Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Liam)

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Bringing your kids to one of his shows (Liam)

Liam- "Honey I miss you and Aiden so much. I just can't take being away from my two favorite people for this long. I need to see you soon."
"Liam, you know you're on tour for another 3 months, you can't just leave. You have fans that depend on you and the rest of the boys can't do it without you. We can skype soon, okay? I just put Aiden to bed but he told me to tell you that he loves you and misses you and can't wait for you to get home. Now go get some sleep, sweetie. You've got a show tomorrow. I love you."
"I love you too. Goodnight love." Phone calls with Liam always made you more upset about him being gone on tour. He just talked about how much he missed you and your 5 year old son Aiden, but you had to stay strong so he wouldn't feel bad. The truth was that, it was killing you inside. Whenever Liam left for tour you fell into a small depression. Ever since you were little you hated being alone. But you had to stay strong for Liam and Aiden. You had to let them know that it was okay and that their family will be reunited soon. It was getting late so you went to check on Aiden before heading to bed.
"Aiden, Honey why are you still awake? I put you to bed hours ago."
"Mommie, I want daddy to read me a bedtime story."
"Aiden, you know daddy's asleep right now. He's on tour, but he'll be home in a couple months, okay? He'll be back to read you all the bedtime story's you want to hear."
"I wanna see daddy."
"Me too, Aiden. Me too." You tried hard to hold back the tears but some managed to slip through your sealed eyes. You tucked Aiden back into bed, kissed him goodnight and told him that daddy would skype tomorrow, hopefully. Heading back to your room you started to feel the anxiety. You quickly drew yourself a bath and tried to remain calm. After about 30 minutes you were ready for bed. Drying yourself off, you hear your phone vibrate on the other side of your empty bedroom. It was Niall. He called you but you couldn't reach the phone in time, so he left you a voice mail.
"(Y/N) you need to come out to see Liam. He just hasn't been himself lately. He mopes around and doesn't even put effort into the shows as much as he used to. We're all really worried about him. You need to come and help him. I'm sure it's because he misses you and Aiden. That's all he's been able to talk about for the past 5 days. We're just really worried and everyone thinks its a good idea if you come and make him better. Call me when you get this. Love you and Aiden." You dropped your phone, crashing into the floor. The tears just fell. You couldn't control it anymore. Crawling into your bed, you cry yourself to sleep. Not caring about anything in the world besides getting Liam back home.
You awoke to Aiden sitting on your belly, playing with little strands of your hair his hands could grab onto.
"Good morning mommie!" He calls waking you up.
"Good morning Honey. How about some breakfa-." Before you could even finish your sentence Aiden runs downstairs to the kitchen. Slowly getting out of bed, you see your phone lying on the ground. It all came rushing back to you. The voice mail, Liam not performing well, Aiden not being able to sleep. You quickly grabbed your phone and walked down the stairs, seeing your son all set up at the table for breakfast.
"Pancakes mommie!" You couldn't help but giggle at his innocence. You stumbled over to the stove and started the pancakes. "With blueberries please!"
"Well of course, your majesty." After you make breakfast for him you rush into the living room and call Niall back, but of course he didn't answer. They must be busy. You left Niall a message telling him that you would love to come and see him, that you and Aiden have been so lonely at the house alone and that they miss him terribly. After you left the message you receive a text from Niall.
"Hey sorry, Liam's right next to me and I can't talk on the phone right now. But Paul will call you later and give you all the details. Love you lots." You jump with excitement when Aiden questioned your actions.
"What's wrong mommie? Why are you so happy?" You were thinking to yourself if you should tell him about going to see Liam, or have it be a surprise. But everyone knows you can't keep secrets. You ran over to Aiden, picking him up and swinging him in your arms.
"We're going to see daddy soon!" You cheered. Instantly his face lit up. Tears of joy tore down his face. You set him down and he ran upstairs. "Aiden, where are you going?"
"I'm going to pack for daddy! Hurry mommie you have to pack too!" You smiled, chasing him back up the stairs. Your heart pounding. Helping Aiden pack you received a call from Paul.
"Paul, what's up?"
"(Y/N), I assume you talked to Niall already, well we have it planned that tonight you and Aiden get on a plane to Wisconsin, then you guys will hopefully be here for the show. Is that all good with you?"
"Yes, that's perfect! Aiden and I already started packing. I'm Very excited to see Liam!"
"And he's very excited to see you too. Now when you arrive at the airport there will already be a car waiting for you to take you to the show. I've got to go now but I'll call and check in with everything later. Have a nice flight." Rushing to get everything together, you and Aiden drove to the airport and got the first flight out. Rushing through airport security, you finally board the plane. Now the only thing that stood between you and Aiden seeing Liam was the dreaded 9 hour flight. You decided that sleep would be the best thing to calm your nerves that were racing. Suddenly, a flight attendant nudged your shoulder waking you up. Without saying a word, you hugged her and grabbed Aiden's hand, leading him to the front of the building, where the car was waiting. The driver opened the door for you and you hopped in. The drive was short to the arena in Milwaukee and that made you even more nervous. After not seeing Liam in 2 months you felt like right when you saw him you were going to burst into tears. The car pulled up behind the arena and you knew exactly where to go. You walked in backstage and you could see Niall and Zayn over by the snack table. Giving them a quick wave, Paul see's you and rushes to get you in position. Since Aiden was so young you decided it would be best to surprise Liam before the show, so Aiden would be more comfortable.
"Perfect timing (Y/N), Liam's in the dressing room having a breakdown." Before you could even open your mouth, Paul had your hand and was rushing you to the dressing room. "Be quiet."
Paul knocked on the door. "I'm sorry, but can you please leave me alone. I don't mean to be rude but I just need some time to myself right now." Paul knocked again. "Paul I understand we have a show tonight, and I'll be ready I just want some time to myself." Again, Paul knocked, But this time before he knocked he placed you in front of the door with Aiden in your arms. "PAUL! LEAVE ME ALO-." Liam got up to open the door but before he could finish his sentence tears were streaming down his face.
"You should really be nicer to Paul sweetie, he's just trying to help," You giggled and before you knew it you were tight against Liam's chest. Finally, your family was reunited.

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