GROWING UP SERIES (LIAM): Part 9: First Concert

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GROWING UP SERIES (LIAM): Part 9: First Concert

I was so pumped for tonight. It was the first concert of the tour and I could not be happier. I was feeding (Y/n) some food before the concert so she wouldn't give anyone trouble complaining she was hungry. I held some in my hand as I was talking with Niall and she would grab them out of my hand and stuff them in her mouth. "Whoa, baby, chew. Don't choke, please!" I begged. I swear the poor girl had a bigger mind than mouth. She slowed down and I put more in my hand. "Drink?" She asked. I nodded handing her my water bottle. She gripped it, but I still held onto it. She drank for a while before pulling away. "No food, I full" She whined. I nodded throwing away the rest of the food I had in my hand. I had to go get my headset on for soundcheck. "Bug, I have to go get ready. Do you want to wait here or come with me?" "I go" "Come on then" I held my hand out and she took it walking with me to find my headset. After I had it placed on, I bent down. "Okay baby, I have to go sing for a few minutes. If you're really good, I'll let you out there with me. But you can't go out
there tonight because it will be really loud, okay?" She nodded. I took her hand again and we walked out to hear about a hundred girls scream. I sat (y/n) down and went to talk. I was talking for a few minutes, when I heard a squeal and laughter. All the girls awe'd and I knew exactly who it was. I turned around to see the boys chasing (y/n). She came running towards me "LI!!!!" She squealed jumping into my arms. She laughed "Boys no leave me alone" I laughed and kissed her cheek "Then you stay with me" I turned back "Girls, this is (y/n), my sister. She loves other girls so watch out if you ever meet her" They all laughed. (y/n) took my mic "I like your shirt!! You're pretty! Can I pet your hair?" They all laughed as she pointed to different girls. I grabbed the mic and set her down. She took off running towards the boys taunting them. They would chase her during the songs and she would always hide behind me. After soundcheck, I laid (y/n) in my dressing room and made her take a nap. After she finally fell asleep, I stayed in there with her in case she woke up. It was about two
hours later when she finally woke up. "Hi, sunshine. Good nap?" She nodded lazily walking towards me. I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder. I walked around for a little bit, before getting my hair done. Lou offered to take (y/n) sidestage so that she could witness the concert in whole. During the twitter questions, I talked to her, and she excited to talk back. It was getting late and I noticed that Lou was holding her, and (y/n) wasn't paying attention. She had on sound proof headphones, so I told the security guard, to tell Lou to take her back to the bus. When Lou started walking (y/n) started yelling and crying. I couldn't make it out, but when Lou walked back to her previous place, she calmed down. Lou just looked at me and shrugged. Lou slowly began rocking her back and forth slowly. (y/n) slowly fell asleep. Lou winked when she was asleep. I laughed and gave her a thumbs up. When the show was over, I walked into my dressing room and she was sleeping. I showered and changed before picking her up, heading back to the bus. First concert....success!

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