GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 16: First Day of High School

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GROWING UP SERIES(LIAM): Part 16: First Day of High School

Middle school came and gone just as fast as elementary did. I remember just yesterday I was watching her graduate from middle school. The boys and I couldn't be any prouder than that. I woke up to it being 5:30. I knew now that (y/n) was entering high school, she needed a little extra 'coaxing' to get out of bed in the morning. I crept into her room, setting off her alarm. She groaned loudly smacking her hand on her dresser a few times before successfully shutting it off. "Noo" I laughed. "Come on little Payne, it's time for high school!" I said rubbing her back slowly. She turned over and faced me with a tired face. "I can't go. I'm sick" She faked coughed. "You're not sick. It's time for school. Come on. It'll be fun I promise!" I left the room flipping the light on laughing as she groaned. I went downstairs preparing myself to take her. Since she was in high school, she insisted that 'I don't need a little kid lunch anymore'. AGAIN WITH THE LOUIS ATTITUDE. I swear he needs to stop teaching her things. I heard a door slam and a yell, and I knew she was up. I walked upstairs preparing for a war. "What happened?" "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" She yelled. "Look at all that." I said pointing to her closet. "That's all old!" I couldn't
believe her. "(Y/n) Payne just put something on please? You don't need new clothes every week." She groaned and pushed me out, slamming the door in my face. "GROUNDED" I yelled. She groaned opening the door. "Sorry" She mumbled. I laughed and nodded. "Hurry, you want time and you also need to eat" She nodded rushing into the bathroom. I went downstairs and prepared her breakfast, hearing her heavy footsteps a little bit later. "Hungry?" I asked. She nodded sitting at the table. I gave her her food and watched as she devoured it. "Am I driving you?" I asked taking the plate. "Please?" She asked smiling the smile she knew I could never resist. I nodded laughing and cleaning off the dishes. "Hurry up. We gotta leave soon" I yelled as she went back to her room. I hurried and got my shoes on throwing her stuff in the car. She came out running and jumping in. "Ready?" I asked starting the car. She nodded buckling up. I could tell she was nervous and excited so I decided to drive quietly to let her gather her unending thoughts. I was listening to a song when I heard her quietly. "Li?" "Yeah?" "I'm nervous" "Don't be babe. You're going to make lots of friends" "But what if I get lost?" "Don't worry. Someone will
be nice and help you" I pulled up to her school. "LIAM THERE'S AMEIYA!" She laughed. I nodded. "See, Now you can be together and not be worried." I stopped and she jumped out yelling and running off for her. She was set to go.

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