GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 18: First Date/Kiss/Boyfriend

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GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 18: First Date/Kiss/Boyfriend

I didn't like this. I didn't like this at all. Why did I agree to this? Why? I was contemplating whether to let her go out with what's his face? Zack? Hack? Mack? Jack! Jack. I didn't want her going with him. She was currently upstairs getting ready and I had a feeling we were about to fight about wardrobe. Sometimes, she just could overdo it a little bit and I just wanted to protect her. I never knew what creep was watching my baby sister. Anyways, she asked me about a week after I eavesdropped and found out her crush on Jack. I reluctantly agreed after she practically begged her head off. Now here I sat unhappy and waiting patiently. "LIAAAMMMMM" She giggled out running down the hall. My head snapped up quickly. "Yes?" "How does this look? I want to look good but not 'come at me'." I noticed she was wearing a pretty short dress and heels. "How about a longer dress?" I suggested. She groaned dramatically. "How about no?" I looked at her. "How about yes or you won't be going at all and I will tell Jake that you're not old enough to decide your own clothes." She sighed and nodded. "What if I did this?" She quickly took off her heels and I evaluated the length again. "Fine. Go hurry" I said waving her off. She smiled widely and took off running. Just as she left the doorbell rang. I went and opened it. "uh hello sir." "Liam. Call me Liam. Come in" I shut the door eyeing him down. I was about to begin the questioning I had prepared to nail him with when (y/n) walked in. "Hi Jack!" "Hi" He shyly kissed her cheek. "Don't start Liam. I swear" "Hey! No swearing in this house. You know that" I glared at her. She rolled her eyes. "Now. Home no later than 11 PM. I want details of where you're off to." "Uh well Liam. I was going to take her to dinner then we were going to watch a movie in the theaters and possibly take a walk in the park if it's not too late" He answeres shyly. I nodded. "Phones on. Have fun" I hugged (y/n) and shook hands with Jack and watched them leave. I was so impatient the whole time. I was freaking out, checking my phone constantly. The clock was getting later and later. It had reached about 10:45 when I heard a familiar giggle outside. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up making my way to the door. I looked through the window next to it and saw Jack leaning in. I smiled softly watching my sister get her first kiss. They pulled back and she smiled like crazy until Jack went pale. He caught me. I was dead. (y/n) quickly turned around and fumed. She ran in and started to yell but Jack smiled and hugged her calming her back down. I laughed at the sight. "I'll call you later yeah?" She smiled and blushed nodding. "O-Okay That's fine" He walked out after saying goodbye to me and she jumped around screeching. "What!" I laughed. She stopped and looked at me. "You won't be mad?" "At what?" "I GOT A BOYFRIEND" She yelled running around. I laughed for the moment and then stopped realizing exactly what she had just said. She gave me the shut up look and I opened my arms. She gladly ran into them. I kissed her hair. "Congrats. My baby is growing up!" I laughed. She groaned and went to her room where I heard all the shrills and screaming of her friends. It was going to be a long night....

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