Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Harry)

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Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Harry)


Harry- It's been a month since Harry left for another tour. You were home alone with your 4 year old daughter Darcy. You were used to being away from Harry for awhile considering his career, but this was the first time Darcy was away from him.
"I miss daddy!" Darcy complained as you were tucking her into bed one night. She struggled and kept kicking the blankets off of her tiny body. "I want daddy to tuck me in," she cried. "I know sweetie but daddy's not home right now. But the sooner you get to bed the sooner you'll be able to talk to him tomorrow. Now get some sleep. I love you honey," you tried to get her to understand, but it was difficult. Darcy had always been a daddy's girl and you always dreaded the time Harry left for tour. It killed you seeing your beautiful daughter crying because her dad couldn't tuck her in at night. After tucking Darcy in, you passed out on the couch. Waking up to your phone ringing, you picked it up and it was non other than your loving husband Harry.
"Hello, love," hearing his voice made you crack a little smile. "How are you babe? How's Darcy?"
"We're doing great, she just misses her daddy that's all," your words were cut off by a faint cry in the other room. It was Darcy.
"Give the phone to Darcy I want to talk to her." Obeying his demands you calmed your daughter down and handed her the phone, instantly causing the tears of sadness to turn into tears of joy. It broke your heart knowing that she had 2 more months of not seeing her father. Harry said goodbye to Darcy and you and right as you ended the phone call, you dialed Paul's number. He didn't answer, probably because he was passed out from babysitting the boys all day, so you left him a voicemail.
'Hey Paul! It's (Y/N) and I was just calling to ask for a huge favor. I was wondering if sometime soon me and Darcy could come out and surprise Harry at one of the show's. She misses him terribly and I can't stand to see her so upset. Call me once you get this message. Thank you Paul, goodnight!" Later that night you get a message from Paul saying that you could fly out to their next show in 2 days. You jumped on the opportunity. Packing yours and Darcy's suitcases, you rushed around so you could get the soonest flight out. You packed everything in your car and locked Darcy in her car seat. She was passed out but woke up right when you arrived at the airport. You told her you had a surprise but nothing more. After a dreadful 3 hours of airport routine checks, you finally board the plane. The flight was going to be long but it would most definitely be worth the time and money. After about 8 hours passed the plane landed. Darcy was passed out, so you grabbed her and your small carry on bag in your open hand. Walking out of the terminal, you see that Paul has arranged for a driver to pick you up and take you to your hotel for tonight. You had to be careful that no paparazzi got pictures of you two or else the whole surprise would be ruined. Quickly running into the car you were rushed to the hotel and checked into your room. You stayed in for the whole night and waited until Paul gave you the okay to leave for the arena. Again, Paul had a driver ready for you. The driver rushed through the city to the back entrance of the arena. Paul was waiting outside.
"Hurry get in here before someone see's you!" he scurried you to a dressing room and that's when you heard the music start to play. You knew Harry and the rest of the boys were going on stage right now. You and Paul discussed that during Harry's solo of 'What Makes you Beautiful' Darcy was going to run out to her dad. Standing backstage, just out of sight of the boys, it was almost time for Darcy to see her dad. Nudging her awake she jumped in excitement and with perfect timing, she runs out on stage attacking Harry's leg with a big hug. The audience went crazy and you could see the tears stream down Harry's face. You walked out to him, picked up your daughter and gave Harry a loving hug. Darcy grabbed the microphone out of his hands and yelled "I love my daddy!"

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