#02 - Pregnancy Series - Failed Attempts

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#02 - Pregnancy Series - Failed Attempts

Louis: "This is just bloody ridiculous! It's been almost a year. A year!" You shout as you picked up the remote and threw it at the wall. Louis sat on the couch, watching you with a pained expression. "It has been almost a year and so far everyone of our friends has either had a baby or they're pregnant." You say, clenching your jaw. "And here we are, trying as hard as we can and nothing. We get nothing!" You shout, your voice raising with each word. "Yelling isn't going to make it happen." He mutters. "Neither will sarcastic comments." You snap as you sat down across from him. He sighs and rubs his face. "I'm making an appointment with our doctor to find out if anything is wrong with me. We know you're perfectly fine..." He mutters, standing up. "Sorry in advance if it's me." He whispers, walking up the stairs. You sigh, knowing what you had said hurt his feelings, leaving him to feel guilty about something you both couldn't control.

Niall: "Oh! Congratulations!" An old woman smiled as she walked up to you in the store. "Um...what?" You laughed. She grinned and pat you stomach. "Congratulations on the baby." She says simply before walking off. You stood there for a few seconds while Niall laughed at your reaction. "Do I look pregnant? Because I'm obviously not." You sighed, looking over at him. "She's crazy. Don't worry about it." He says, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Oh yeah. I'm sure." You mumble, as your feelings of sadness and frustration because it wasn't happening came crawling back into your mind. Niall noticed how quiet you got and squeezed your hand. "We'll try again tonight and tomorrow and the night after that. I promise. We'll make it happen." He says softly. You nod, pushing the thought to the back of your mind as you continued to grab the groceries that you needed.

Liam: "Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asks softly as he helped you stand up. You shake your head and throw your blood soaked sweat pants in the trash. "No...We already know what happened. We don't need to be told that I had another miscarriage." You mumble as you brush his hands off your waist. He sighs softly and nods. "Yeah...Okay." You looked up at yourself in the mirror and held your breath. The girl in the mirror didn't look like the girl you knew. She was tired, her face was sunken in, and her eyes showed her pain. "Liam...I can't do this anymore." You whisper. "You said that the last time." He reminded you. "Three miscarriages is enough for me. I can't do it anymore." You whisper, turning off the bathroom light and walking into the bedroom. "If that's what you want...then fine." He mutters before walking out of the room and shutting the bedroom door behind him, leaving you to cry by yourself.

Zayn: Your heart beat quickened as you stared down at the positive pregnancy test. "No way..." You whisper as you walked out of the bathroom, through the house, searching for Zayn. "Z! Where are you?" You shouted. "In my art room!" You heard his thick accent shout back. You rushed down the hallway and pushed open the door to his art room. He stood with his back facing you in gym shorts and a tanktop with a can of spray paint in his hand. "I'm pregnant." You say quickly. He whips around, his eyes wide. "You're sure?" He asks softly. "Well...I don't know. I took a test and it's positive." You ramble. He nods and slowly walks towards you. "Why don't you go take another one and see what it says. You know, just in case." You nod and walk back to your room, chugging the bottle of water you had on your night stand. After peeing on two more pregnancy tests, you sat next to Zayn on your bed, waiting for the results. Three minutes passed and you looked down. "False alarm." You mutter as you got up and threw the negative tests away. "It'll happen. Don't get too upset." He says, pecking your forehead.

Harry: "Babe, I'm home!" You hear him yell from your spot on the floor in the bathroom. You opened your mouth to reply back, but you felt too weak. "Babe?" He shouted as you heard his footsteps rush up the stairs. "(Y/N), Come one. Where are you?" He asked walking into your bedroom. "H-harry..." You mumble. He turns and rushes towards you as he realizes you were on the floor. "Babe...Baby, what happened? Why are you bleed-oh my god." He says, his tone instantly becoming quieter. "Shit...oh my god, okay. Baby, you're going to be okay. It'll be okay." He says picking you up and carrying you downstairs. The whole ride to the hospital he repeated his words to you, "It'll be okay." even though you both knew it wasn't. After an hour in the emergency room, you both got the news you dreaded. You had lost your baby. You didn't cry, neither did he. You both just sat there, trying to take all the information in, trying to accept the fact you weren't going to be parents in seven months like you had anticipated before.

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