Your daughter hurts themselves by accident

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Harry: Harry and Darcy were outside. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and it was nice and warm. Harry was watching Darcy play around, "mummy can you come sit with daddy?" she asks from the door cutely. You smile and walk outside, you sit next to Harry and talk, while Darcy goes down the slide, "look daddy" she says happily as she slides down the slide and her hair flicks back. She smiles sweetly as she stands up at the end, "Daddy did you see did you, did you, did you?" she asks happily. "I did Darc" Harry replies, you both continue to watch her play and use her imagination creating fun games she can play. She started to kick the soccer ball around, as she was running after the ball she fell over and hit the pools glass fencing. She starts crying and you and Harry both run to her aid. Harry checks to see what is wrong, and it was just a small graze, and maybe she hit her head on the glass. She crawled into your lap as she cried, you picked her up and hugged her tightly stroking her hair, you and Harry walked back inside, you placed her up on the kitchen bench, Harry stood in front of her calming her down while you got the first aid kit, Harry started to clean up her graze, and put a brandade on her. "where else does it hurt Darc?" Harry asks sweetly, and she points to her forehead, Harry kisses her forehead better, then places an ice pack on it, as he wipes away her tears. He starts to softly sing to her getting her to take her mind off things. After a while he takes the ice pack off her forehead, and picks her up. He then grabs an ice cream from the freezer, and sits on the couch with her in his lap, while they watch TV together.

Zayn: Zayn was very protective of his daughter, and liked to keep her close to him, but as she got older he had to learn to trust her to make the right decisions, and let her have a little more freedom. She had been begging Zayn to let her go to a party tonight, and after a while Zayn gave in under the conditions she kept in contact with Zayn throughout the whole party. Zayn had taken her to the party and had come back. He wasn't happy with her going but you had explained to him that she will end up just going behind your backs to go out. You and Zayn were watching TV while your other kids were asleep. Zayns phone went off and it was your daughter Danielle, Zayn had answered and ended up being in a panic, he left the house quickly not saying anything. You were confused and worried about what was going on but you knew Zayn could take care of things. 20 minutes later your daughter comes in crying and runs straight up to her room, but trips going up the stairs, hurting herself, and making her cry even more. Zayn rushed to her side as did you, Zayn asked 100 questions to make sure she was okay, but she just kept crying. Zayn embraced her in a hug calming her down, he helped her up gently, and helped her to her room. He ran around finding and ice pack for her, while you asked her what had happened. She briefly told you she had an argument with a boy but didn't want to tell Zayn. Zayn came back in and did everything he could to help Danielle, making sure not to make her more upset, he didn't know what else he could do apart from not ask questions about what happened.

Liam: You, Liam and you're daughter Sophia, were at the park, you and Liam were watching Sophia as she played on the equipment. Sophia was reaching up to go on the monkey bars, Liam and you both got up to help her, she was half way across and you and Liam were a few meters away when suddenly, "Daddy!!!" is what you hear from Sophia before she looses her grip and falls. Liam and you both rush to where she was situated in the floor crying. Liam very quickly made sure nothing was broken, when you both determined nothing was broken, she was mainly crying because of sudden impact and being scared, Liam picks her up, and rubs the bark off her, whispering to her sweetly telling her she is okay. He kisses her forehead, and you help rub the bark off her while helping getting her to calm down. "how about we get you some ice cream, Amelia?" Liam says, and Amelia nods her head, as Liam carries her to get ice cream.

Niall: your daughter loved to sing and she was very good at it too. She was asked to sing at a school performance and said yes. It was the night of the performance, you and Niall were with her and she was very nervous, to the point she started to shake and wanted to pull out and think of an excuse. You and Niall weren't pushy parents but you and Niall encouraged her to continue through with it, and Niall calmed her down by helping her over come her nerves like he does when he has to perform. It was time, time for her to go out on that stage in front of everyone and show off her tallant. You and Niall could see she was nervous, but she kept telling herself she could do it. She was in the middle of the the stage, one spot light shining on her as the music started to play. She started to sing and her voice was a lite shaky but slowly became stronger. She finished her performance and everyone clapped, she came of stage disapointed in herself. "What's wrong Julia?" Niall asks as he sees his little girl upset, "I stuffed up, I accidentally stuffed the song up, and I was shaky. I did horrible I'm never singing again" she vents as tears flow down her face. "you were good Julia" you say smiling at her. She sighs and Niall hugs her, "your mum is right you did good princess. Nobody noticed your stuff up I didn't, don't be upset, you did something most girls your age would dread doing. Getting up infront of an audience" Niall says trying to make her feel better about herself. "but Dad it hurts to know I didn't do as good as I had hoped" she says, "it's okay, nobody's perfect, you did great your mum an I are very proud of you, it could have been worse" "how could it have been worse?" "well you could have split your pants like uncle Liam did on stage infront of everyone" Niall says which cheers Julia up. "we are very proud of you Julia, your dad is right you could have done what Liam did which is worse than having your nerves make you a little shaky, don't worry princess you did well" you say which makes Julia feel a lot better.

Louis: Louis was very protective of his 5 year old baby girl Taylor. Louis wasn't as protective of his 14 year old son Aydan but when it came to Taylor Louis always made sure she was okay. After all she was his little girl. Your son was always injured from playing Soccer, and Louis always insisted he was strong, and he could deal with the injuries, so it was no surprise when your son got hurt at his last soccer game, Louis didn't baby him like you did. Aydan was on crutches hobbling up the stairs, while Taylor came running down the stairs happily, "Taylor don't run I'll fall" your son says, she just shrugs and pokes her tounge out. Aydan looks at her then continues going up the stairs, until Taylor falls down, and starts to cry. As soon as Louis hears the cry of his baby girl he runs to her, "what happened?" he asks as he picks her up and rubs her back as she cries, "Aydan tripped me" she sobs, Louis looks at Aydan, "don't lie I didn't, I was walking up" Aydan says, "yes you did you're mean!" she cries. Louis calmed her down and got her to stop crying, Louis knew Aydan wouldn't have tripped her on purpose or at all. "Taylor are telling the truth?" "no Daddy" she says looking at the floor while in Louis arms. Louis sighs, "no tv for the day then" Louis says, "no but Daddy!!" she whines, "fine don't do it again" Louis says, always giving into his daughter. "Dad that's not fair I always get punished, just because she's your little girl" Aydan sighs, Louis looks at Taylor's gorgeous eyes just like his, "Taylor no TV for the rest of the day, you don't lie, and apologize to your brother" Louis says sternly and puts her down, she sighs, "sorry Aydan," she says, and runs off to entertain herself.

a/n: okay the louis one is something like my sister did

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