GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM):Part 7: First Appearance

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GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM):Part 7: First Appearance
A/N: thank you for the VOTESSSS AND THE READSS THO :)

Liam's POV
No more vacation for me, it's back to work. I had an interview today with the other boys about our upcoming tour. I had management sign off saying (y/n) could go with me everywhere. It was about 6 in the morning and I had to start getting ready. I had to be there at 7:30. Now that (y/n) was three, it would be a lot easier to get her ready. I went into her room "Baby, come on let's get up and get dressed. You can go back to sleep in the car" I whispered. She held her arms out and I smiled picking her up
and kissing her cheek. She laid her head on my shoulder as I walked into the bathroom. I began brushing my teeth and she just watched. After I finished, I brushed her teeth and put what hair she had into a pony tail. I set her down. "Go potty and meet me back in your room, kapeesh?" She lazily smiled as I left to get her out an outfit. I picked out some simple pink shorts and a white t-shirt. She walked back in yawning and I dressed her. I picked her up again and we walked into the kitchen. I gave her some
quick breakfast and we were out the door. I buckled her in and she just looked at me. "Sleepy?" I asked. She nodded and closed her eyes. I walked to the drivers side and drove to the interview location. Once I got there, I realized how many fans were there and I had to wait for security. After they arrived, I got (Y/n) out and she covered her ears. "Loud Li" "I know baby, just a little longer" Paps were taking pictures and girls were screaming. I knew it would freak her out because she has never experienced this. It took me a good year to get a sign off for her to come with me permanently. After we had gotten into the interview room, I sat her down. The boys all played with her as I was getting my hair done, and my mic set. We were about to go out. "Good luck kiss?" I asked (y/n) pointing to my cheek. She ran over and planted a kiss where I had my finger. I smiled and gave her one back. We walked out and talked about tour and how things were going. "So, Liam, tell me about what is happening with (Y/n) now?" I smiled. "Well, she actually just turned three this past month, and she's very smart. We've turned inseparable lately and she reflects me really well. But, yeah, I love her to death" I said. "And is she here today?" I nodded. "Can we see her?" I hesitated before the boys encouraged it. I ran backstage to (y/n) "Baby, do you want to come out there and sit with me? The nice lady wants to say hi to you." I said gently. She nodded holding her arms out. I picked her up carrying her back out. Everyone clapped as I sat down with her on my lap. "Hi sweetheart" the interview cooed. She looked at me and I nodded it was okay. "hi" She whispered. "What's your name?" "(y/n)" "Well, may I say that's a very pretty name!" She nodded and. "What do you say?" I encouraged. "Thank you" She whispered. "So polite and well mannered, you really have done well Liam" I smiled. "So what's your favorite part about living with your big brother?" "Well, Li Li gives me ice cream and I have my own room with princesses! And when Uncle Niall comes over, I get to dress him up. But shhh I'm not supposed to tell" She whispered the last part and everyone laughed. We talked a little more and (y/n) sat perfectly still and quiet. She occasionally whispered things to me and we had our own little jokes. After the interview was over, we all decided to get something to eat. (y/n) was very well behaved. After that, it was pretty late, and my house was closest so we drove back. When we got there (Y/n) was passed out in her carseat. I got out and got her. I took her in and all the boys kissed her cheek. I changed her into her pajamas, and tucked her in. "Night baby, I love you" The boys and I laughed a while longer about the interview and then we all crashed....First interview...CHECK success....

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