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Four years ago you had the best boyfriend in the world until you found him cheating on you and decided to leave and hadn't seemed to car considering you haven't seen him in four years. But you did get one amazing thing out of it you beautiful little boy Nico. Today was a normal Wednesday you had just got home from work and soon your neighbor and friend would be bringing her son and Nico home from soccer practice. When you heard a knock on the door you went to get it and when you did your mouth fell open, it was your ex and sons father Niall Horan. "Hey y/n... uh I know its been a long time but I uh... we were in town and I wanted to see how you were."

"I'm good Niall, I'm just uh a little busy."

"Well I have today off and could we maybe catch up?" You pondered letting him in but Nico didn't know who his dad was you could always lie you kind of wanted to know why Niall never bothered searching you out or trying to say sorry.

"Yeah come on in." You two walked into the house. As Niall sat on the couch you heard the front door open and the stomping of cleats.

"Mommy I'm home!" Nico yelled.

"Cleats!" You yelled back knowing as usual he had forgotten to take them off. Your little brunette haired bright blue eyed boy ran up to you.

"Mom I scored five goals."

"You did I'm so proud of you." You joyously said picking your son up in a hug. You looked over seeing Niall and turned to him saying.

"Well Niall meet my son Nico. Nico this is one of mommas old friends can you say hi."

"Hi Niall!" Nico smiled running over and giving him a hug your son was always very friendly and happy.

"I'm hungry." Nico informed you.

"Alright what does my little lep... boy want?" You had to quickly correct yourself not wanting Niall to hear you say Leprechaun. You could already see the suspicon in his eyes.

"20 chicken nuggets." You began warming up the nuggets realizing more and more how much Nico was like Niall.

"I didn't know you had a son. Are you with his father?" Niall questioned.

"Nope I'm not." You quickly answered. Nico continued eating his food and Niall just keep looking at him you knew the question was coming.

"So Nico how old are you?"

"Four and mom I'm done."

"Okay baby why don..." You were cut off by Nico staring at Niall then asking.

"Hey do I know you already Niall?"

"No Nico yo..."

"I think I do."

"Nicholas James I told you no now go upstairs and take a bath." Your son stood and marched upstairs.

"He has quite the appetite huh?" Niall asked.

"Yeah he does."

"Loves soccer, blue eyes, brunette hair..." Just as you were ready to either tell Niall the truth or shut his accusations down Nico was racing down the stairs with a picture from your room of Niall and you when you were dating.

"Look momma I told you I knew him from somewhere."

"You always were so smart little leprechaun." You said turning to Niall figuring now was the time to tell him. "Yes Niall he is... yours." The words barely came out. He just hugged you saying.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." You broke free from him sort of angry.

"Why didn't you look for me or anything."

"I figured you wouldn't want me to or that you hated me I didn't want to make things worse. I didn't know you were pregnant. I was going to leave you alone but coming here back to where I met you. I couldn't do it I had to see you. Had to make sure you were okay. I am so sorry y/n but please he is mine too and I love you both. Can we please try again?" As he finished his speech you felt a piece of your heart come back to life a piece that had been missing for four years.

"Yes, of course." You kissed Niall and gave him a hug and soon you felt Nico's little arms around you two as he said.

"I always knew you were my daddy."

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