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Creds to @kelseystfu ⬅️ Check her account 👌🏻


"Beb, look" Zayn shouts over to you and you lift your eyes from your magazine. "She's almost doing it!" He tells you excitedly as he holds his baby girl's hands in his and guides her as she attempts to walk across the tiled airport floor. "She looks a little wobbly still" you smile and point to your daughter's little legs. Zayn brushes your comment off and continues to hold onto her, making sure she doesn't fall. Once she's steady enough, Zayn pulls his left hand away. She doesn't seem phased though, as she maintains her pace towards the airport restroom. Then he slowly slips his hand from hers and she's on her own. She waddles carefully and Zayn is trailing right behind her in case she falls. "(Y/N), look!" He calls to you, quickly turning back to see if you're witnessing this. "Watch her!" You warn him as she continues down the hall. Your daughter starts to increase her speed and that's when Zayn catches up her to, scooping her tiny body up and into his arms. "Good job, baby!" His smile is from ear to ear as he kisses all over her chubby cheeks. "You did it!" You squeal at your daughter as Zayn passes her off to your out-stretched arms. "Not too bad, dad" you joke to Zayn, bouncing your baby in your arms.


"You look great, shut up" Niall throws a shirt at you as you stand in front of the mirror, analyzing yourself from head to toe. "I don't feel great" you pout, pulling one of Niall's white t-shirts over your head. "Ya can't expect to lose the weight in two weeks" he shakes his head and steals your new son out of his crib. "Hey buddy" he whispers to his boy. "Get his fingers out of his mouth, Niall" you tell him. "Aw, don't do that" Niall coos down at him, using his index fingers to move his whole hand away from his small lips. "How cute is he?" Niall smiles and holds your baby up so you can look at his tiny face. "He's adorable" you agree and pull your jeans on. "And he's all ours" he cuddles his face next to his, rubbing the tip of his nose against the baby's smooth face. "He smells so good" Niall takes a deep breath in, not taking his eyes off of his baby boy. "He needs to put on a jacket before he goes out, babe" he tells you as if you don't already know. "It's in his bottom drawer" you point to your son's dresser and Niall takes the little piece of clothing and starts to dress him. You sit back on your bed and watch Niall naturally slip your son's blue jacket onto his little arms. "I think someone likes being a dad" you tease him, and Niall just smiles, but it's one of the most genuine smiles you've ever seen.


"Here, lemme take her" you reach your hands out but he spins his daughter around in his arms causing her to laugh. "Lou, you guys have to go" you remind him, pointing towards Liam and Niall who are waiting patiently next to Paul. "Are you gonna go watch daddy on stage?" Louis makes a surprised face and your daughter nods her head, sucking her binky tight against her lips. "Are you going to watch Uncle Liam on stage too?" He turns so Liam is now in her view. She nods her little blonde head again and reaches her hands out to touch the ends of Louis's hair. "What are we going to do on stage? Are we going to sing?" He asks her, rocking her back in forth in his arms. "Yeah" she replies through her binky. "C'mon Lou, you guys are going to be late" you tell him again and he finally hands her off. He picks up his bag, pecking his baby girl on the top of her head and then turns to you to kiss your lips. "Love you guys, I'll see you in a bit" he says, waving to the both of you as he heads out with the boys to sound check. "Wave bye to daddy" you take her hand in yours and wave to Louis. He turns back around after a minute, waving his hand in the air with a huge smile on his face.


"I feel like he doesn't look like me at all" Liam frowns slightly, holding your son in his arms. He walks over to you and you tilt your head, switching your gaze from him to your baby. "He's got your eyes, Li. And your ears" you tell him and Liam seems surprised. He pulls on his own ear and then takes his son's between his two fingers. "But he looks just like you. He has your lips and your nose" he tells you, staring at his little boy and then glancing back at you. "I promise you, he's yours" you laugh and Liam sits down on the couch next to you. "He better be" he jokes and cradles the baby's head in his huge hand. "Maybe he'll look like you when he gets older" you suggest and Liam shakes his head. "I want him to always be this tiny" Liam brushes his finger over the baby's forehead, pushing his thin hair back. "He can't be a baby forever, babe" you chuckle, reaching your hand over to fix his little shirt. Your son stretches out to grip his whole hand around your pointer finger. You move your finger around but his hand stays attached to you. "I can't believe how cute he is" you smile down at him. "Remember when we first met, I told you we'd make really cute babies together" Liam reminds you, nudging your arm. "You were drunk" you chuckle, remembering the night. "Either way, he's cute" Liam laughs, cuddling his son into his chest. "He's perfect" you concur, smiling as you wiggle your finger again.


"I told you to get her ready" you whine as you walk into the hotel bedroom to see a shirtless Harry and a shirtless baby. "I am" he defends himself, brushing her hair with her small comb. He pulls a shirt over his head and pulls tight black jeans over his long legs. "Hurry up. Paul and the boys are probably waiting for us downstairs" you tell him, grabbing the baby bag and your purse and throwing it on top of the stroller. Your daughter lets out a loud cry because Harry isn't paying her any attention. He quickly lifts her up in the air, blowing a raspberry against her tummy and she instantly laughs. "What, baby? What's wrong?" He brings her back down so they're eye-level. "Give daddy a kiss" he tells her. He puckers his lips and she moves her face to his so her cheek connects with his mouth. "Haz, please get her dressed" you beg him as you pull a shirt over your own head. "Isn't your mommy so pretty?" Harry asks your daughter as he puts her shirt on. "She's beautiful even when she yells at daddy, right?" He keeps going as he ties her shoes and picks her up. You smile, shaking your head at his lame attempt at apologizing for making all of you late for the flight to Italy. "You're full of shit" you say lowly while Harry straps his baby girl into her stroller seat. "Heeeey!" He scolds you. "Watch your language please" he kisses your lips before pushing the stroller through the hotel room entrance, heading to the elevator.

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