He plays with the kids

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1D preferences: He plays with the kids..

Liam: "Guys! Lunch is ready!" you yell from the kitchen window out to your husband and kids. You grab the platter of turkey sandwiches and walk outside where the rest of your family is. You've been hearing laughter the whole time as you made lunch. As you open the front door you see your husband Liam laying on the green grass pushing your 4 year old daughter Taylor up in the air with both his hands. She's laughing and smiling and having such a great time with her daddy. You make your way to them and they haven't noticed you yet. You 2 year old son L.J. (Liam Junior) is sitting up putting grass between his toes. He's also having fun. Liam put down Taylor and rolls on his stomach to grab the grass out of L.J.'s toes when he sees you walking towards them, smiling at how silly your family is. Liam smiles at you. "Oh hey (Y/N), is it lunch time already?" says Liam. "Yes babe, time to take a little rest and fill your bellies." You say poking him in the stomach. He laughs and so does Taylor and L.J. Your kids run to you. L.J. grabs onto your leg and before Taylor could even reach Liam grabs her and hugs her. The four of you sit out under the shade of the tree in the front yard and eat lunch. After that you join them rolling around in the grass and laughing and having a great time. Liam catches you as you and your daughter rolled towards him. He rolls onto you and kisses you quick on the lips before going off and playing with your kids.

Louis: You and your family decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch one day. Your 4 kids were so excited to go and eat and play games. And so was your husband Louis. He loved playing games with the kids. You all eat pizza at Chuck E. Cheese and your kids have been begging you and Louis to take them to play games. They love it when their parents play with them. "Mom...Dad!! Come on, let's go play!" Said your 8 year old daughter Elizabeth. "Alright Liz! Let's go!" said Louis. He stood up to go with Liz over to the arcade section when the rest of the kids began yelling, "Wait Wait Wait for us!" Mary-Ann (7), Gracie(5), and William(4) all get up from the table running after their dad and older sister. You begin cleaning the kids mess before a waitress comes and takes over. You look to the arcade and spot your family taking turns one the skee ball. You smile at how much fun they're all having especially Louis. Louis looks up and catches your eye. He winks at you and waves for you to come over. So you make your way to the table and Gracie says in an exciting tone, "Mom, why don't you challenge daddy?!!" She hands you the puck and you and Louis play skee ball not even wanting to give the kids a turn. Eventually the two of you give up and let the kids run around and play game til it was dark out.

Zayn: "(Y/N) I'm home!" you hear your husband yell as he walks through the front door. You twin daughters Zalika and Zana run up to their daddy yelling "Daddy Daddy you're home!" he gives them both big hugs and kisses before they run off to watch cartoons in the living room. You smile at them and give him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Hi baby, how was work?" you say to him. "It was good, got to finish recording two songs today," he replies. He seems tired so you just tell him that dinner is almost ready. Zayn sits on the couch watching the television that been playing Dora the Explorer all day. Zayn grabs Zalika and Zana who were sitting right in front of him on the carpet, focused on the Tv. "Did you girls miss daddy today?" He says to them. He has all their attention now that he has them both on his lap. "Yeah Daddy we missed you a lot. I think mommy missed you the mostest," says 6 year Zana. You sit next to him and grab Zana off his lap. "Yes I missed you a lot honey," you say kissing him on the cheek. "EWWW!" says the twins. Zayn laughs and starts tickling them both. The girls couldn't stop laughing and smiling at their dad as he played with them and you couldn't stop either. You were so happy with your family and you loved them all dearly. You leave them on the couch tickling each other. You go and get your roast chicken out of the oven. "Dinner's ready!" you yell into the living room.

Niall: "Niall!" You yell from your bedroom. You heard your two month old baby crying from the crib but you were brushing your teeth. You knew Niall wasn't busy. So you yelled his name hoping he would go and tend to baby Mason. You peek your head out of the bathroom door and see Niall carrying Mason in the hall way. "He needed a change," said Niall. "Thanks babe," you say to your husband. Your 3 year old daughter Matilda just woke up and asks if she can have cereal for breakfast. You said "sure honey". After you're done brushing your teeth, you go into the kitchen to make breakfast. But you see Niall sitting down and feeding Mason your breast milk that you had put into a bottle. Next to them is Matilda eating her cereal peacefully. Your surprised at Niall a little and say "thank you so much baby, I love you." You kiss him on his forehead and he says, "love you more baby." After Mason is done eating Niall hands him to you and he helps Matilda finish her cereal. Picking up her spoon he puts a spoon full of cereal into his mouth. "Heyyyyy, dadddy!" Yells Matilda. She laughs and so do you and Niall. He keeps eating her cereal and she keeps reaching for her spoon. Matilda couldn't stop laughing at her daddy and neither could you. After handing Matilda her spoon back, he kisses her on her head and says "love you sweetheart, see you after work and be good for mommy okay?" "Okay daddy, love you" says Matilda. Niall leans over and kisses baby Mason on the cheek then looks up and kisses you long and softly on the lips. "See you after work my little potatoe," says niall. "See you later baby" you reply.

Harry: It's 7 in the morning. You roll over and stretch your arm out and feel Harry still laying in bed. "Babe, you're supposed to go to the recording studio today," you say to him. He rolls over sideways and put his arm around you. "It got cancelled, our managers wife is in labor so he couldnt be there." He smiles at you and you guys intertwine your legs. He was just about to kiss you when you felt a tugging at your feet. You look down to find Harmony, your 6 year old daughter trying to get up in the bed. Harry gets up and pulls her onto the bed "hey little munchkin, what are you doing up?" She giggles and says, "I got up to see if you left to work. Are you still going daddy?" You smile at you and Harry's adorable little girl. "No sweetie I have the day off today." She's laying on Harry's stomach looking at him straight in the face he has his arms wrapped around her. She starts to giggle and says, "now me, you and mommy can play all dayyyyy." Harry laughs at her sillyness and says "we sure can!" He sits up and begins playing Patty cake with Harmony sitting on his lap and you get up to make your famliy breakfast.

It's just SOOO CUTE!!!😍😍

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