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It was your son Conner's birthday he was turning six years old. Conner's best friend Joel had just been diagnosed with cancer and when you took Conner to see him in the hospital seeing all the sad kids there really made an impact on him. For week he insisted to you and everyone instead of presents and a birthday party he wanted to get presents for all the kids in the hospital. Even though he wasn't getting presents he had a big smile on his face every time he gave one of the ill children a present. The parents kept walking up to you some crying thanking you and you just told them how you had nothing to do with it it was all Conner's idea. You took many pictures and the entire time couldn't believe how amazing and kind you little boy was. He had puppy dog brown eyes to match his brown semi curly locks of hair. He was practically a replica of his father Liam. Six years ago you had met Liam his life with One Direction was so crazy he broke it off shattering your heart. Little did you know Conner was growing inside you. After you found out you were pregnant it was months later and Liam was dating another girl. You couldn't believe him saying his schedule was to crazy for a girlfriend and then him going and getting one right after your breakup. You were hurt and wanted nothing to do with Liam Payne so you moved on raising your son alone figuring he wouldn't even want Conner. But something in you always longed for the Payne. In fact you hadn't dated anyone sense the break-up. As you left the hospital and hoped in the car Conner spoke up "Mom do you think my dad would be proud of me?"

"Conner he would be so proud of you and I am more than proud of you." As you answered you saw the park were you had met Liam and figured you would take Conner there and tell him the story of how you meet so you could give the boy something he would really appreciate on his birthday. You arrived at the park but pulled something out of the backseat. It was a little wrapped box, you knew he wouldn't want it at first as he asked for no presents but he was you little boy you had to give him something. You handed it to him and the child inside of him couldn't resist he tore it open bringing out of the box a cape. Conner was obsessed with superhero's so you had a cape specially mad for him. It was his favorite colors purple and blue. It said Conner on the back with a couple stars and lightning bolts around the name. His face lit up but then quickly dropped.

"Mom I can't wear this I'm no superhero. I have no powers and I haven't saved anyone."

Your heart broke as you heard him, he had to realize just how amazing he was and how much good he did today.

"Conner superheroes are not always easy to spot. Sometimes they surprise you. Like a wimpy boy like Peter Parker being Spiderman. But most of all a superhero doesn't have to have powers, a fancy costume, or literally save a life. What you did today made you a superhero those kids are in pain and sad a lot. Then today you made them laugh, smile, and just forget they were sick. By making them happy you even made there parents happy. Now that would be my definition of superhero." Conner just smiled giving you a big hug and putting his cape on.

"Thank you mom."

"Of course my little superhero, now how about some ice cream then I will tell you how I met your dad." Conner agreed and you two walked over to the ice cream vender. You ordered and when you turned around Conner was gone. "Conner! Conner!" You shrieked out searching all over running around. Conner was a smart kid you tried to think of where he would go and all you could figure was the car. You ran as fast as you could heaving a sigh of relief as you saw Conner at the car but to the right was a man and as you got closer you realized it was Liam.

"Mom!" Conner yelled running to you. You could see the mixed expressions on Liam's face as you walked over with your well your guys son. "Mom this is Liam he helped me find the car."

"y/n?" Liam smiled.

"Yeah it's me and I guess you have met Conner."

"Yeah good kid you got there."

"You have no idea."

"So are you married or..."

"God no." You answered.

"Mom can Liam get ice cream with us?" Conner questioned.

"I am sure Liam is too busy for us."

"Please Liam can you? It's my birthday." You watched your son's puppy dog eyes in action.

"Of course I have time." Liam said. So here you were getting ice cream with your son and his father and neither of them knew. Of course there were always times when you were going to contact Liam and tell him but something always came up and you were scared to as well.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Liam asked. Conner answered that he had already got it telling Liam all about his birthday and how he helped Joel and the others. Liam just looked stunned. He looked to you and you just nodded overly proud of your son.

"Wow how old are you?"

"I am six." Conner answered. For the rest of the walk to get ice cream Liam was oddly quiet with a look of concentration on his face. You got your ice cream and it was in bowls with a spoon of course. But Conner didn't like spoons just like his dad, you kept a box of plastic forks in your purse so you grabbed them out giving one to Conner. He ran off to play in the park. You watched as Conner ran off his cape blowing in the wind. Remembering another trait he had inherited from Liam, he was fast so much that he was even on an older kids track team. Suddenly Liam looked to you and practically yelled.

"It is his birthday it's almost exactly nine months after the last time we had..." Liam couldn't finish the sentence bit you knew he meant the last time you had made love actually it was the night you two had broken up.

"Is he mine?"

"Yes." Is all you could say.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam sort of screamed.

"I didn't know for a while and by the time I found out you were already dating another girl. You threw me away breaking me apart saying work prevented you from having a girlfriend then you turn right around and date someone else. Liam don't you try to put it all on me I didn't think you would even want a kid!" You were both yelling at each other now.

"What I didn't mean to hurt you. In fact it was the exact opposite. You were getting so much hate that I was finding you crying and after the death threat I knew I was only hurting you. And as to Conner I would have loved to have a baby with you. To marry you and raise children with you were my plans but things just got in the way and I thought you would have a better life without me."

"Seriously Liam a better life! I loved you so much and the only good thing about my life is Conner. We live in a studio apartment and I work three jobs just to make ends meet, I barely see Conner. Wait, if you still loved me why the hell did you date that girl?"

"Management had me do it as a publicity stunt and we broke up three years ago and even when we were dating I would come here to this park almost every day hoping to see you. I can barely sleep at night because I let you go. But none of that matters anymore because I love you and I love our son. y/n if you will give me the chance I want to raise Conner together." You looked up into Liam's eyes realizing just how much you truly missed him even after six years the spark was still there.

"Yes, yes Liam. I'm sorry I am so sorry." Liam grabbed you into a hug crying.

"No it's my fault I am sorry and you two are moving in with me and you are sure as hell not working three jobs." Being back in Liam's arms was amazing and nothing could pull you away except for your sons shrill scream of fear.

"MOM MOM HELP!" Conner called out dangling from a tree. You looked to see a cat on the same branch he must have been trying to be a superhero and save it. You and Liam ran over just in time as his fingers slipped Liam caught him in his arms. Conner looked up at Liam and said "You're my superhero." Liam's eyes lit up as he began to cry sitting on the ground with Conner in his arms. I knelt beside them hugging them both and said to Conner.

"Not only is he our superhero, but he is the love of my life and your father."

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