He scares your children during a fight (liam)

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He Scares Your Children During a Fight (Liam)
"Hey, babe, you coming to bed soon?" Your voice came out as a small whisper, as you poked your head through the office door.

You found him in the same position you had found him in hours before. He was hunched over the desk with his hands on the laptop keyboard, not typing anything. When you spoke, he moved his hands behind his head and leaned back to stretch.

You could fully tell he was frustrated, but you didn't know at what. You decided to leave it earlier, but now you were determined to get an answer out of your sulking husband.

"No," was his sharp response to your question. He turned his head slightly in his arms to shoot you a glare, his eyes red with exhaustion.

"Please tell me what's wrong," You pleaded, taking a few steps inside the room, gently shutting the door behind you so it was slightly cracked.

"I don't have to tell you," He said curtly, turning around in the chair to face you. "Nothing's wrong. Leave me alone."

"Something is wrong though. I can tell," You said gently, taking a few steps farther inside. "Please tell me babe."

"I already said I wasn't telling you!" He growled suddenly, his voice rising a few octaves as he pushed himself to his feet. "Leave me alone," he repeated, spitting the words like they were poison.

Slightly scared yourself, but still aware of what was going to happen, you immediately tried to calm him. "Liam shh. The twins are asleep down the hall. Please lower your voice." You were referring to your twin daughters, who were asleep only a room away.

"No!" He snapped, taking a few threatening steps toward you. "That's just an excuse for you to stop something you started!"

"Liam, please," You pleaded. "I didn't mean to start anything. Please shh."

Little did either of you know, one of your twins had awoken, making sure to wake her sister in the process, both confused as to why their parents where up yelling in the middle of the night. Being young, they did what any normal kid would do. Go to investigate.

Their small feet shuffled down the hallway, finding the door to the room right across the hall slightly cracked. The more daring one reached forward, managing to push it open further as they both peaked their head inside. However, they both looked in on the wrong time.

You were still trying to get him to quiet down. Still trying to get him to at least lower his voice. But when he wouldn't you went for a harsher approach. Which only caused him to grow angrier, stepping right in your face to yell harsh profanities at you.

The angered look on his face. The small veins popping out in the corner of his neck. The blood that rushed to his skin. The loud and scary tone of his voice. All of it terrified your two daughters, who had never seen their father this mad.

They both shrunk away from the door, shaking and close to tears. So scared, one of them let out a short whimper.

The simple whimper alerted both of you, both stopping in your tracks. Slowly, you turned around to find them both sitting on the ground outside the door, sniffling and looking between you and their father with fear plastered across their features.

"Oh girls," You whispered, rushing over to them and scooping both of them into your arms. Giving one final glare at your now distressed husband, you walked them across the hall to their bedroom.

Gently, you laid them each into their individual beds, tucking them in and kissing their foreheads. They hadn't spoke a word until one spoke up, "Mommy? Is daddy still mad?"

You smiled softly. "No honey. I don't think he still is. He was just mad at mommy. It's okay."

"Why was he mad at you mommy?"

By now Liam had crossed the hall, pushing the door open and cuatiously creeping inside to come up behind you. Gently, he wrapped his arms around your waist, gently lying his chin on your shoulder.

"I shouldn't have been mad at mommy," He started. "I know mommy works hard too, and sometimes she gets stressed, but she never takes it out on me. Or you guys. I was just a big meanie. I'm not mad at anyone, and I'm sorry for getting so mad."

By now the twins had climbed from their beds to hug each of your legs. Liam smiled softly, his arms reaching down to wrap around all three of you.

"I love you guys. I'm so sorry."

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