liam and Louis were there. The boys were walking around with the girls, letting them look at toys and have ice-cream. Louis was bombarded with fans and Liam managed to get out of the pack of fans with the 2 girls. He had picked Isabella up because she was younger and smaller than Sofia. Liam turned around for a second as a fan politely asked for an autograph. He turned back around to where Sofia was meant to be standing and she was gone. "Sof" he starts to call as he frantically calls for Sofia, "Sofia" he continues to call, and Louis manages to get away from fans and helps look for her. A few of the fans even started to look for her, after a few minutes which seemed hours, a fan found her. Sofia was in tears and scared, Liam very quickly hugged her, then accidentally yelled at her, "never run off again" he didn't mean it to come out how it did but he was scared. She started to cry more, "aw I'm sorry Sof, daddy didn't mean to get angry, I was scared. Come here" he says in the tone he always uses around kids. She sniffles and hugs Liam tightly, "don't run off again sweetheart okay" Liam sweetly whispers and she nods. Liam picks her up and keeps his eye on her the whole time, and so does Louis.

Zayn: You were sitting on the couch reading a magazine while your 2 younger kids played in front of you. Suddenly the door slammed shut and your teenage girl started to storm up stairs. "Taylor what's wrong?" you quickly ask, "dad is so unfair an mean" she huffs before running up stairs. You turn to Zayn walking in the door, "what happened?" you asked, as you kiss him hello, "I said she couldn't go to that prom thingo" "what, why?" you question, "because she is only a little girl, she doesn't need to get dressed up, with make up, and boys who are trouble" Zayn states as he says hello to your 2 younger kids who were hugging Zayn, happily. You couldn't help but giggle, "what's funny?" Zayn asks confused a little. "because you sound exactly like my dad, you're so protective of her. You can't wrap her up in cotto whool" you say, "how do I sound like your dad, and I can try?" "Zayn remember when I first wanted to date you which was indeed prom?" "yeah, I remember" "well those were the exact words my dad said to me" "but you ended up going?" "yes I did, remember I managed to sneak out" you say hinting to Zayn she will just rebel just like you did. "Shit, I need to bolt the windows" Zayn mutters, "no you need to let her go" "but she is my baby" Zayn pouts, "who is growing up, Zayn if I listened to my dad who forever told me I couldn't be with you, we wouldn't be together." "but" "no buts Zayn, let her go" you try to convince. "fine but she is to be home at 9:30 I'll pick her up from the door of the place." "Zayn" you sigh, "fine 9:45" he states, you look at him, "11, when it finishes, and you will pick her up at the doors, inside your car" you exaggerate, "my curfew was 10, and your curfew was 9 at her age" Zayn says, "how many times did you keep to that rule hon?" you question, "every time" "yeah right you did not, because I always broke my curfew, but I just didn't get court like you did" "fine she can go" Zayn finally agrees and tells Taylor.

Louis: Today was a nice day outside and your son was begging to go out somewhere, but Louis didn't want to expose you newly born to the life of a famous father. "please dad?" Tommy begs, "sorry son" Louis says as he puts Aydan to sleep in his arms, "please, mum can stay here with the baby" "Tommy mum needs a little time off, I can't just leave her to look after Aydan, clean, and do everything she does" Louis tries to explain. "you're so mean, he gets all the attention and he is a baby. I can cry and do everything he does too" Tommy says throwing a tantrum, and crossing his arms. "Tommy you get attention too" Louis says trying to make Tommy feel better. "no" he says being as stubborn as his father. "how about we do something me and you another day?" "no you're so...so, so...pr...pro.. Pro" tommy trails off saying as he can't get the word out, "protective?" you but in as you come down the stairs. "yeh that word" tommy says feeling proud he could string that sentence together. "I am protective of you too" "no you're not, you don't care, you won't play with me because of Aydan" Tommy continues. You could tell Louis was getting frustrated but Tommy had a point, Tommy shouldn't suffer because Louis doesn't want to expose Aydan to the world. "Louis I'll take Aydan up stairs and put him in his crib, while you and Tommy go get ice cream" you suggest and Tommy's eyes light up. "you sure?" "yes I am sure go" you say as you take Aydan from Louis, and Tommy hugs you, "thank you mummy" he happily says, before taking Louis' hand and running out the door.

Niall: "y/n what happens if I hurt him, and he starts crying?" Niall asks panicking as he holds your new born at home. "Niall you held him at the hospital you will be fine, it's okay don't panic" you try to say, "but what happens if he doesn't like me anymore, or I'm not holding him right. No y/n take him I don't want to hurt him" Niall continues panicking, "Niall calm down" you try to explain, "no look he is crying" Niall says as your son starts to cry a little, "Niall he can sense your panic l, stop, calm down you won't hurt him, it's okay I'm right here" you calmly say, "how do I stop him from crying?" Niall asks as he gently rocks him and clams down himself. "try singing softly" you suggest, and Niall starts to softly sing, and your son quietens down, and stops crying. "it worked" Niall says proudly, "shh don't talk too loud" you giggle, "sorry buddy." he whispers as he kisses his sons forehead, "your mummy and daddy love you very much, and you have an amazing mum, who is drop dead gorgeous" Niall starts to whisper, "your daddy is going to be a great dad, you have his eyes and his hair, hopefully you have his amazing voice too." you decide to add, and your sons eyes gleam as he smiles up at Niall. "hey buddy" Niall sweetly says as your son takes Nialls finger and holds it lightly.

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