GROWING UP SERIES (LIAM):Part 10: First Big Girl Bed

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GROWING UP SERIES: Part 10: First Big Girl Bed

Liam's POV
We just arrived back from our last show on tour. It was amazing. (Y/n) had just turned four and she was as happy as a turtle in the ocean. We walked in our home after not being there for about six months. I can honestly say I missed the place. I can tell (y/n) misses it more because she ran into her room and hugged all her stuffed animals. I went into her room and realized something: she still had a crib. We left right when she had just turned three. I didn't even think about her crib. I knew we had to go get one today, because she told me herself, she was NOT a baby anymore. She maybe be mine, but she totally gained Louis' sass. She was running around trying to remember everything. "Babe! Stop running and come here! We need to talk!" I yelled unsure of where she was. It took about a minute before she came darting down the stairs and into my arms. "Whoa there, chipmunk, settle down and listen?" I asked. She nodded. "We have to go to the store today and get a big girl bed! Because you're too old for a crib." Her eyes lit up. "Can I pick it out?" She asked, hopeful. "Of course, but within reason" I smiled, kissing her cheek. We walked out to the car and we drove to the furniture store. We walked around looking at all the beds until we reached the kid's section.
"Alright baby, which one do you like?" "Well, none of them have princesses on them Li" "Baby, don't worry about that. We can go and buy that at a different place, but you need to tell me which bed you like?" She put her finger on her chin and walked around. Just like Louis. Mental note: Kill Louis for teaching her sass. She sat on each one before she walked over to me. "Li?" "Mhm?" "I like that one, it's super soft and comfy" She smiled pointing to the one she liked. She had picked a simple twin sized bed that was a little tall, but I knew if she couldn't reach it, we could buy her a foot stool. "Alright, baby" I said picking her up. "Let's go buy you your big girl bed!" We walked and paid for the bed. "Now, would you like to go home or go and get your bedding?" "What's that?" I laughed at her face. "It's the blanket you put on your bed" "Yes!! P-u-lease?" I nodded "But (y/n) you have to understand your bed isn't ready
yet, so you can't use the blankets yet okay?" She nodded. "I sleep with you?" I nodded. "If you don't want your crib then, yes, I suppose so." I strapped her into her car seat and drove to the next store. We walked in and we walked to the bedding. "Alright, bug, you want princess?" She shook her head "No LiLi, can I have polka dots? Please?" I nodded. "So no princesses?" She shook her head and stomped her foot. "Hey, watch the attitude or you won't get anything else today" I warned. Yep. Kill Louis later. She nodded and took my hand. "Sowie" I nodded. We picked out a pretty polka-dot bedding and went to pay. When we got back home, I immediately put her in my bed for a nap....
________-2 weeks later
(y/n)'s bed arrived today. Thank goodness. Don't get my wrong, I love the little thing, but I'm very excited to sleep by myself in my own bed tonight. I sent her with Niall for the day, so I could set up everything without being distracted by her. A couple hours later, I had everything set up and in order. All the boxes were thrown out, and she finally had her big girl bed. She came home right around then and ran to her room "LI!" I laughed "Do you like it hun?" She smiled "Thank you!" "You're welcome" She played all night in her room and when she finally finished with dinner, she ran into the bathroom. "BATH LI!" she screamed. I walked in "Shh , no screaming. You know the rules" She nodded. I bathed her and dressed her and she jumped in her bed. She smiled as wide as I've ever seen her smile. It was only 7, but I wasn't going to ruin her fun. "Good night baby. I love you" I bent down and kissed her forehead. "Good night Li!" I ended up cleaning the house before I check on her one last time. When I walked in, She was sleeping in the middle of her bed, in a star shape. I chuckled and pulled out my phone and took a picture. I tweeted it with the caption 'in love with her new big girl bed'. I laughed to myself.
Big girl

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