DDM: Him and your mum are getting a divorce

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DDM : He Tells You that Him and Your Mum are Getting a Divorce

Creds: niallandsydney - quotev

Louis, Age 3:

"But...but I no see daddy anymore?" you stuttered, starting to cry as Louis explained what was going to happen between him and your mum. Louis instantly cooed and grabbed you, lifting you up onto his hip and bouncing you, "No, no, every other weekend you're going to come stay at Daddy's new house!" He tried to get you excite but his voice was shaking a little, "You'll have another big bedroom there and new toys! And it will just be you and daddy and we can stay up late and cuddle and read books and eat lots of candy." "Lots?" you mumbled, wiping your eyes a little and looking up at him. "Lots," he smiled softly and promised.

Niall, Age 17:

You just sort of sat there, you had seen this coming but nothing could prepare you for the impact that your dad's words had on you. Even though you had expected this, you still had this desire to cry but you knew you couldn't for your dad's sake. It already hurt him enough that your mum had cheated on him a few months back but if his strong little angel broke down...he would too. So you just sort of nodded and cleared your throat, "All right, got it." "Got it?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, got it," you tried to smile, "Message received captain." You tried to salute him but your lip was wavering and Niall saw right through your phony attempt. He tossed your phone to the side and pulled you tightly into his arms, "Nothing's gonna change between you and me darlin'. You're going to live with me."

Zayn, Age 8:

Obviously you were old enough to understand what divorce meant but you definitely hadn't seen this one coming. Since you were young, you're parents had tried to hide the obvious tension between them as best they could but they couldn't stand it anymore. "But...you still...you'll still love me won't you?" you asked in a thick voice. Zayn's mouth fell slightly opened and he was shocked you could even doubt that. He crouched in front of you, brushing back your hair and kissing your forehead, "Are you kidding?" "You stopped lovingmummy," you said honestly. "Oh sweetie," Zayn pulled you into his chest and rocked back and forth with you until he could trust himself to talk. "I still love your mother, just not like I used to. But I will never, and I mean ever, stop living you. You're my little girl, you're my angel and princess and baby. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you."

Harry, Age 11:

When Harry finished saying what he had prepared to say to you, he sort of sat back on his heels, biting his lip and waiting for your reaction. "So you won't live here anymore?" you asked quietly. Harry shook his head, still biting his lip and waiting for you to continue. "So you'll be happy now? Because all I want is for you to be happy," you said, starting to cry. Harry's heart immediately broke and he lunged forward to pull you against his chest. "If you're saying what I think you're saying," Harry started in a broken voice. "No, I wont be happy when you're not around. But every other week you're going to be with me. I'm going to get a house right here in town so I'll always be here for you baby. Daddy's not going anywhere, he couldn't be happy if he wasn't with you."

Liam, Age 14:

"So erm..." you started a sentence but didn't trust yourself not to cry so you closed your mouth stupidly and sat back on your bed. Liam knew you were trying to control yourself, so he frowned, waiting on his heels and his heart breaking at the look of concentration on your face just to keep yourself from crying. "You're going to...er..." Liam waited patiently for you to finish, cracking his knuckles together nervously and wanting to quickly abolish any fear you had concerning you and him because of this. "You're leaving me?" you mumbled quietly, a few tears rolling down your face. "Oh baby," Liam said in a breaking voice, anxiously leaning forward and thumbing away your tears. "Daddy's never leaving you. I'm never ever leaving you." "Then where are you going?" you asked simply, looking up at him with red eyes. "Not far at all, down the freaking block if I can. I want to be as close to you and your brother as I possibly can," Liam assured you as you felt your heart stop racing and you took a deep breath of relief. Liam pulled you tightly into his chest, "I could never leave my little girl.

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