Pregnancy series #2 : Morning sickness

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Creds to humpthehaz

-Morning Sickness

Harry: As soon as you woke up, you felt a wave of nausea overcome you. "Shit!" you exclaimed as you ran straight for the porcelain throne in the bathroom. You emptied out the contents in your stomach as Harry ran in after you. He gently grabbed all of your hair and began rubbing your back, "I'm so sorry you have to go through with this..." he sighed as you puked a bit more into the toilet. "I guess it's just something I have to deal with," you said while Harry helped you up off the floor and to the sink. You brushed your teeth and gargled some minty mouthwash and rested your hands on your growing baby bump, "I'd really love it if you stopped making mommy puke every morning," you chuckled, making Harry smile. "Me too!" he laughed, placing one of his huge hands on your belly. He gazed into your eyes, "Love you," he smiled. "Love you to babe," you softly replied as he kissed your cheek. "So how does some breakfast sound?....or is that a bad idea?" he asked while furrowing his eyebrows. "Are you kidding? I'm starving! " you laughed as Harry grabbed your hand and led you downstairs to the kitchen.

Zayn: You and Zayn were with the other 1D boys at Niall's house watching some movies and just hanging out, when all of a sudden your stomach didn't feel to good. You became extremely nauseated so you instantly stood up and ran to the bathroom down the hall, puking up everything you had eaten that day. Zayn was with you only a few seconds later brushing the hair out of your face, "are you okay?" he asked as you sat down on the cold tile floor. You grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your mouth, "Yea, I'm fine....just some morning sickness.." you explained. You rubbed your belly a bit as Zayn took a seat next to you, "you sure you're alright?" he asked again with a concerned tone to his voice. You smiled at him, "yea Zayn, promise." You grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, "It's just part of being pregnant," you chuckled. "Well, I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with that." You gave him a dirty look, "Yea well after that remark you'll be waking up to feed the baby every day for the first month," you laughed, leaving him sitting in the bathroom as you went out to where the other boys were.

Liam: You and Liam were having a nice afternoon walk in a park close to where you lived, when your stomach began acting up. You rubbed your protruding belly a bit to try and ease the pain, but it suddenly got worse. "Love, you don't look so good..." Liam said as you let go of his hand and ran to the nearest trash can. You hands clutched the sides of the bin as you emptied your stomach. You caught your breath as Liam showed up next to you, immediately placing an arm around your back. "Morning sickness?" he questioned as he placed a stray hair behind your ear. You nodded as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. "You have no clue how bad that sucks," you sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry (Y/N), if it was up to me...I'd be the one throwing up," he chuckled. You smiled as he rubbed your back a bit, "How about we head back home and I can make us some tea?" he asked sweetly. "That sounds absolutely amazing," you sighed in relief. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and you two walked back home....well he walked did more of a waddle.

Niall: You and Niall excitedly took your seats at a football (soccer) game he had bought tickets for months ago. You were pretty nervous about going somewhere for so long because your morning sickness struck you without warning at any time of the day. About halfway through the game you could feel some nausea coming on, but you tried to forget about it by paying as much attention as you could to the game going on in front of you. Unfortunately, that didn't work. You quickly grabbed the huge bag of chips Niall had been eating from and threw up into it. "Shit, babe...are you alright?" he asked, slightly sad that his chips were now uneatable. You grabbed a napkin that Niall had gotten with his hotdog and cleaned your mouth, "I'm fine...just really nauseous..." you complained as you closed your eyes and took a few deep breathes. Niall grabbed your hand and pulled you up, "Niall, what are you doing? You don't want to miss this.." you said, pointing out to the field before you. "The teams playin' like shit.....I'd rather have you at home resting than out here feelin' sick," he explained while rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You smiled, "I love you so much." "I love you too let's get out of here before I have to watch the other team score on us again," he groaned while grabbing your hand and leading you out of the football arena.

Louis: You placed your hands on your baby bump as Louis changed the channel to some reality TV show. "Ugh, babe my stomach!" you complained as some nausea overcame you. "Do you need anyt-" you stood up and sprinted to the bathroom before he could finish the rest of his sentence. You reached the toilet just in time and emptied the contents of your stomach. Louis was there with you not long after with a nice cold washcloth. You flushed the toilet, closed the lid, took a seat on top, and pressed the wet washcloth to your forehead. "You're the best," you sighed happily. He smiled and kissed your cheek, "anything for you my love." He bent down and kissed your belly, "are you making your mommy sick?" he chuckled and looked up at you. A smile formed on you face, "you're so cute Lou." After brushing your teeth and sharing a kiss or two with Louis, you went back to the living room and watched some TV while cuddled up in his arms.

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