Your toddler's fear

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Harry: You and 2 year old Darcy were both playing together on the floor. Playing with her Teddy's Bears and building with lego. "Look Mummy! I build a big castle!" Darcy says proud of herself. Harry walks out with 'Henry' the vacuum cleaner. Darcy immediately looks up, stands up really quickly and immediately runs and hides behind you crying. "Darcy, whats wrong sweetheart!? It's only Henry" "Mummy I don't like Henry" Darcy cries hugging you from behind. "Darcy, Mummy won't let Henry hurt you," you say to reassure her. "No Mummy!" Darcy cries. Harry turns to look at you. You nod your head. It needs to be done. Harry pulls the cord out. Darcy knows the sound. Shes off running. "Darcy honey, come back to Mama," you say to her. Darcy waddles back over to you and sits behind you. Harry leans down to the vacuum with his finger on the switch staring at you. You point downwards indicating to Harry to switch it onto low suction. Softer the sound then. Less scarier for Darcy. You put your hand on Darcy's leg. Harry starts the vacuum and Darcy is off screaming. Harry looks at you and you tell him to keep going. "Darcy! Sweetheart, come back to Mummy!". Darcy is running frantically through the house screaming. Darcy runs into your leg holding it tight crying while looking at Harry. "Come with me Darcy," you say holding her hand. You both walk over to where you were sitting on the floor. "Sit on Mummy," you say to Darcy. Darcy climbs onto your lap. You wrap your arms tightly around her. "You're safe in Mummy's arms. Look, Henry is not hurting Daddy," you say pointing at Harry. Darcy hides her face into your chest. "Darcy look at Daddy," Harry says. Darcy looks at Harry. "See he's not hurting me!". You smile at Harry and look back at Darcy. "Henry is making the floor nice and clean so bugs can't crawl on you" you say while tickling her. Darcy giggles and begins to settle. After Harry was done, he sits Henry down and kneels down holding his arms open for Darcy. Darcy climbs out from your lap and runs over to Harry. "I love you Pumpkin," Harry says to Darcy. "Touch Henry," Harry says encouraging Darcy to touch the vacuum. Harry kneels beside her with his arm around her. She slowly leans over to touch it. "Well done!" Harry says giving her a kiss on the cheek while hugging her. "Such a brave girl!" you say in delight.

Louis: You were putting Leo to bed one night. You were sitting in his bed with his favourite bedtime story. You finish reading Leo's favourite story book for bedtime. You tuck Leo into his toddler bed. "I love you my big boy!" you say happily to Leo. You lean over and give him a kiss on the forehead. "No mummy!" he yells before you leave. "Whats wrong buddy!?" you ask him. "Mummy there are monsters under here and in there". You look as Leo points over to the Wardrobe. "Aww honey, theres no Monsters in there. Go to bed buddy. You'll be a crabby pants in the morning,". You begin to walk off and Leo freaks. "MUMMY!" he screams. You turn around and sit on the end of his bed. He crawls out and comes and sits beside you and hugs you. "Do you want Daddy to come scare the monsters away!?" you ask. "Yeah" Leo says back. You hold Leo and walk downstairs. Louis is chatting with the boys. "Louis" you say. Louis and the boys look up at you and Leo. Leo is scared. His head is resting on your shoulder. "Leo, tell Daddy whats wrong," you say putting him down. Leo waddles off to Louis and stands in front of him. "Daddy theres monsters in my room," Leo says with a shy face. "Monsters! No way! Lets go get rid of those mean monsters!" Louis says lifting up Leo. He walks up stares and heads up to the bedroom. You sit on Leo's bed. "Go to Mummy!" Louis says. Leo runs over to you, and climbs onto his bed. You lift him onto your lap and hold him tight. "I'm going in!" Louis says as he walks into the wardrobe. "Bad monsters! You can't hurt my son!" you hear Louis say. You smile to yourself as Leo is cuddle up in the fetal position on you. Louis comes out. Hes messed up hair up and is breathing heavily on purpose. "Theres no more monsters to bother you anymore!" Louis says proud of himself. You smirk at him. Leo runs over to Louis and hugs him. "You're safe now son".

Liam: You and Liam were at the Studio's in London. You brought your little 2 year old Leah with you. You both entered a room full of people. Leah immediately hid straight behind your leg gripping tight making you not able to move. "Leah honey whats wrong!?". Leah just whined upset. "Leah sweetheart whats wrong!?". You bend down to her level, with your 7month Pregnant belly getting in the way. "Mummy I'm scared" Leah says innocently. "Scared!? Why are you scared baby!?" you say looking at her. She turns her head away with her hands near her mouth. You saw Leah look up and then begin to move in towards you hiding near you. Leah digs her head into your left armpit/boob. "Don't you love Uncle Harry!?" you hear Liam say. You lift Leah up and turn around to look at Liam and Harry. Leah immediately hides her head away from Harry. Liam holds out his arms to hold Leah. You hand Leah over to Liam. Leah immediately rests her on Liam's chest hiding away from Harry. "Hey little miss," Harry says to Leah holding her hand. Leah hides her hand away. "Leah, it's uncle Harry," you say to her. Zayn comes over and Leah hides even more. "She doesn't like you either," you tease to Zayn. Paul walks over and holds his hand out. "Wanna hug Paul!?" Liam asks Leah still holding her. Leah's head is still resting on Liam's chest away from the view. "Not down with strangers today Leah!?" Niall says. Leah shakes her head really fast and hides away. "Go play with Darcy and Leo," Liam says putting Leah down. You hold her hand as you make your way through the people to the babies. "Stay here sweetheart, " you say to her as you sit her beside Darcy and Leo. You walk off and Leah is following behind you holding onto your leg. "Oh Leah Karen Payne,". Harry walks back over to you and Leah. Harry holds his arms open. "Want to go to Uncle Harry!?" you say to Leah. Leah nods her head very gently. Harry smiles and grabs hold of Leah. "High five!?" Harry asks her holding his hand up. She gives him a high five and shies away. "Liam, look" you say to him. Harry passed Leah over to Niall. "Good girl Leah!" Liam praises her.

Niall: You and Niall decided to go on a family vacation to Disneyland with your 18 month old Daughter Audrey. Niall leans over and puts sunscreen all over Audrey. "No Sun can harm your perfect Irish Skin" Niall says happily. "Mickey!" Audrey says. "Yes! Mickey!" you say happily. "Wanna go see Mickey!?" Niall says while still putting sunscreen on her. "Yeaah," she says. "Yeah!? Lets go see him!". Niall lifts Audrey up and carries her on his hip to wait in line. You put a cute little sunhat with a sunflower on it, on Audrey's head and a cute pair of pink glittery sunglasses. It was your turn to go take a photo. But this time Goofy, Minnie and Donald all joined because you know, Niall Horan is there. Audrey sees their big heads. She is immediately intimidated and starts to squirm around of Niall's arms. Audrey starts screaming at the sight of all 4 of the Disney classic characters. Niall carries her off to go settle her down. "I'm so sorry," you say picking up the diaper bag and heading off following behind. Audrey is full on screaming. Niall takes her into Fantasy Land. You both sit down on the bench. Niall kneels in front of Audrey, as you sit beside her. "Are you afraid of Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Donald!?" Niall asks softly. "Yeah," she says nodding her head awhile looking down. "They weren't going to hurt you sweetheart," Niall says looking at her gorgeous blue eyes. "Daddy and I wouldn't of let them hurt you sweetheart. Want another go!?" you ask her. "Yeah," "Yeah!?" "Yeah!" "Alright lets go back and see them,". Niall holds Audrey as they stand back to pose for the photo. "Wanna give Mickey a hug!?" you ask her. She leans over and gives him a hug. You and Niall smile at each other. Success! "Yay!" you both say to her. She went over to Minnie. Of course. Audrey gave Minnie a hug and was handed back to you. "Well done Audrey!" "Well done sweetheart! Lets go get some ice cream cause you were such a good girl!" Niall says.

Zayn: It's the middle of the night. Zayn and you are spooning comfortably together fast asleep. You hear a cry from the baby monitor. The cry got worse and louder. Zayn immediately reacts and bolts, running up to her room. You following along slightly behind. Zayn runs over to your Son Jason's room. He immediately flips the switch and looks over at Jason who is pulling on the bars of his crib, with tears screaming down his face, and watery red eyes. Zayn immediately runs over, pushes down the bar abit and lifts Jason up into his arms. Zayn is holding Jason tightly. Jason's head is resting on Zayn's collarbone. Zayn is gently rocking Jason to get him to calm down. You run in slightly delayed. You watch Zayn and Jason together and decide to just admire the view you have it. This is the most precious moment you've ever seen, besides Jason's birth. Jason is 14months old. You walk over slowly towards them. "Hey, my baby boy," you say holding Jason's hand while Zayn is still rocking him. "Mama" he says softly. "Yes baby boy. Mamas here,". Zayn turns around and hands Jason over to you. You gently rock Jason and stroke his hair with your hand. "Mamas here. It's okay. Daddys here too,". Zayn went down into the kitchen to go a bottle of milk. The lightening and thunder cracking throughout making loud sounds scaring Jason. Thunder roars as Jason cries into your chest. "It's okay baby. I won't let anything hurt you," you say to him. Zayn walks up with the bottle. You hand Jason over to Zayn. Zayn sits in the recliner and feed Jason the bottle soothing him. Thunder roars again. "Shhh," Zayn whispers to Jason, whos whimpering. "It's okay. Daddy's here." Zayn says. You watch in total admiration. "Shhh," Zayn coos as Jason is slowly drifting back to sleep. You walk over to Jason and kiss him softly on the forehead. Then give Zayn a soft kiss on the lips.

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