Your Child Has A Tantrum

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Your Child Has A Tantrum.
"Luke come on, get up we are leaving" Niall whisper yelled to your 4 year old son in the middle of the Disney store who was busy sitting on the floor with tear streaming down his face, as he held onto the Simba stuffed toy with all his strength.
"No I want Simba!" Luke shouted at his father who was starting to get frustrated and embarrassed by the shouting boys.
"You already have Simba at home and I told you that you could have one toy today and I've already gotten you about three, so come on Luke" Niall took hold of the toy and pried it off of Luke and placed it back on the shelf. This seemed to push Luke over the edge as he stood up and started crying and screaming loudly, stamping his little feet on the floor.
"LUKE! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Niall grabbed Luke by the waist and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder and walking out of the store making his way back to the car. He strapped Luke into his car seat and tried to ignore the screams that emerged from the little boy.
"Next time Mummy can take you shopping" Niall muttered to himself as he drove the noisy kid home.

"No! I'm not going to bed yet" Mia your 6 year old crosses her arm and relaxed into the sofa she was sitting on next to you and your husband Zayn.
"Er, yes you are. You're only 6 and it's already 9pm, you're lucky that I didn't make you go to bed 2 hours ago. So come on let's go" Zayn sternly said standing up and waiting for Mia to get up as well. Mia didnt take notice of her father and just continued to stare t the tv in front of her.
"Mia, listen to your father" you tapped the side of her leg to get her attention but she didn't pay attention to you either.
"Mia, go upstairs now" Zayn shouted, losing his temper rather fast.
"NO!" Mia shouted back, having the same temper as her father. You rolled your eyes knowing where this was going to go.
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S NOT FAIR" She frowned and stood up, mirroring the image of Zayn.
"FINE!" She stormed up the stairs, making sure that her feet stomped loud enough for you and Zayn to hear. You sighed as Zayn collapsed on the sofa next to you, placing his hand on your baby bump.
"I hope this one has your temper" he chuckled, leaning over and kissing your cheek.

"Clara, eat your peas" Louis pointed to your 8 year old daughters plate, you looked at it and noticed she hadn't eaten any of her peas but had eaten the rest.
"But I don't like peas" she groaned jabbing the little green monsters on the plate with her fork.
"I know, but you need to eat them. You don't eat enough vegetables and its not healthy. You aren't leaving the table until you eat them" Louis said sternly, being fed up of her getting away with not eating her vegetables every night.
"No. I'm not eating them" she snapped sassily, putting down her fork and crossing her arms.
"Er, yes you're missy and don't use that tone with me" Louis snapped back just as sassy. Clara rolled her eyes and sighed. "Okay that's it, lately you have been acting like a spoilt brat and I am fed up with it" you looked over at your son who was looking down at his food, still eating trying not to get involved in the argument that was about to blow up. "You aren't going to Rachel's party" Louis finished looking down at his food, picking up mash potato on his fork and shoving it in his mouth. Clara's jaw dropped open and her eyes widened.
"Dad, you can't do that! You know I hate peas and I can't not go to Rachel's party she is my best friend!" Clara's voice went higher as she tried to argue with her father.
"No, my decision is final" Louis raised his eyebrows, continuing to eat.
"BUT THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! WHY DO YOU NEVER DO THIS TO MAX! IT'S ALWAYS ME!!!" She shouted, pushing her chair back forcefully and running upstairs, slamming her bedroom door.
"Lou, don't you think that was a bit to harsh" you commented, sighing and rubbing your eyes.
"She needs to learn and this is the only way to get her to" Louis shrugged and turned to his 6 year old son "Max you're good, you eat your vegetable" he ruffled Max's hair and smiled.

"How come Lauren gets an ice cream and I don't?" Marley frowned at Liam as he handed his 4 year old daughter an ice cream. Marley your 6 year old son pouted and crosses his arms angrily.
"Because, remember what I said to you yesterday, bad boys don't get ice creams" Liam raised his eyebrows staring down at Marley.
"But I'm not a bad boy" Marley pouted his frown getting deeper.
"Yes you are, you pulled Lauren's hair and bit her, that is naughty so for the rest of the week you are a bad boy" You pointed out to Marley, knowing he will probably not listen anyway.
"I want an ice cream" Marley narrowed his eyes and tugged on Liam's jeans.
"You can't have any, you can tomorrow but not right now" Liam went to pick Marley but Marley moved away quickly and stomped his foot.
"I want ice cream" he shouted and started crying "GET ME AN ICE CREAM" he started stamping his feet and attracting attention from people passing by.
"Marley don't do this, you aren't having an ice cream" Liam stood his ground.
"Liam just get him an ice cream" you sighed, mentally facepalming. Marley looked up at you with big pleading eyes, stopping his screaming.
"No, he doesn't deserve one now" this made Marley's tears start streaming down his cheeks again. You grabbed Marley's hand and pulled him back to the ice cream stand. Marley turned and smirked at his father, knowing that he had you wrapped around his little finger.

"Casper! I was watching that!" 12 year old William shouted at 3 year old Casper, after Casper had taken the tv remote from William and had changed the channel over.
"But I want to watch Mickey Mouse" Casper frowned and hugged the tv remote in hope William wouldn't steal it back.
"Tough, I want to watch the music channel" William snapped, reaching over and snatching the remote back. Harry walked into the living room and sat down in between the two boys.
"What's going on?" He asked looking between his sons.
"William stole the tv remote from me! I wanted to watch Mickey Mouse" Casper explained with his bottom lip trembling and tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"Who had the remote first" Harry furrowed his eyebrows looking t William, knowing that he would tell the truth as he is older and more trustworthy.
"I did" William told Harry and sighed.
"Okay, then Casper we will just have to wait and watch Mickey Mouse afterwards won't we" Harry smiled and put his arms out for Casper to hug him. But Casper burst into a flood of tears and jumped off of the sofa running into the kitchen towards you.
"MUMMY!" He shouted and ran to you, hugging your legs. He started stamping his feet and screaming. He usually does this when he is angry or upset and sometimes in both cases. You picked him up and he leaned his head into your neck and cried. You rubbed his back soothingly as William walked in, holding the tv remote out to Casper.
"Cas, you can have it if you really want" He smiled weakly and sighed, obviously not wanting to give it up, but doing it jut to make his little brother happy.

Liam's one is SO NOT FAIRR!!

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