He gives your baby a bath

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Harry Styles: You mindlessly turned the page of the magazine you were reading on the couch. You were about to start reading a article that had caught your attention when you heard a loud squeal erupt through out the whole house. Your head shot up as you realized the squeal belonged to your baby girl. You quickly threw the magazine aside and ran around the whole house trying to find your daughter. You finally stopped at the bathroom and sighed in relief when you saw your daughter happily splashing around in the tub and throwing bubbles at her dad. A smile started forming on your lips as Harry let Darcy pile bubbles of soap and foam on his mane of curls. You quickly ran into your bedroom you shared with Harry and grabbed your camera. You turned it on and started recording once you reached the entrance of the bathroom. "And what is going on in here?" You asked making your presence known. Darcy and Harry looked at the direction your voice came from both wearing mischievous smiles that looked identical. "Mama," Darcy squealed as she splashed the water harder from excitement. "Hi baby, are you having fun taking a bath?" You cooed softly to your baby girl as you sat beside Harry on the floor. "Hey babe," Harry spoke as he blew you a kiss and continued to make even more bubbles for Darcy. "I love you two so much," You spoke to them as you kept filming. "We love you too," Harry said speaking for Darcy and himself.

Liam Payne: It always amazed you how small your son Kenneth looked in the arms of your husband Liam. Even though Kenneth was almost a year old, he always managed to look so small next to his dad, for now at least. Liam made silly faces at Kenneth as he gently settled him into the tub that was appropriately filled with warm water and bubbles. "Love, can you bring me Kenneths bath toys?" Liam asked as he poured some water on Kenneth avoiding the face. You nodded and quickly grabbed the water proof Disney toys Kenneth loved so much. "Here you go baby boy," You sang as you placed the toys in the tub. Kenneth gurgled happily as he grabbed his Woody doll and started thrashing him around the water. "Like father like son." You mummbled as you kissed the top of Kenneths head then gave Liam a peck on the lips. You weren't worried at all when you left the baby in Liams care. He was the most gentle and caring person in the world. You took out your phone from your back pocket and got on twitter, you took a quick picture of Liam and Kenneth playing with the toys and tweeted it saying "The loves of my life @Real_Liam_Payne @Baby_KennethPayne"

Louis Tomlinson: "LEOOOO," You heard a loud playful Louis yell. You dropped the sponge you were holding since you were washing dishes. You heard tiny feet shuffling everywhere, you looked back and saw your three year old son running around the kitchen naked and squealing in excitement. Louis burst into the kitchen and looked around with a grin on his face "Ooooh Leooo where art thou?" Louis sang as he chased after the naked baby. A loud laugh erupted from your mouth as you chased after Louis who was chasing Leo. "Gotcha!" Louis shouted in victory as he grabbed Leo and spun him around. Leo giggled and hugged his dad "What in the world are you two up too?" You asked as you poked your babies cheek and softly flicked Louis nose. "Little booger here decided to be a naughty boy and not take his bath when daddy said it was time too" Louis explained as he tickled Leo. "You cheeky boy," You cooed to Leo as he puckered his lips at you and you gave him a peck. "Time for your bath Leo,' You said as Louis and you walked into the bathroom.

Niall Horan: "Holy..." You mumbled as you walked into the kitchen. There was flour, chocolate, frosting, and cookie dough all over the floor, kitchen counter, and fridge. On top of it all your three year old daughter was painting chocolate all over your one year old sons face and your husband. "It looks like a baking war went through here," You declared as you took off your sandals and made you way toward your family. Niall, Dalila, and Julian all faced your direction like deer in headlights You took a picture with your phone and tweeted it "Love? I thought you weren't going to come for another, another two hours," He said trying to lick the chocolate off his face. "Yeah, those two hours already passed," You said laughing as you shook your head and carried Julian "Time for a shower you two," You stated as Dalila followed you to the bathroom where you started a bath for your two kids. Niall walked in "I'll take care of it babe," he smiled "Yeah you will, just like the kitchen too," You replied with a cheeky smile and wiped some chocolate off his face and licked it. Niall sat down by the tub and leaned his face toward Dalila who started cleaning her dads face. You shook your head and smiled.

Zayn Mlaik: "Then you gently rub her head, but not to hard," You explained to Zayn as he stared down at your almost one month old baby who was being supported by her dads hand in the kitchen sink. Zayn nodded as he gently started cleaning Valerie, you smiled as you watched encouraging him. You knew he was slightly nervous because it was his first time bathing her and he wanted to learn and take part. "Okay, now dip the rag into the soapy water and gently scrub her face," You instructed to him. "Like this?" He asked as he avoided her eyes even though it was 'tear free' soap. You nodded and kissed Zayn on the cheek "Your such a good daddy" You cooed as he blushed slightly. Your stomach fluttered as Zayn started singing softly to Valerie while he dried her off. Valerie sleepily looked up at him and gripped his finger, then let out a uneven sigh as he smiled down at her "She's perfect,' He mumbled.

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