He Takes Your Baby To A M&G. {His P.O.V}

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He Takes Your Baby To A M&G. {His P.O.V}


Harry - "Aw, thank you!" I gushed to a fan as she handed me a hand woven beanie. "I'll definitely be wearing this!" She giggled and went on down to Liam, as I was signing another autograph, I heard whimpering. I looked down and saw Darcy in her car seat, writhing around. "Does my baby want out?" I whispered, unbuckling her and cradling her in my one arm. "Mummy will be here soon."

Liam - "Hands off, Daniel." I lightly popped my toddlers hand and handed him a toy, sitting him on the floor between Louis and I. "Hi babe." I said, smiling and greeting another fan. As people went on, it got more quieter. "Uh, Liam." Louis said, tapping my shoulder. I looked and saw Daniel running towards the entrance door. "Daniel, come back!" I yelled, springing from my chair and scooping him up.

Niall - "If only Y/N didn't have to work." I told Zayn, putting Miles on one knee and Rory on the other knee. As fans started to come in, some girls automatically ran to me. "Niall! Their so cute!" One said, reaching over to pinch his cheeks. "Handsome just like their dad." They giggled and I soon saw Y/N walking in, "And here comes my beautiful fiance." I said, and they aww'd, stepping away as she came over.

Louis - "Let me hold him." Paul said, taking my screaming 2 year old into his arms. He went behind the curtain and I sighed in relief. "Is he yours?" One mum asked, and I nodded smiling. "He didn't have his nap." I said and she nodded, laughing and moving down to Niall. I was in the middle of conversing, when I felt something on my leg. Looking down I saw Leo, "Come here boy." I said, lifting him once again onto my lap.

Zayn - "Zayn, why isn't Dani at home?" Paul asked, crossing his arms. "Y/N had to work, and my parents are busy." I said, placing her car seat on top of the signing table. We had a well conversation that's when fans started coming in. "Is that Dani?" One girl asked, and I forgot to put her beside me. "Yep! And she's asleep right now." I said, putting her pacifier in her mouth and rubbing her leg.

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