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Parenting Series (Toddler) - Dilemma's

Louis: You and Louis had toured two different preschools for Quincy and Grayson and they were both great, but the problem was that Grayson and Quincy both favored one that the other didn't. "I don't want them to be uncomfortable in their surroundings, (Y/N)." Louis sighed. "Yeah, but I don't want them to be separated yet. They've never spent more than three hours apart before. They're not ready to experience that. They're only three." You sigh, "Plus, it's a long drive and one is more expensive than the other." He nods and rubs his face, "All right, you pick the one you liked best and we'll send them both there." He nods. "It's the easiest way and I know they'll both like it after a while."

Niall: "Niall, my family is here." You snap, staring up at him. He had just proposed the idea of moving back to Dublin, his homeland. "Yeah, and my family is there!" He snapped. "Greg and Denise are here in London, the boys, and your job are here. My job is here. You mum and dad fly in at least once a month. Why do you want to move?" You fought. "I would have to start all over and you'd be traveling a hell of a lot more than you are now. I don't like that idea. I'm sorry, I'm not moving." You say, standing your ground. Niall groaned and looked at you, "Why do you always have to be right?" He sighed in defeat, knowing that every point you made was valid. "I don't know, but we need to stay here." You sigh, hugging him. He nodded and rubbed your back, "You're right. We're going to stay."

Liam: You laid in bed with Liam, your leg wrapped around his waist, your head in his neck. "Babe...we need to talk." Liam whispered into your hair. Your heart began to race, multiple thoughts running through your head, expecting the worse. "What's going on?" You ask softly, sitting up, preparing for the worse. "There is a possibility...that we're going on another tour." He sighed. You nodded, rubbing your silk sheets between your fingers. "How long is this one?" You mumble. "Um, that's the part that you're going to be upset about." You nod, looking up at him. "Just tell me." You sigh, "Ten months." He says quickly. You suck in a breath and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out. "It's not for sure, but it's possible, so don't be surprised if it's confirmed, okay?" He says. You nod and lay back down. "We can do it...we've done it before." You whisper.

Zayn: "Daddy! Guess what happened today!" Caroline shouted as she ran into the house and you followed her in. Zayn caught her and kissed her cheek, "What happened, baby girl?" He asked with a smile. You shut the garage door with an uneasy glance at Zayn. "Marlie's mummy had another baby. It's a girl and her name is Lily." She grins. "Oh, that's great!" Zayn smiles. "Yeah, we played with her today and we fed her and all of that stuff." She grinned. Zayn nodded, watching her eyes light up with excitement. "I want a baby brother or sister." She grinned. Zayn's eyes widened and he nodded, "Yeah..." You say softly, looking at him. Zayn sat her down and she ran off and turned to you. "We're not having a baby yet, I'm telling you right now." You say with a small laugh. "Good, because I'm not ready for that yet." He laughs, rubbing your back. "Good." You sigh.

Harry: You sat across from Harry on the bed, watching his reaction carefully. "I-I don't know, babe." He sighed. You had just proposed the idea of having another baby. "Why not?" You ask softly, "Olivia is going into preschool in a few weeks, we're going to be home alone all day. Things are calm with the band, no promos or tours or anything. My work is steady...we already raised an amazing little girl." You say, running your hands through your hair. He crossed his arms over his chest and takes a deep breathe, looking up at you. "Okay." He says simply. "Okay?" You asked, surprise in your voice. "Yeah, okay." He nods with a smile. "Let's try for another baby." He nods. You jump up from the bed and fly into his arms, laughing. "Oh my God, I can't believe you said yes." You laugh as he hugged you tight.

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