GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM):part 5:First Tooth/Word

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GROWING UP SERIES Part 5: First Tooth/Word

Liam's POV
It had been about two months after (y/n) started walking. She was still having a little trouble, but she was doing great! She was definitely a late bloomer. It scared me that she hadn't gotten her first tooth yet so I took her to the doctor. The doctor said all babies grow at different rates and that most of her teeth would come in very soon. We came home and everything was normal. It had been about a week later when (y/n) got really fussy. She had a hard time sleeping and everything I gave her went into her mouth. The boys were over and trying to play with her, but she would just cry. "Sorry, lads, I don't really know what's been up with her lately" I apologized as I picked her up. "It's fine mate, probably just coming down with something." Louis replied. She laid her head on my shoulder and chewed on my shirt. "Uh mate, she's like chewing your shirt apart" Zayn said. "Dang it" I said as I took away (y/n) from my shoulder. I looked into her mouth as she started crying and noticed a white spot. "Guys, I -uh-know why she's acting like this" I said getting excited. "Why?" Niall said running up. "Look" I said shifting her to one side and pointing to her mouth. "She's getting a tooth" We all smiled. "Her first tooth" I whispered. I remember going to the story and buying teething rings, hoping she would get one soon, so I gave her to Niall and went to the freezer. I pulled one out and gave it to her. She said some gibberish and stuck it in her mouth chewing on it. "There we go, baby. All better" Niall cuddled with her the rest of the night making sure she was okay. That night I put two teething rings in her crib and she actually slept soundly for once in a whole week.
(y/n) had a few teeth coming in. I was constantly going from the freezer trying to find things for her to chew on. She's now been trying to say different words. The boys and I have been trying to get her to repeat words, but so far, no luck. I was feeding her dinner while I was on the phone with Louis. "Yeah man, no......yeah sure.....uh not really" I got caught up in the conversation and wasn't giving (y/n) her food. She started to get angry and tried reaching. "L-ll-mm" She managed to get out. I stopped "Louis hold on. What did you say baby?" "Leem" Le-yum" "Liiam!" "Oh my god. Louis she just said her first word" "Lium!" "yeah, Lou, yeah call the others! Sorry, yeah, will do,okay bye" "Baby!!!! You did it! You said your first word!!!" She laughed and giggled "Leum!" "yeah baby." I smiled and cleaned her up. That is literally all I heard was my name being called. I loved that she could talk now, but hearing the same word over and over does get on your nerves, but she's my girl. I'm hoping to teach her some new words so we can spice up her vocabulary. We'll see how that goes..

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