He scare your children during a fight (harry)

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He Scares Your Children During a Fight (Harry)
"Does everything always have to be a fight with you?" You snapped. "Does everything need to make you feel like you are ahead of everybody. Like you are better than them because your voice is louder?"

His green eyes blazed as he shook his head, curls falling over his forehead causing him to hastily push them away. "No. Everything is a fight with us because you cause it to be. Because you can't let anything go. Ever."

"I can let things go. I want to let this go. You're the one that wants to freaking continue this argument, when all you have to do is apologize to me, and everything would be okay."

"Why do I have to apologize to you? Why can't you apologize to me? Why do I always have to say sorry to you, when all you did was be a complete bitch and I defended myself?"

His words stung, but none the less, you came back full force. "Are you joking, Harry? I'm a bitch all the time? Who's the one who is a dick half of the time to me, for no apparent reason?"

"I'm a dick to you, because I have to be! I need respect just as much as you do!"

"I don't get fucking respect from you!" You screamed, suddenly breaking. "Ever! Ever! You are always a dick to me. And I get tired of it!"

"Oh I'm a dick?" He yelled back, breaking himself as he stepped threateningly toward you.

As your voices began to rise higher and higher, as tensions spread viciously through the house, it seemed that you both had forgotten about your fast asleep six year old daughter that was a few doors away from where you guys were.

Hearing the voices, she slowly was pulled from her sleep, her head rising from the pillow in confusion. Curious to why her parents where still up at a late hour in the night, she pushed back the covers, and fell to her feet, shuffling out in the hallway.

As she shuffled along, she couldn't help but wince at how harshly her father's voice had gotten. She no longer heard her mother's voice rising above her father's. Only her father's voice, and then what sounded like a soft sobbing coming from what must have been her mother.

Frowning, she shuffled to the door the noise was coming from, using her chubby hand to reach out and push it open. And if a six year old understood regret, she did now.

She opened the door to see your back up against the wall, Harry standing about a foot away from you. You were cringing back against the wall, tears streaming down you cheeks as you simply allowed him to yell at you. You didn't have any fighting fuel left, and by now you were just tired of fighting.

The way her father look terrified your young daughter. The veins popping out of his neck, the blood that rush to his face, the blaze in his usual gentle green eyes, the sharp tone to his voice. All of it terrified an small girl, and she couldn't help but let a cry escape her mouth as she stumbled backward out the door, landing on her backside.

Harry's voice ceased immediately, and your head turned sharply to the side at the sound of your daughter. Quickly shoving past Harry, slightly fearful, you made your way out into the hallway. You didn't even question your daughter, scooping her into your arms and carrying her crying figure back down the hall into her room.

You gently tucked her into her bed, soothing her. "It's okay honey. Shh, calm down. It's okay."

"B-but, why was daddy mad? Why was he mad at you? Why was he yelling at you like that? He made you cry!"

"Because I'm a big meanie, that's why."

You jumped, turning slightly to see Harry walking slowly into the open bedroom door. Your daughter went to hide underneath her covers, fear sparking slightly in her eyes. All the anger had now fled from Harry, as he now gently reached out for you.

Not wanting to resist and just wanting him to hold you and comfort you, you allowed him long arms to pull you into him, his large hands making their way to your back as he rubbed comforting circles around it. Tears managed to leak from your once dry eyes, and you buried your face into his chest.

"Shh. Shh, please don't cry," He whispered, stroking your hair gently. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Shh, it's over now. It'll never happen again, I promise. Shh."

You both had forgotten about your daughter, who had now climbed from her bed and was now hugging onto you and Harry's legs. "So mummy and daddy aren't fighting anymore?"

Harry pulled away with one arm to pick her up and hold her close to both of you. "No, of course not. Daddy's really sorry though. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay. I still love you."

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