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You woke up to your three year old daughter screaming. She must have had a dream about the car accident. You were both still in the hospital and you had lost the movement of your legs. It wasn't permanent though you would gain mostly all feeling back. You hadn't cared though as long as your baby girl Aria was okay. "Aria baby it is okay." You tried to console her but couldn't get out of bed to go hold her and she kept crying making her emerald eyes shine even brighter than usual. Her curly locks of hair were matted from sleeping. Besides a few scratches Aria had escaped the crash unscathed. Thankfully a nurse came to put Aria in your bed with you so you could calm her down.

"You know y/n you will be leaving the hospital soon and should get someone to help you with the little one." The nurse said to you. This was not new news it had been going through your mind for a while now. Your parents had died in a car crash and you had no one left. With al the medical bills you now had a nanny was out of the question and there was only one person left... Harry. Harry is Aria's father. Three years ago you had caught him cheating and you said horrible things and he had even said he never wanted to hear from you again, but he didn't know you were carrying Aria inside of you. The way she acted reminds you so much of Harry. You figured you would be the last one he would want to hear from but there was no one else after all it is his daughter too. The next day you called the last number you had for Harry. Luckily after three years it was still the same.

"Hello, who is this?" Harry all to familiar voice flowed through the phone into your ear. Hearing his voice for the first time in three years almost had you in tears.

"Hey... um... I... it's y/n and I know I am the last person you want to talk to but I need your help."

"y/n? Is that really you?"

"Yeah Haz it is me."

"I miss you what's up?" Harry finished saying and you couldn't believe he had just said he missed you maybe this wasn't such a hopeless call after all.

"I am in the hospital and..." Before you could finish Harry was interrupting you.

"What!? Hang on I will be right there."

"Harry wait there is more."

"No need love I messed up once I am not letting you go this time. I will be right there." And with that the phone went dead. Within a few hours Harry arrived racing into your room. "y/n I am so sorry and I can't believe you are hurt. I didn't mean anything I said three years ago and I want to start over again if you will let me." Harry was talking a million miles a minute which is extremely fast compared to how he usually talks. It was all great that he wanted you back but he wanted the old you the one he knew but you're a mom now and Aria comes first.

"Harry you need to meet someone first." You directed your eyes to the little girl sitting in the chair in the room. She had an mp3 player in her ears bobbing her head to the music and humming along. The little girl loved music and was constantly singing or dancing. "Aria." You called to her. She took off the headphones walking over to you and Harry. "Aria this is Harry, and Harry this is Aria." You saw some immediate recognition and disbelief in his eyes.

"Is she...?" You knew what he was asking so you turned to Aria.

"What your full name baby?" You questioned the curly haired girl.

"Aria Grace Styles." She answered looking to both you and Harry. "What is your full name Harry?"

"Harry Edward Styles." Harry beamed down at his daughter.

"Same as me?" Aria looked puzzled.

"Yes same as you because I am your daddy and I would like to not only be your father but also your mommy's boyfriend. But I did really hurt her so I don't know if she would want me back."

"Of course I want you back." You blurted out crying as Harry carefully hugged your still healing body.

"Daddy do you like to sing?" Aria questioned having no idea that's what her daddy does for a living.

"Yes I do."

"Good because that's how I make mommy happy and you can help. We have to sing her favorite song to her." Aria whispered in his ear. Harry nodded to her and she began to sing "Shot me out of da skyyyyy you're my kripotoniiite." You giggled a little at her attempt to sing kryptonite. Harry picked up where Aria left off singing to his two favorite girls in the world.

"You keep making me weak, yeah frozen..." You smiled as he sang realizing everything was going to be okay.

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