He Spends Time With Your Child.

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He Spends Time With Your Child.

Harry: "Daddy, you can't go to the tea party unless you're pretty! Hold still!" Your three year old daughter Darcey demands, giving Harry the evil eye. He's seated at the little pink table in her room, joined by her large stuffed bunny and a doll that never fails to give him the creeps. He smiles at his little girl and does as he's told, allowing her to clip sparkly bows in his curly mane and apply some bright red lipstick. He rubs his lips together, "Do I look good, Darce?" He asks, puckering his lips and striking a pose, relishing in the way she giggles and claps her hands together in glee. She steps back and admires her work, nodding furiously, "Yes! Pretty Daddy!" He chuckles and leans back in his chair that he clearly does not fit in, his eyes following her as she pours the imaginary tea in his cup. "I think Bunny Bun would like some more sugar," Harry says, glancing at the bunny to his left and pointing to his teacup. She slaps her forehead, saying that she's silly to forget that Bunny Bun likes three lumps of sugar, not two. Harry swears that he could spend the rest of his life having moments like this with his baby girl.

Liam: "Daddy, it's the Bat Signal!" Your son cries, pointing up in the sky and tugging on his father's pants. It's no secret that Liam loves Batman, and it doesn't surprise you that your son inherited the same passion for the superhero. He wants nothing more than to be just like his father. Liam gasps and lowers himself to Eli's level, "Holy Trouble, Batman, you're right!" He says, pretending to panic and look around frantically. Liam decides to let his son be the hero, and to play the sidekick without hesitation, "What should we do?" Eli lifts his finger to his chin and ponders, trying to keep a straight face through the excitement he feels when his Dad plays along like this. He flips his cape behind his shoulders and adjusts his mask that's a little too big for him and says, "Quick Robin, to the Bat Cave!" Your husband throws his head back and laughs, thinking about just how much he reminds him of himself. He grabs the young boy and lifts him over his head, helping him "fly" through the air as he starts to sing the theme song. The two whiz down the hallways, their laughter echoing throughout the entire house.

Louis: Louis adores sitting with your five year old daughter in her room to listen to the things that she says, how bright and witty she is at such a young age. She's his pride and joy, and words cannot express how much he loves her. "Daddy, I want to dance," She says, adjusting the fairy wings that she decided to slip on just a few moments ago. Louis cocks his head to the side, this being a strange statement from her considering she had always wanted to be a singer just like her father. "Okay, I'll talk to Mommy tonight, and we'll look into getting you dance lessons," He replies, wanting to be supportive in whatever she decides to do in her life. He's confused when she shakes her head at him, walking over and tugging on his hands, "No, Daddy, I want to dance with you!" He chuckles, standing up and lifting her onto his feet and causing her to giggle, "But you have to sing, please!" He takes her tiny hands into his own and clears his throat, waltzing around her room as he softly begins to sing Rockin' Robin, one of her favorites. He wishes that he could freeze this moment, the two of them laughing and dancing together, and replay it forever.

Niall: Niall picks up the naked blonde Barbie doll, turning her over in his hands and observing the odd and inaccurate body shape she possesses. Felicity smiles up at her father that she roped into playing with her, offering him the box of clothes for the dolls. "She's going to a dance, so make her pretty, Daddy!" She chirps, dressing her own doll in a pretty gown. Niall stares at the box wide-eyed and lost, unsure as to how the hell he's supposed to choose under the pressure put on him by his four year old to make sure she looks good. After deliberating for a good five minutes, he chooses a purple skirt and a pink top, velcroing the backs shut and grinning in satisfaction. "How's this look, Licity?" He asks, holding up the now fully clothed doll to her, waiting for her answer. She frowns, reaching out to take her from Niall, shaking her head in disproval. "Daddy," She begins, sounding almost frustrated, "This doesn't match!" Niall blinks, surprised that his four year old knows, or rather cares, about that small fact. She sighs, "Can you call Uncle Louis? I want him to play with me instead." He doesn't know whether to be extremely insulted or relieved that Louis is better at dressing dolls than he is.

Zayn: "Daddy! Daddy! Look what I made!" He squeals, beaming when Zayn looks away from his creation that he was working on as well. Hunter waves the paper around his face, and Zayn takes it, "Alright, little man, let's see what you've got here." Your son claps his hands together, excited to show his father his artwork. It was how the two of them bonded, sitting around for sometimes hours and drawing pictures of many different things. Scribbled on the paper was a very colorful stick figure of Zayn and Hunter, holding hands with huge smiles on both of their faces. Your husband chuckled, looking down at his little boy, "Hey bud, I think this is my favorite one so far. Go show your mother." Hunter beams, so utterly proud of himself that it makes Zayn feel on top of the world. He listens to the pitter-patter of his son's tiny feet running down the halls to do as he said, smirking upon hearing him say: "Mommy, look! Daddy said this is the best one!" He loves being a dad so much, loves the way his son tries so hard to be like him, and adores the way that half the time he doesn't even have to try.

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