BSM : he yells at you (3/5) (baby sister)

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You were playing in your room with your toys. Being the young toddler you are, you didn't really care about cleaning your mess. You just threw the toys you didn't want on the ground leaving them there knowing that zayn always told you to pick them up. You were sitting on your little chair playing with your barbies, when zayn opened the door. "hey baby are you... what's this mess?!" he asked taking a look at your messy room. "I play" you mumbled back. "the why are they all over the floor!", "I'm playing!" you said one more time."(y/n) how many times did I tell you to clean up your mess when you play?! Huh? Why are you being such a naughty bad girl and not doing what I say?!!" zayn yelled at you. He was obviously mad at something before, and he just let it all out when he saw your disordered room. Soon, you started feeling scared. You've never seen him like this, you were his younger sister and he was always patient and caring with you. Your eyes started to water looking up at him. "I sorry.. I sorry.. I sorry.." you repeated letting your tears fall down. seeing that you were crying, zayn clamed down soon regretting his sudden outburst. "I'm sorry for yelling don't cry.." he tried to make you stop by stepping closer but it only made you more scared and step back. 'great' he thought 'my own sister is scared of me!'. He carefully kneeled down and offered his hand, "come on baby don't be scared.. I'm not mad.. come here". You hesitantly walked closer, and put your small hand in his bigger one. He pulled you into his embrace, rubbing your back to sooth you. "I'm sorry I bad girl" you cried on his shoulder. "no angel you're not bad, I was just mad ok? Don't cry (y/n) I hate it when you do" you nodded and pulled away, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "now come on I help you clean this up, and we can watch a movie?" you quickly smiled and wiped away your tears, "yes please" you said sweetly.


You were with harry at one of his concerts. Harry was obviously very stressed and he didn't get much sleep before. He told you to stay near him and not to run, but being the little girl you are you didn't really listen. You were running around laughing before the boys went on stage. You ran towards their dressing room, but to your dismay, an angry harry was there. "(y/n) come over here!" he said in a stern voice. You didn't dare move, aware of your mistake. "(y/n)! I said come here!!" you slowly approached him. "what did I say about running?!" he asked you clenching his jaw. "not to" you mumbled, playing with your fingers. "and what were you doing right now!" "running" you replied ashamed. "then why were you disobeying me! Why weren't you doing what I said!!" he screamed at your face. You shrugged trying your best to not break down. "now go sit down and stop running before you hurt yourself" he growled storming out of the dressing room to go on stage. You took a seat looking down, biting your small lower lip to stop yourself from crying. You were sad that harry yelled at you, considering that he never did it. During their break, harry came back to the dressing room to check up on you. he found you sitting alone, quietly sniffing. He kneeled in front of you concerned, "sweety why are you so sad?". You lifted your teary eyes to meet his green ones. "hazza m-mad at me" you whispered letting a single tear fall down your rosy cheek. Harry felt his heart clench, you were his baby girl and it killed him to see you so sad. But what hurt him more is that it was his fault. You were crying because he unleashed his anger on you. He lifted you up, before sitting down and putting you on his lap. You hugged him as close as you could, finally allowing yourself to sob on his shoulder. "shh kitten don't cry.. I'm sorry I yelled, I just didn't want you to get hurt" he spoke softly rubbing your back. Once your calmed down and the tears stopped, he pulled away a little planting a light kiss on your little red nose. "come on, you can come with me right now" he said taking your hand in his. For the rest of the night, you stayed by his side. He let you walk and play as long as you didn't go too far away.


The boys were over at niall's for dinner, it was getting late and he was still cooking. Being as young as you were, you were getting hungry and couldn't wait more. So you snuck into the kitchen when niall left and got some of your favorite cookies. You started eating them quietly, when you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around to find niall standing there looking quite angry. "(y/n) who gave you permission to get those!"he said getting mad. "I'm hungry" you said innocently. "(y/n) no! no snacks before dinner!" he yelled making you flinch. "but.. but I'm so hungry Ni Ni" you complained. Niall took a step closer, towering over your little body. "(y/n) horan PUT THAT DOWN NOW!". You instantly dropped the cookie down. you breath became heavier and you started crying. Niall's face soon changed into regret, seeing your body shaking. "shh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" he quickly said, hating to hear your sobs. He lifted you on the counter, drying your tears. "I'm still hungry" you mumbled making niall chuckle. "of course you are baby, but how about you help me finish dinner and after that you can have your cookies so you won't ruin your appetite" he proposed making you smile widely, forgetting about the incident. "so am I forgiven babe?" " of course Ni" you said throwing your tiny arms around his neck.

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